The Evil Intent of the Pledge of Allegiance
"“Rex Curry is the historian who revealed amazing discoveries including (1) that the USA’s Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was the origin of the Nazi salute and Nazi behavior adopted later in Germany under Hitler’s socialism, and (2) that the so-called “swastika” symbol was used to represent “S” letter shapes for “SOCIALISM” under Hitler.”
It has pleased me greatly to see the recent headlines and articles lambasting the horrible “Pledge of Allegiance.” It is about time. This is beside the fact that many of the reasons given for abandoning these nation-state glorification (socialist) testimonials, are incorrect, based on some ‘woke’ agenda, or some non-thinking collective nonsense. No one should ever have said any evil pledge to any nation or country, or sang any ‘national’ anthem meant as worship of the State. The fact that this is demanded of children from almost infancy to adult is no accident, as it takes time to indoctrinate, and make compliant an entire society."