MSM is saying that the message on her jacket was directed at the refugees, children in particular.
Its about ZARA. Any good memers to get this message out?
Its not a game.
Learn to play the game.
MSM is saying that the message on her jacket was directed at the refugees, children in particular.
Its about ZARA. Any good memers to get this message out?
Its not a game.
Learn to play the game.
She either set herself up for that by not being crystal clear in her message or she was trolling the media
Sank you Veddy much
That is one fucked up app to have on your phone.
Maybe it sends a signal to the nearest thug kinda like Uber. Whack.
Good questions anon. Drop the green sauce and post over on the Q&A board
I did too
I believe that is an old photo from just after T won the election. Party tent?
According to the sauce, it goes down today.
I think we can guess what the 4am MSM talking points will try to divert attention away from later today
That is a pretty whimpy looking rape tree
Are those the servers that SIS used with Seth and Strozk?
I guess somebody didnt pay the shill-bill on this factoid
i guess i threw up in my mouth a little
My, have the mighty fallen