Anonymous ID: 473816 March 27, 2023, 10:41 a.m. No.18589874   🗄️.is đź”—kun

FTX Bankruptcy Estate Recovers Over $400M From The Hedge Fund Run By SBF's Alleged Former Lover

Bankrupt crypto derivatives exchange platform FTX has reached a deal with the Bahamas-based hedge fund Modulo Capital to recover $404 million in cash along with the agreement that it will give up its claim to the $56 million in assets held on FTX's CEX.

It's a good day for the FTX estate since it has made an impressive success in coming into agreement with Modulo Capital after it filed a motion to recoup $460 million in assets from the hedge fund, which includes $404 million in cash, an amount representing more than 99% of the company's remaining assets.

A filing in the U.S. bankruptcy court in Delaware relating to the agreement also detailed that Modulo Capital agreed to relinquish any claims to the $56 million in assets held in FTX and FTX US accounts with the remaining $404 million in assets converted into cash at J.P. Morgan.

The move was believed to be made to avoid the long process of pursuing the claims through litigation.

The ability of the new FTX executives to secure this massive payback of $460 million via negotiations with key people at Modulo Capital would prove helpful in recovering the now-bankrupt crypto empire's financial health.

So far, the team has seized approximately $700 million from Sam Bankman-Fried, the founder and former CEO of FTX. The bankruptcy estate can now move on to other investments to recover the company's billions of dollars worth of funds.

Modulo Capital gained notoriety in the crypto space when FTX imploded and investigations led to the Bahamas-based hedge fund's doorstep. In an article earlier this year, The New York Times described the business as the "unknown hedge fund that got $400 million" from Bankman-Fried.

The firm has neither a track record nor a public profile and was run by its founder Duncan Rheingans-Yoo, who reportedly finished college just a couple of years ago.

Interestingly, the outlet, citing four people with knowledge of the relationship, revealed that Xiaoyun Zhang, who uses the name "Lily" and was Rheingans-Yoo's business partner, was romantically involved with Bankman-Fried in the past.

The controversial crypto kingpin allegedly met Lily during his stint at Jane Street Capital, a trading firm where his other former lover and former CEO of the crypto hedge fund Alameda Research, previously worked.

The name Modulo Capital emerged last year following the disclosure made by the Bahamian prosecutor of their knowledge of the existence of the said hedge fund after Bankman-Fried's bail hearing in the Bahamas and days before he was extradited to the United States.

Anonymous ID: 473816 March 27, 2023, 11:16 a.m. No.18590080   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0082

My message to Benjamin Netanyahu: stop your coup or we’ll stop the country

Plans for the Israeli judicial system are an anti-democratic coup – and will be resisted

We are in the midst of a historical hurricane. This hurricane stirs in us not anger or hatred – but fear. We’re anxious, we don’t sleep at night, we are simply terrified. And this is perfectly OK. There are moments in history when fear is the most sane reaction. There are moments in history when fear is necessary to propel us to action.

Today we have an excellent reason to be afraid, and we have an excellent reason to act. Don’t let anybody fool you: what this government is carrying out is not a judicial reform, it is an anti-democratic coup. This is exactly what a coup looks like.

Coups are not always carried out with tanks in the streets. Many coups in history were carried out behind closed doors with pens and papers, and by the time people understood the meaning of what was written in those papers – it was too late to resist.

History is full of dictatorships established by people who first came to power through legal means. It’s the oldest trick in the book: first you use the law to gain power, then you use your power to distort the law. When examined together, the laws this government is currently legislating have one simple meaning (and you don’t need a PhD in law to get it): if these laws are passed, the government will have the power to completely destroy our freedom.

Sixty-one members of Knesset [the Israeli parliament, with 120 members] could pass any racist, oppressive and anti-democratic law they think of; 61 members of Knesset could also change the electoral system, to stop us from replacing the regime. When we ask the leaders of this coup what will keep the power of the government in check under the new regime, and what will protect basic human rights, they only have one answer: “trust us”.

Prime Minister Netanyahu, Justice Minister Levin, MK Rothman, chair of the constitution committee, we do not trust you! You’re tearing to shreds the contract that has somehow held our society together for 75 years, and then you expect us to trust you?

We don’t trust you, because we know very well what you want. You want unlimited power. You want to shut us up and to tell us how to live, what to eat, what to wear, what to think and even who to love.

But you don’t understand who you’re dealing with. Israelis are not good raw material for making slaves [The enslavement of the ancient Hebrews is a core part of Jewish holy texts, remembered especially at the festival of Passover]. We Israelis are stubborn, we’re free-spirited, and nobody has ever managed to shut us up. We will not allow you to turn Israel into a dictatorship.

Anonymous ID: 473816 March 27, 2023, 11:16 a.m. No.18590082   🗄️.is đź”—kun


So what will happen over the coming weeks?

They will go on trying to pass their dictatorial laws. They will also go on calling us “anarchists” and “traitors”, and exploiting or even initiating extreme events in order to suppress the resistance. On our side, we will continue to protest, and to make sure that the supreme court judges have both the popular backing and the determination to strike down these dictatorial laws.

And what if the government refuses to accept the ruling of the supreme court? Then we enter a constitutional crisis. A constitutional crisis in uncharted territory, devoid of clear rules and laws. Who will the police take orders from – the government or the court? Who will the Shin Bet and the Mossad take orders from? Who will the Israel Defence Forces (IDF) obey? And the most important question of all – what will the citizens do?

The opinion polls are clear: a large majority of Israelis oppose what this government is doing. But polls don’t stop dictatorships. History teaches us that the last and most important line of defence in every democracy is you, the citizens.

Democracy is a deal, according to which citizens must respect the government’s decisions, on the condition that the government respects the basic liberties of the citizens. When one side breaks the deal, the other side doesn’t have to go on fulfilling its part. When a government tries to establish a dictatorship, citizens are allowed to resist.

This is a historical test for the citizens of Israel, and if we fail it, we will not be given a second chance. We must raise our heads now – or keep our heads down for the rest of our lives. We must raise our voices now – or keep our mouths shut for the rest of our lives. This is the time to protest, to shout, and also – to stand still.

For example, as a university professor, I hope that as long as this anti-democratic coup goes on, all academic establishments in Israel will go on strike. We must, of course, continue to support our students in these troubled times, but this is the moment to halt all regular courses, and teach only about democracy, human rights and freedom.

If some of us find it difficult to go on an official strike, I am convinced that as Israelis, we will find creative ways to drag our feet and to ignore orders. Each one of us can throw a little wrench in the gears of the anti-democratic coup.

Finally, as a typical Israeli, since I was given the microphone, I would like to take this opportunity to send some personal messages. To Esther Hayut, chief justice of the supreme court, and to Gali Baharav-Miara, the attorney general, you have been entrusted with one of the most difficult and most important missions in the history of Israel. This is a huge responsibility, but also a big privilege. This is your moment to make history. Don’t hesitate and don’t back down: protect our freedom.

To President Herzog and to the heads of the opposition parties – safeguard our freedom, and don’t compromise on it. When a tiger comes to devour us, we cannot negotiate a compromise whereby the tiger will only eat half of our body. To reserve IDF soldiers who are considering what they can do – don’t serve dictators! Your contract is with Israeli democracy, not with its undertakers.

To the IDF, the Shin Bet, the Mossad, and the Israeli police – if the moment of truth comes, make the right choice. Go down in history as the protectors of the citizens – not as the servants of despots.

To all the demonstrators who came here tonight and to dozens of other protests throughout Israel – I just want to say I love you.

And last but not least, I want to convey a clear message from all of us to Netanyahu, Levin, Rothman and their colleagues – true, you have 64 fingers in the Knesset, but that doesn’t mean you’re allowed to shove these fingers anywhere you like. Keep your hands off our freedom.

Stop the coup – or we will stop the country.

Anonymous ID: 473816 March 27, 2023, 11:47 a.m. No.18590302   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0496 >>0555

The fallout of the military’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate

The new year brought a major victory for thousands of service members who refused the COVID-19 vaccines – and the conservative lawmakers and pundits who backed them. The Pentagon was forced to repeal its coronavirus mandate by a largely-GOP-backed requirement added to the 2023 National Defense Authorization Act, signed into law by President Joe Biden in December. But many troops who balked at taking the shots still face uncertain futures.

The controversy shows how healthcare became a political football, with both the far right and some on the left objecting to mandated COVID vaccinations, mask-wearing, and other government public health responses. It also revealed how COVID disinformation spread and caught fire, stoking deepening mistrust of government among wide segments of American society.

More than 17,000 service members balked at taking the shots, citing safety fears linked to the vaccine’s speedy development and spurred by misinformation about messenger ribonucleic acid technology, as well as concern over fetal cell lines used in formulation and testing. The more the controversy raged in the news, the more troops asked to skip the shots, Military Times reporting found.

While the Pentagon lifted the vaccine mandate as ordered, officials warned that repealing it would affect military readiness, potentially putting service members at risk of serious illness. DoD officials believe the shots worked: Not a single service member has died of COVID-19 since early 2022, when more than 98% of the active duty force had been at least partially vaccinated.

“The Department will continue to promote and encourage COVID-19 vaccination for all Service members,” Austin wrote in the Jan. 10 memo repealing the mandate. “The Department has made COVID-19 vaccination as easy and convenient as possible, resulting in vaccines administered to over two million Service members and 96 percent of the force ― Active and Reserve ― being fully vaccinated.”

The now-lifted mandate’s aftermath is still playing out. Of the 17,000 service members who refused to take the vaccine, roughly half have been discharged and another thousand or so secured exemptions.

Separated troops are eligible to upgrade their discharges, or even come back into service if they want to. At the same time, Pentagon officials are still determining how to treat ― and possibly reprimand ― the remaining 7,000 troops who leaders say did not follow a lawful order.

The mandate’s end put a halt to any adverse actions against currently serving troops who had applied for exemptions, while opening the door for those involuntarily separated to apply to have their characterizations of service changed on their discharge paperwork. What it didn’t do was authorize them to automatically get their jobs back, or furnish any back pay for the time between their discharges and the mandate repeal, though some Republican lawmakers are still pushing for that legislation.

The Pentagon is also exploring how to handle a small number of still-serving troops who didn’t apply for waivers, but avoided dismissal during the vaccine mandate, meaning they refused a lawful order to get vaccinated.

“It’s very important that our service members follow orders when they are lawful, and there are thousands that did not,” Gil Cisneros, the Pentagon’s personnel boss, told members of the House Armed Services Committee in February. “The services are going through a process to review those cases to make a determination what needs to be done.”

In addition to separating more than 8,000 troops, the services granted roughly 1,200 permanent and temporary exemptions for the vaccine, whether for administrative reasons, including religious objection, or medical concerns.

The number of waivers was unprecedented. In August 2021, before the Pentagon first announced its forthcoming mandate, vaccine exemptions were relatively rare, and mostly given for past allergic reactions or for temporary situations, like pregnancy or an impending separation from service.

Involuntary discharges for separation were even more rare, and hadn’t happened in any significant way since the early 2000s, when the widespread side effects of the anthrax vaccine prompted a groundswell of troops to refuse it.

Anonymous ID: 473816 March 27, 2023, 12:09 p.m. No.18590447   🗄️.is đź”—kun

What You Need To Know About The Violent Animals Of MS-13

The violent animals of MS-13 have committed heinous, violent attacks in communities across America.

Too many innocent Americans have fallen victim to the unthinkable violence of MS-13’s animals.

At the State of the Union in January 2018, President Trump brought as his guests Elizabeth Alvarado, Robert Mickens, Evelyn Rodriguez, and Freddy Cuevas, the parents of Nisa Mickens and Kayla Cuevas. Police believe these young girls were chased down and brutally murdered by MS-13 gang members on Long Island, New York, in 2016. Suffolk County Police Commissioner stated that the “murders show a level of brutality that is close to unmatched.”

In Maryland, MS-13’s animals are accused of stabbing a man more than 100 times and then decapitating him, dismembering him, and ripping his heart out of his body. Police believe MS-13 members in Maryland also savagely beat a 15-year-old human trafficking victim. The MS-13 animals used a bat and took turns beating her nearly 30 times in total.

In Houston, Texas, two MS-13 members were charged after kidnapping and sexually assaulting one girl and murdering another. The two MS-13 animals laughed, smiled, and waved for cameras in court as they faced the charges.

New York communities have suffered tremendously from the abhorrent violence of MS-13. Nearly 40 percent of all murders in Suffolk County, New York between January 2016 and June 2017 were tied to MS-13.

In January 2017, MS-13 members were charged with killing and hacking up a teenager in Nassau County. MS-13’s animals reportedly saw the murder as a way to boost their standing in the gang. In April 2017, police believe four young men were brutally murdered by MS-13 animals on Long Island. One victim was a young man in town visiting family during an Easter week vacation. Just last month, in April 2018, MS-13 reportedly called for its members on Long Island to kill a cop for the sake of making a statement.

WHY: MS-13 is a transnational gang which follows the motto of “kill, rape, control” by committing shocking acts of violence in an attempt to instill fear and gain control.

MS-13 is a transnational gang that has brought violence, fear, and suffering to American communities. MS-13, short for Mara Salvatrucha, commits shocking acts of violence to instill fear, including machete attacks, executions, gang rape, human trafficking, and more. In their motto, the animals of MS-13 make clear their goal is to “kill, rape, control.” The gang has more than 10,000 members in the United States spreading violence and suffering.

Recent investigations have revealed MS-13 gang leaders based in El Salvador have been sending representatives into the United States illegally to connect the leaders with local gang members. These foreign-based gang leaders direct local members to become even more violent in an effort to control more territory.

President Trump’s entire Administration is working tirelessly to bring these violent animals to justice.

Anonymous ID: 473816 March 27, 2023, 12:16 p.m. No.18590490   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Next week, I’ll be sending a bill to congress to eliminate all taxes (income, property, capital gains and import tariffs) on technology innovations, such as software programming, coding, apps and AI development; as well as computing and communications hardware manufacturing.