Anonymous ID: fb8fca March 27, 2023, 7:19 p.m. No.18593005   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3046 >>3055 >>3493



ABC’s Terry Moran Appears to Blame Today’s Nashville School Mass Shooting by “Transgender” on Republican Lawmakers Who Oppose Transgender Surgery for Minors


One consistent theme with the left and their media allies is after a horrific incident involving children, they begin the blame game before the bodies are even cold.


As previously reported, a horrific mass shooting occurred at Nashville’s Covenant School Monday morning where at least six people perished, including three children.


The shooter, who was later identified as Audrey Hale, who claimed to be transgender, is also dead.


The New York Post reported that Hale was a former student at Covenant School and their online profile listed her as working in Commercial Illustration and Graphic Design.


Hale was shot dead by police at the elementary school at 10:57 AM.


The Gateway Pundit previously confirmed the mass shooter was a former student at the school.


The Biden regime immediately responded to the horrific shooting by bashing Republicans and demanding gun control, including a ban on so-called “assault weapons.”


Now the corporate media has started to blame the right. ABC’s Terry Moran on Monday night had the audacity to blame the mass shooting on recently-signed legislation by Republicans in Tennessee banning puberty blockers and gender reassignment surgery for minors


Relevant transcript:


The police have also said that the shooter has been identified as 28-year-old Audrey Hale and said she was a former student of the school.


And confirmed that Audrey Hale was, identified herself as a transgender person.


Uh, the state of Tennessee earlier this month passed and the governor signed a bill that banned transgender medical care for minors.


As well as a law that prohibited adult entertainment including male and female impersonators after a series of drag show controversies in that state.


Moran was one of President Trump’s biggest haters when Trump was in office.

Anonymous ID: fb8fca March 27, 2023, 7:23 p.m. No.18593027   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3036

YESTERDAY: TRANS Radicals Threatened Violence in TN Over Trans and Drag Queen Legislation…TODAY: Trans Person Reportedly Shot and Killed 6 People At Nashville, TN, Christian School


100 Percent Fed Up reports – Journalist Andy Ngô recently took to Twitter to call out far-left extremists and trans activists for threatening violence against GOP lawmakers who are working to restrict the medical transitioning of minors.


On Sunday, Ngô posted screenshots of a tweet in which a nihilistic trans rights extremist called for violence against Tennessee lawmakers after the state banned the medical transitioning of minors and drag performances where minors may be present.


Ngô wrote, “Far-left extremists & militant #trans activists are threatening to injure or kill lawmakers in Tennessee as revenge for the state banning the medical transitioning of minors. Their violent threats have surged in recent weeks.”


One Twitter user, @BlackheartSora, who is a self-described “trans girl demon femboy girltwink,” posted a screenshot of a news story about the recent Tennessee legislation, saying, “this is what genocide looks like.”


Another Twitter user, @nihilistigf161, who is “anti-civ,” “post-left,” a “queer nihilist,” and an “indigenous-egoist,” replied saying, “these people forcing youth to detransition have names and addresses.”


Someone else replied, “You let me know where I can get my hands on ricin then we’re in business.”


These Twitter users are actively suggesting violence against lawmakers and potential assassination. Such threats should be taken very seriously by the US federal government.


This disgusting tweet has since been deleted by its author.


However, the very same account has posted other disturbing content that calls for violence from the trans community. On Sunday, the Twitter user posted a quote saying:


“Many blame queers for the decline of this society – we take pride in this. Some believe that we intend to shred to bits this civilization and it’s moral fabric – they couldn’t be more accurate. We’re often described as depraved, decadent and revolting – but oh they ain’t seen nothing yet.”


The day after these radical extremists called for violence, a trans-28-year-old carried out a mass shooting at a Christian school in Nashville, killing three young students and three teachers.

Anonymous ID: fb8fca March 27, 2023, 7:31 p.m. No.18593066   🗄️.is 🔗kun

House Passes Bipartisan Bill To Fight Chinese ‘State-Sponsored Forced Organ Harvesting’


The U.S. House of Representatives decisively passed bipartisan legislation Monday to crack down on the Chinese organ harvesting industry.


In a 412-2 vote, the House approved H.R. 1154, the Stopped Forced Organ Harvesting Act, which would sanction those involved in the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) state-sponsored harvesting of human organs. Chinese ethnic minorities, such as the Uyghurs and the Falun Dafa, have been targeted in organ harvesting, according to the bill and previous testimony.


“State-sponsored forced organ harvesting is big business for Xi and the Chinese Communist Party and shows absolutely no signs of abating,” Republican New Jersey Rep. Chris Smith said while debating the bill on the House floor.


Republican Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene and Republican Kentucky Rep. Thomas Massie were the only two members of Congress to vote against the bill. Massie was the lone dissenting vote on a similar bill in 2019, saying in a tweet at the time, “When our government meddles in the internal affairs of foreign countries, it invites those governments to meddle in our affairs.”


The bill, introduced by Smith, Republican Texas Rep. Michael McCaul, Democratic Massachusetts Rep. Bill Keating and Democratic North Carolina Rep. Kathy Manning, would impose sanctions such as imprisonment for up to 20 years, fines up to $1 million and a ban from buying property or obtaining visas on anyone that the president determines to fund, sponsor or in any way facilitate forced organ harvesting or trafficking for the removal of organs.


The bill will also amend the Foreign Assistance Act of 1969, which established that no aid could be sent to countries that violate established international human rights, to require reports on forced human organ harvesting and trafficking in foreign countries.


The Uyghurs and the Falun Gong have been sent to Chinese internment camps and have lived under genocide threats. Last year, Ethan Gutmann, a senior fellow at the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, told Congress at a hearing led by Smith that China’s detained ethnic minority prisoners are targeted for organ harvesting yearly.


“Ethnic groups targeted for mass harvesting include Uyghurs, who suffer from Xi Jinping’s ongoing genocide and the Falun Gong, whose peaceful meditation and exercise practices and exceptional good health make their organs highly desirable,” Smith said.

Anonymous ID: fb8fca March 27, 2023, 7:36 p.m. No.18593100   🗄️.is 🔗kun

'He should not get away with this': Sky News hosts lash Daniel Andrews' visit to China, as Bill Shorten leaps to his defence


Sky News Australia host Laura Jayes believes Daniel Andrews "should not get away with" not inviting any Australian media on his four-day trade trip to China, while Minister for NDIS Bill Shorten defended the Victorian Premier's travel plans.


Sky News hosts Peter Stefanovic and Laura Jayes have taken aim at Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews for not inviting Australian media on his four-day visit to China.


Mr Andrews is set to meet with senior officials in Beijing to discuss education, including the return of Chinese students to Victoria, trade and cultural relations.


It will be the Victorian Premier's seventh trip to China since 2015.


However, Mr Andrews has come under fire since announcing his travel plans, with critics questioning the secrecy of his seventh trip to Beijing and why no Australian media would be accompanying him on the visit.


Stefanovic and Jayes hit out at the Victorian Premier's decision to not take any media on the visit, and his comments to journalists on Sunday arguing the trip would not be "picture-friendly" and consisted of back-to-back meetings.


“That’s not for him to decide and he should not get away with this at all,” Jayes told Stefanovic on Tuesday morning.


“A free and open, fair media is a central tenet to democracy.


“And when you are dealing with China and you are not taking media along… that is not good enough."


Jayes said it was a "really concerning turn for how Mr Andrews treats the media in Victoria", questioning the last time he "put himself up for a tough interview".


“It’s an arrogance isn’t it,” Stefanovic said.


“It’s more than that Pete, it’s really concerning and quite dangerous I reckon," Jayes replied.


However, Minister for Government Services and NDIS Bill Shorten came to the defence of the Premier when he spoke to Stefanovic earlier on Tuesday morning.


"Good luck to him, I hope he can create trade opportunities for Victoria and China," Mr Shorten said.


"China is the fastest-growing economy in the world, we're crazy to lock ourselves out of the economic benefits."


Asked if local media should have been invited on the trip, the NDIS Minister said it was a matter for Mr Andrews.


"I don't know if he's got room on a plane to bring the media," he said.


"I'm not going to start second guessing what state politicians do with the media."


Mr Shorten dismissed the suggestion that it caused transparency issues.

Anonymous ID: fb8fca March 27, 2023, 7:38 p.m. No.18593110   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Former SAS soldier granted bail over alleged war crime murder of unarmed Afghan man


A former SAS soldier accused of gunning down an unarmed, disabled man in a wheat field in Afghanistan has been granted bail, after a magistrate found his safety and his ability to mount a legal defence would be affected if he remained in custody.


Oliver Schulz, 41, was arrested on March 20 and became the first Australian serviceman or veteran to be charged with the war crime of murder over the killing of Dad Mohammad in Uruzgan province on May 28, 2012.


On Tuesday, Downing Centre Local Court heard Schulz had been on patrol with Australian forces and was dropped into the location by helicopter when his squad saw a man in a wheat field.


Magistrate Jennifer Atkinson said vision from a helmet camera showed the man on his back, with his hands and knees raised, holding prayer beads in one hand as Schulz interacted with others in his squad.


“He was quiet, not resisting,” Atkinson said. “The accused then turns towards the Afghan man and shoots towards him three times. The man appears to go limp after the first shot and is not moving.”


The magistrate said Mohammad’s father complained to the Australian Defence Force that his son was not in the Taliban. He described him as a civilian farmer who had a disability and was struggling to feed his family, including two daughters. He was aged 25 or 26.


The court heard the footage was aired on the ABC’s Four Corners in March 2020.


Atkinson said it was clear national security issues would arise in the matter, including strict protocols for how sensitive documents must be handled. She said if Schulz remained in custody it would be difficult for him to handle the documents and instruct his lawyers.


The magistrate said it was unlikely a trial would begin until 2024 or 2025, and in that time Schulz faced being in an onerous and potentially dangerous custodial environment where he could be targeted with violence.


“In my view it’s a fairly strong case, given what I’ve seen, but it’s early days,” Atkinson said. “I find exceptional circumstances exist to justify bail.”

Anonymous ID: fb8fca March 27, 2023, 7:46 p.m. No.18593153   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3163 >>3175 >>3216 >>3230

Jane Fonda Called for Christian Politicians to be Murdered Weeks Before ‘Targeted’ Attack on Nashville Christian School


Fonda was criticized on Twitter Monday evening.


Twitter users began criticizing Jane Fonda and The View following Monday’s school shooting at the private Christian Covenant School in Nashville, Tennessee. Jane Fonda spoke about murdering pro-life Christians during a March 10th appearance on the program, a remark that was quickly dismissed as a “joke” by show hosts. Fonda did not indicate that she was joking, however, and called for people to “fight” for leftist social policies.


On Monday. Nashville Police identified the Covenant School shooter as 28-year-old Audrey Hale. Hale is biological female who identifies as a transgender male and is an alumnus of the school.


Nashville Police Chief John Drake told reporters that law enforcement recovered a manifesto detailing motivations for the attack complete with maps of the school upon searching Hale’s home. The police chief further hinted that Hale’s transgender identity played a role in the “targeted” attack on the Christian school.


Following what appears to be a politically motivated terrorist attack against Christians, Jane Fonda’s call for violence on The View has resurfaced. tweeted, “Remember when Jane Fonda said liberals should murder pro-life Christians?”


“Jane Fonda and The View supported the idea of murdering Christian Pro-Lifers this month. They giggled like the wretched hyenas they are. Now that they have blood on their hands, do you think we will hear apologies?” said conservative pundit and former Delaware Senate candidate Lauren Witzke.


Another Twitter user said, “A Tennessee shooter heard the call to kill pro-lifers and carried out the attack at a Christian school. The View panelists tried to sweep the remark under the rug last week, but Jane Fonda refused to retract it. We told you Fonda was serious. Her expression was adamant. Review the clip. Judge for yourself. Six people were slaughtered today.”

Anonymous ID: fb8fca March 27, 2023, 7:48 p.m. No.18593161   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3357 >>3508 >>3511 >>3596 >>3607

NSW independent MP Gareth Ward pleads not guilty to sexual assault allegations


NSW MP and former state Liberal minister Gareth Ward has pleaded not guilty to sexual offending against a teenage boy and a man.

Police allege Ward indecently assaulted a 17-year-old boy at Meroo Meadow on NSW's south coast in February 2013 and raped a 27-year-old man in Sydney in September 2015.

He has been charged with five criminal offences including sexual intercourse without consent, three counts of assault with indecency, and common assault which is an alternative charge to one of the indecency charges.


The independent politician was arraigned at Nowra District Court on Tuesday where he pleaded not guilty to all counts.

The matter has been adjourned to Downing Centre District Court on April 3 while Ward's bail continues.

The former Liberal minister was dumped from the party and suspended from parliament a year ago following the charges and recontested the seat of Kiama as an independent MP.

Suspended members are excluded from parliamentary precincts and prohibited from participating in the house or committees under a separate standing order.

A parliamentary committee last May recommended Ward keep his salary and electorate office until a court determines whether he is guilty, arguing the crossbencher is entitled to a presumption of innocence.

According to the latest count, Labor candidate Katelin McInerney has pulled ahead of Ward by about 700 votes. But Ms McInerney's lead is quickly slipping away and the seat will likely fall to the independent.

Anonymous ID: fb8fca March 27, 2023, 7:51 p.m. No.18593181   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3185 >>3357 >>3508 >>3511 >>3596 >>3607

NYC teachers union’s workshop on ‘harmful effects of whiteness’ canceled after influx of ‘hate’


A controversial seminar about white privilege that had been planned by the city teachers’ union for Monday was abruptly canceled — because its host was inundated with “hate messages and disparaging comments.”


The United Federation of Teachers — which represents more than 190,000 teachers, paraprofessional educators and child care workers in the five boroughs — had planned the virtual “Holding the Weight of Whiteness” seminar for 4 to 6 p.m. before it was postponed over blowback from politicians and online commenters.


Scheduled presenter Erica Sandoval, a Queens licensed clinical social worker, said in a statement that the event addressing the “harmful effects of whiteness in our lives” was canceled when she received “hate messages and disparaging comments being left in my email inbox and on my social media platforms.


“Because of this, UFT expressed concern and we collectively decided to postpone the discussion,” Sandoval said.


The union sent out an email to members Sunday night informing them that the $25 virtual workshop would not go on as scheduled, a source told The Post.


The optional course for licensed mental health professionals was focused on “cultural humility and inclusion” and sought to teach educators “how whiteness relates to privilege and identity, and how both become normalized and invisible,” according to literature promoting the event.


“Participants will leave the workshop with a better understanding of how to center ourselves as a form of resistance against the harmful effects of whiteness in our lives, the organizations we work for or direct, and the communities in which we serve,” according to a promo on Instagram.


Attendees would have earned two hours of credit for their continuing-education resume, which eventually results in higher pay.


Calls and emails to union officials about the nature of the cancellation were not immediately returned.


More than half of the teachers in the nation’s largest school system are white — and tasked with educating a mostly minority student body in which 72% of the students are economically disadvantaged, according to the city DOE.


Sandoval, an Ecuadorian native, told The Post that the event was “misinterpreted by certain members of the UFT and the public at large.”

Anonymous ID: fb8fca March 27, 2023, 8:19 p.m. No.18593317   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3357 >>3508 >>3511 >>3596 >>3607

IRS Targets Twitter Files Journalist Matt Taibbi! IRS Agent Showed Up Unannounced to Taibbi’s Home on Same Day He Testified Before Congress


Barack Obama’s Joe Biden’s America.


An IRS agent showed up at the home of ‘Twitter Files’ journalist Matt Taibbi on the same day he testified before Jim Jordan’s Committee on Weaponization of the Federal Government.


How convenient.


On March 9, Matt Taibbi dropped a Twitter Files ahead of his testimony to Congress: THE CENSORSHIP-INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX


Journalists Matt Taibbi and Michael Shellenberger appeared before Congress later that day.


The FTC had already been harassing Elon Musk and demanding he “identify all journalists” granted access to the Twitter files.


The weaponized IRS also showed up to Matt Taibbi’s home on March 9 in an effort to intimidate him.


Taibbi told Jim Jordan that an IRS agent showed up unannounced to his Jersey home and left a note for him to call the tax agency.


Why did the IRS just show up to Matt Taibbi’s home?


No letter. No phone call to his tax preparer.


The IRS agent just showed up to the journalist’s home unannounced!


The Wall Street Journal reported:


Democrats are denouncing the House GOP investigation into the weaponization of government, but maybe that’s because Republicans are getting somewhere. That includes new evidence that the Internal Revenue Service may be targeting a journalist who testified before the weaponization committee.


House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan sent a letter Monday to IRS Commissioner Daniel Werfel and Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen seeking an explanation for why journalist Matt Taibbi received an unannounced home visit from an IRS agent. We’ve seen the letter, and both the circumstances and timing of the IRS focus on this journalist raise serious questions.


Now Mr. Taibbi has told Mr. Jordan’s committee that an IRS agent showed up at his personal residence in New Jersey on March 9. That happens to be the same day Mr. Taibbi testified before the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government about what he learned about Twitter. The taxman left a note instructing Mr. Taibbi to call the IRS four days later. Mr. Taibbi was told in a call with the agent that both his 2018 and 2021 tax returns had been rejected owing to concerns over identity theft.


Mr. Taibbi has provided the committee with documentation showing his 2018 return had been electronically accepted, and he says the IRS never notified him or his accountants of a problem after he filed that 2018 return more than four-and-a-half years ago.


He says the IRS initially rejected his 2021 return, which he later refiled, and it was rejected again—even though Mr. Taibbi says his accountants refiled it with an IRS-provided pin number. Mr. Taibbi notes that in neither case was the issue “monetary,” and that the IRS owes him a “considerable” sum.

Anonymous ID: fb8fca March 27, 2023, 8:20 p.m. No.18593322   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3357 >>3508 >>3511 >>3596 >>3607

Contract Confirms US Government Received $400 Million From Major COVID-19 Vaccine Manufacturer


Moderna agreed to pay the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) to license spike protein technology the company included in its COVID-19 vaccine, the contract confirms.


Moderna resisted for years acknowledging the work by government researchers on the spike protein but relented in late 2021 and announced the contract during an earnings call on Feb. 23.


Moderna said it provided a “catch-up payment” of $400 million to the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), which is part of the NIH, under the agreement.


The newly disclosed contract says that Moderna would pay the NIH a “noncreditable, nonrefundable royalty in the amount of Four Hundred Million dollars.”


Portions that would confirm Moderna’s statement that the company would pay “low single digit royalties” on future sales of its COVID-19 vaccines are redacted.


The contract, running 34 pages, has key sections redacted as to future royalties.


One section, for instance, says, “The licensee agrees to pay to the NIAID earned royalties on net sales … as follows.” But the rest of the section is redacted.


The Epoch Times obtained the contract through the Freedom of Information Act.


The NIH cited for the redactions an exemption to the act that enables agencies to withhold “trade secrets and commercial or financial information obtained from a person and privileged or confidential.”


“They redacted the royalties, even though there have been press releases about the royalties,” James Love, director of the nonprofit Knowledge Ecology International, told The Epoch Times via email. “It’s common but [expletive] to redact royalties on a negotiated license on a government patent.”


Unredacted information in the contract confirmed that Moderna had agreed to pay the NIH royalties before the agreement took effect in late 2022: a “minimum annual royalty,” “earned royalties,” and “benchmark royalties.”


The contract was signed on Dec. 14, 2022, by Michael Mowatt, director of the Technology Transfer and Intellectual Property Office at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and Shannon Klinger, chief legal officer at Moderna.


The payments would include a royalty within 60 days after government officials provided a “reasonable detailed written statement and request” for an amount “equivalent to a pro rata share of the unreimbursed patent expenses previously paid by the NIAID.”

Anonymous ID: fb8fca March 27, 2023, 8:48 p.m. No.18593439   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Liberal College Professor Placed on Leave for Suggesting it’s OK to Murder Conservative Speakers


A professor at Wayne State University has been placed on leave after suggesting on social media that rather than shouting down conservative speakers on campus, it’s OK to murder them instead.


Higher education in America has become completely dominated by the radical left. That’s likely why this person felt free to make these comments.


The left does not want to debate ideas. They want conservatives silenced.


Reason reported:


Professor Suggests Murder as Alternative to Shouting Down Speakers


An English professor at Wayne State University apparently had an overheated reaction to the fiasco at Stanford Law School. He thought the protesters did not go far enough, and he took to Facebook to say so.


“I think it is far more admirable to kill a racist, homophobic, or transphobic speaker than it is to shout them down,”he began, and he concluded with “The exemplary historical figure in this regard is Sholem Schwarzbard, who assassinated the anti-Semitic butcher Symon Petliura, rather than trying to shout him down. Remember that Schwarzbard was acquitted by a jury, which found his action justified.”


The president of Wayne State has now announced that the professor has been suspended and his social media post referred to law enforcement.


It’s really sad that we’ve come to this point.

Anonymous ID: fb8fca March 27, 2023, 8:56 p.m. No.18593464   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3508 >>3511 >>3517 >>3567 >>3596 >>3607

Barack Obama set to reel in $1 million during Aussie speaking tour as he visits Sydney Opera House with wife Michelle


Fans have flocked to catch a glimpse of Barack and Michelle Obama at an iconic Sydney location, ahead of an Aussie tour with a hefty paycheck.


Former US President Barack Obama could make more than $1 million for his brief speaking tour of Australia, accompanied by wife Michelle.


The famous power couple have been spotted around Sydney following an audience with Prime Minister Anthony Albanese at Kirribilli House on Monday.


The ex-leader reportedly discussed issues such as the global economy and Russia's invasion of Ukraine, before posing for photos with Mr Albanese against the backdrop of Sydney’s Harbour.


A flurry of photos have since emerged of the couple at different restaurants and iconic venues in the Harbour City. The pictures are rare for the pair, who until Monday had not been spotted together in five months.


The “Evening with President Obama” tour will kick off in Sydney on Tuesday night to a sold out crowd of 9,000 seats at the International Convention Centre.


Aussies hoping to hear about Mr Obama’s “path to success” splashed $200 for a standard seat, while platinum spots cost $895.


Mr Obama will then jet to Melbourne on Wednesday evening, where the capacity at John Cain Arena is a further 10,500 people.


With a minimum take of upwards of $1.8 million, the former US leader is set to make more than $500,000 per talk.


The event, hosted by former deputy leader and foreign minister Julie Bishop, will take attendees on a journey of “resilience, perseverance and triumph” as the 44th President of the US shares his journey in the oval office.

Anonymous ID: fb8fca March 27, 2023, 9:04 p.m. No.18593487   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3508 >>3511 >>3596 >>3607

REPORT: John Fetterman Has Missed Over 80 Percent of Senate Roll Call Votes Since Checking Into Hospital


Since checking himself into a hospital for depression on February 15th, Pennsylvania Senator John Fetterman has missed over 80% of roll call votes.


The people of Pennsylvania essentially have a no-show represntative in the Senate. The man obviously has serious issues which were hidden from voters by his campaign and the media.


How much longer is this charade going to continue?


FOX News reports:


Pennsylvania Sen. John Fetterman has missed an alarmingly high percentage of roll-call votes due to illness


Democratic Pennsylvania Sen. John Fetterman has missed nearly 83% of Senate roll call votes since checking himself into a hospital to receive treatment for clinical depression last month.


According to government watchdog GovTrack, Fetterman has missed 53 of the 64 Senate roll call votes held during February and March. His average falls well beyond the lifetime record for missed votes for all current senators, which stands at 2.3%.


Wednesday will mark six weeks since Fetterman first checked into Walter Reed National Military Medical Center on the night of February 15, and there is still no clear indication as to when he might return to work. His office has provided periodic updates, including that he is making progress towards his recovery, as well as that he has been able to continue doing some work from the hospital.


On March 6, Fetterman’s chief of staff, Adam Jentleson, posted on Twitter that the senator “will be back soon,” and included pictures of the two sitting together working from a table at the hospital.


Last week, Fetterman’s communications director, Joe Calvello, also said the senator would be back “soon,” but did not provide any further details on the time frame beyond that it would be “at least over a week.”


Fetterman isn’t fit for this job. People know it.

Anonymous ID: fb8fca March 27, 2023, 9:14 p.m. No.18593518   🗄️.is 🔗kun



The Secret Chinese Company That Owns Everything Including The App That Dominates The Lives Of It's Users, And It's Sinister Chinese Communist Party Connections… Apps Like WeChat Submit Data…


Vision & Mission


Value for Users, Tech for Good


User value is our guiding principle, we strive to incorporate social responsibility into our products and services; promote technology innovation and cultural vitality; help industries digitally upgrade; collaborate for the sustainable development of society.


MA Huateng (Pony Ma)Chairman


Ma Huateng, age 51, is an executive director, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of the Company. Mr Ma has overall responsibilities for strategic planning and positioning and management of the Group. Mr Ma is one of the core founders and has been employed by the Group since 1999. Prior to his current employment, Mr Ma was in charge of research and development for Internet paging system development at China Motion Telecom Development Limited, a supplier of telecommunications services and products in China. Mr Ma is a deputy to the 13th National People’s Congress. Mr Ma has a Bachelor of Science degree specialising in Computer and its Application obtained in 1993 from Shenzhen University and more than 28 years of experience in the telecommunications and Internet industries. He is a director of Advance Data Services Limited, which has an interest in the shares of the Company which would fall to be disclosed to the Company under the provisions of Divisions 2 and 3 of Part XV of the Securities and Futures Ordinance. Mr Ma also serves as a director of certain subsidiaries of the Company.


LAU Chi Ping (Martin Lau)Executive Director


Lau Chi Ping Martin, age 49, is an executive director and President of the Company. Mr Lau joined the Company in 2005 as the Chief Strategy and Investment Officer and was responsible for corporate strategies, investments, mergers and acquisitions and investor relations. In 2006, Mr Lau was promoted to President of the Company to manage the day-to-day operation of the Company. In 2007, he was appointed as an executive director of the Company. Prior to joining the Company, Mr Lau was an executive director at Goldman Sachs (Asia) L.L.C.’s investment banking division and the Chief Operating Officer of its Telecom, Media and Technology Group. Prior to that, he worked at McKinsey & Company, Inc. as a management consultant. Mr Lau received a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering from University of Michigan, a Master of Science degree in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University and an MBA degree from Kellogg Graduate School of Management, Northwestern University. Mr Lau is currently a director of Vipshop Holdings Limited, an online discount retailer company, that is listed on the New York Stock Exchange. Mr Lau was a non-executive director of Kingsoft Corporation Limited, an Internet based software developer, distributor and software service provider, and Meituan, a leading eCommerce platform for services in China, both of these companies are publicly listed on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited, up to 23 August 2022 and 16 November 2022 respectively. Mr Lau was a director of Leju Holdings Limited, an online-to-offline real estate services provider in China, up to 18 August 2020, DiDi Global Inc., a leading mobility technology platform in China, up to 13 April 2022, and Tencent Music Entertainment Group, an online music entertainment platform in China, up to 26 May 2022, all of these companies are listed on the New York Stock Exchange. Mr Lau was also a director of, Inc., an online direct sales company in China, that is listed on NASDAQ and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited, up to 23 December 2021. Mr Lau also serves as a director/corporate representative of certain subsidiaries of the Company.


Tencent Holdings Ltd.



Prosus NV (27.0%)


The Vanguard Group, Inc. (2.0%)

BlackRock Fund Advisors (1.5%)

Norges Bank Investment Management (0.9%)

Baillie Gifford & Co. (0.7%)

E Fund Management Co., Ltd. (0.7%)

Fidelity Management & Research Co. LLC (0.5%)

BlackRock Advisors (UK) Ltd. (0.4%)


Anonymous ID: fb8fca March 27, 2023, 9:17 p.m. No.18593526   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Greens senator reveals his one-word solution to how Australia should protect itself - instead of spending $368billion on nuclear subs - during fiery clash with US defence expert


Greens senator stunned top US politician in submarine row

He said defence policy should be diplomacy not military


A Greens senator has stunned a top US politician by telling him that Australia should use 'diplomacy' instead of the military to protect itself against foreign threats.


During an ABC Q+A discussion, Senator Jordon Steele-John told ex-President Trump's former Navy Secretary Richard Spencer that Australia's AUKUS military build up - where eight nuclear submarines will be purchased for $368billion over 30 years - was not the answer.


But when he was confronted by Mr Spencer over how he plans to 'sustain national security' without such a deal, senator Steele-John replied: 'Diplomacy.'


'I do not want our nation round the table trying to convince whichever right wing, conservative evangelical that you elect next.


'I just don't want it and I don't want our kids going to the wars that they will start.'


The Greens senator continued to speak over the top of the former US official before Mr Spencer got the chance to fire back.


'I totally understand,' he said.


'If you think that I want your treasure and my treasure going off to war, you are wildly mistaken.


'The reason you have strong national security is to give your (foreign affairs office) one more day to make their point.'


Host Stan Grant intervened in the row - one of several on Monday night's fiery show - and joked: 'Everyone's had their Weetbix tonight, haven't they?'


Earlier senator Steele-John - who entered Parliament in 2017 and has cerebral palsy - said he wanted to scrap the AUKUS deal and spend the cash on community services.


'We want to see that money go into bringing dental care into Medicare, putting roofs over people's houses, raising JobKeeper,' he said.


'Not building nuclear submarines, which will not be delivered for the next 30 years.


'We don't have to continue down this path.'


He was also challenged about keeping Australia safe without nuclear submarines by Northern Territory Country Liberal senator Jacinta Price on the show.


'What would you do for our sovereignty, so our shipping lanes can be clear, so that we can interact with our with our Asian partners and be free to conduct ourselves globally?' she said to applause from the audience.


'What would you do to protect our sovereignty then? We need to defend our nation.'


Senator Steele-John insisted: 'The path the major parties have put our nation on now is a path of escalation of tension.


'And to cut through the jargon, where that ends is Australian kids going off to war to die.'


But senator Price fired back: 'Not if we can deter it.'

Anonymous ID: fb8fca March 27, 2023, 9:27 p.m. No.18593550   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3555 >>3572

Every Christian In America Is A Target Now


This is what happens when you systematically suck all of the values out of a society. There is utter lawlessness in the streets, and violence can literally erupt anywhere. On Monday, a mass shooter ruthlessly gunned down six Christians at a private Christian school in Nashville, Tennessee. The shooter once attended the school, but after leaving the school the shooter developed a deep hatred for the Christian values promoted there. Unfortunately, this incident is a microcosm of what is going on in our society as a whole. Countless voices are stirring up great hatred for the Christian faith, and all of that hate was inevitably going to result in great violence.


When I was growing up, I never imagined that someone would come in to a Christian gathering and start shooting.


But now every Christian in America is a potential target.


If you are a Christian, you will need to be on guard whenever you attend any type of a Christian event from this point forward.


I wish that this wasn’t true, but ignoring the reality of the world that we live in now could get you killed.


Prior to Monday, I am sure that most of those that worked at The Covenant School in Nashville never imagined that something like this would ever happen. The following comes from NBC News…


Three children and three staff members — whose ages ranged from 9 to 61 — were killed at a private Christian school in Nashville on Monday before the shooter, a heavily armed 28-year-old woman, was killed by police, authorities said.


The shooting unfolded at The Covenant School on Burton Hills Boulevard where officers “engaged” the attacker, described by Metropolitan Nashville Police Chief John Drake as a former student at the school.


Actually, NBC News is guilty of “misgendering” the shooter, because “Aiden” has not identified as a woman for quite some time…