Was XXXTentacion's murder a sacrifice he predicted?
excerpt from video:
“If I’m going to die or ever be a sacrifice, I want to make sure that my life made at least five million kids happy or they found some sort of answers or resolve in my life regardless of the negative around my name, regardless of the bad things people say to me."
The date of the video is not confirmed, but one source reported it as December 28, 2017. https://twitter.com/XXL/status/1009055515962429440
The victim was in current legal jeopardy with a history of mental illness. Unfortunately, this appears too often in MKUltra type conditioning.
vigilant citizen has a good breakdown here: https://vigilantcitizen.com/latestnews/the-troubled-life-and-symbolic-death-of-xxxtentacion/
"X was rather open about his connection to Satanism." Although he tried to quit Capitol Records, "[he was] unable to end his contract. He remained signed to Capitol Records and went back to making music."
Was X's death a sacrifice? Vigilant Citizen discusses elements of his death that appear symbolic.
"X, who wore a “Team Satan 666” hat, died on 06/18/18. In kabbalistic numerology, the number “18” is translated to “6+6+6”, which would make the date of death 6/6+6+6/6+6+6.
Also, everything about his death relates to the material things he got after “selling his soul”. The news reported that X was shot inside his BMW i8 sports car while shopping for a new motorcycle. There was also mention of a Louis Vuitton bag being stolen which reportedly contained thousands of dollars in cash."