"Well, these changes really seem to help whites, and males, and Christians, but he's not running a pedophile cannibal cabal."
"Maybe they're right, maybe I should be home raising babies. And they're right, these changes will make it more likely that I'll get married right out of junior high and stay married, or else I'll certainly starve, but they aren't cannibals eaating babies in in satanic rituals, and the people I would ordinarily pick are so bad, let's give this a try."
Do we like Abortions? I heard the left trying to argue that they have some morality. It's immoral to have kinds in cages, how dare you, you monster.
This is a huge advantage. You want to talk about morality?
I thought morality was gone. Morality is back? We're making decisions based on morality now?
Abortion - Immoral Baby Killing. Illegal.
Gay Marriage - Sodom and Gomorrah.
Transgender - mental illness, treat with the right hormones, not the opposite ones, and maybe shock treatment or lobotomy.
So, the best we can expect from TV is that they get idiots worked up over nothing?
Tax the fuck out of TV, movies, but particularly TV. Hike the cable TV tax. Tax tv ads, radio ads, newspaper ads, magazine ads, facebook ads.
I'd want black males on my team here. I'd give them reparations and black women. And do away with welfare entirely, except for that. Black women will get money, but no money for having kids.
There will be no more child support. If a dude gets a girl pregnant, why should he have to pay anything?
Black males get reparations and no child support payments. They'll like this. Modern feminist women won't like this, traditionalist Christians may, men who act like women, men who think they're women, those won't like it either. Jews won't like it.
Cunty women, fags, associated sexual deviants, jews, the modern democratic party, won't like it so much. But college aged college educated hipster males might come around to our way of thinking.