you know it's gonna be a bad night
when your first immediate id+ on sight
is the baker
you know it's gonna be a bad night
when your first immediate id+ on sight
is the baker
>missed fun
that's the prayer
my only problem is
how do i id+ filter myself
to avoid being "funned"
reports that there is an "object" near the one remaining pipeline:
~Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov also told reporters it was a positive sign that Denmark had invited the Russian-controlled operator of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline to help salvage an unidentified object found close to the Baltic Sea pipelines.
"It is critically important to determine what kind of object it is, whether it is related to this terrorist act - apparently it is - and to continue this investigation. And this investigation must be transparent," Peskov added.~
so this "object" appears directly linked to the sabotage
could be the receiver that transduced the signal to detonate
now the frantic cover stories are also expanding
it was "six russian ships" that done it:
never mind that this completely contradicts the last "official" story
the andromeda yacht with mysterious non-state ukrainian backing
that no one knows anything about, but it's the story
until the next story
this is not going to end well for winken, blynken and nodd
the mysterious "object"
i said a while back on the board
what if there's still something undetonated down there?
there's one pipeline left
and now that something has "apparently" been discovered
why are the russians invited to check it out?
panic in dc
this is why it's interesting that the russians have been invited to investigate
the whole thing might be a set-up
the russians will be fully aware
they've been blocked from all the other investigations
so this is all intrigue