Hey i liked that little boy, kek
Some boys like shiny girl things( sometimes it;s just a phase) Liking those things, does not always make a person gay. People like different things, different colors, different patterns, designs, etc.
just like it's fine for girls to like rough housing, climbing tree's, fishing, hiking, camping, riding bikes off dirt hills,playing with cars and trucks.
Known many girls who like that stuff, and like playing with dolls, and girl stuff too.
Yes they have put hormones in our food, and things like soy, which has natural female hormones.
what you suggest someone yell and shame, a little boy that likes girl things?
It will take along time, maybe generations to reverse the damage those people did to us.
Where we go one we go all.
Yes they did push all of that main stream, and pushed being gay on impressionable children.
We will have alot of work to help restore.Gay people exist, and many are good people.
Those not involved with those evil people with an agenda to push.
They want us divided.
Don't pick on a little boy, or any child.
Unless it's jaden smith taking his hair as a date to the oscars, kek.