To the Anons who wonder why some stuff must be kept secret: long story short, look up "red team planner" that posted back around the same time as fbianon on 4chan.
President Trump is doing a great job of avoiding a civil war. RTP said that in the event of a civil war, USA ceases to exist as we know it, and 10,000 people die of starvation in the first year alone. The good news is that liberals would lose. Bad news is, the govt would lose, even with Trump in charge (my extrapolation).
If you really don't trust the plan, just research where all the transformers are, and wait. Why? If you looked up RTP like I said before, you would know.
As an aside, one of the proofs that Trump has the blessing of God is that he is wanting evil people to repent, and has been giving them the chance to do so. I think that has come to an end. We shall see.
My personal preference would be declare martial law, and summarily execute the evil fuckers. But then again, I don't give a shit about the collateral damage.
I do know that cabal symbology MUST be taught to all kids in school, as well as propaganda and forum shilling tactics, so they know it when they see it.
God speed, Anons.