Shoes are different, false flag confirmed.
What, are you saying the panic driven insults against you and the 'it's a camera optical illusion' bullshit totally didn't work on you?
>Who would do this false flag?
They're motivated by a radical left ideology and Satan worship, for starters.
I'd say it's the clearest proof ever.
Plus, posting these pics here hastOtALLy cOiNCiDeNtALLyattracted theexact same pattern of shill attacksas all previous proofs the fake news lied about for years before admitting they're true.
Look at bigger picture, think over the past week, month, of habbenings.
When the people are reeling in compassion from a (false flag) shooting, what are they not doing/thinking about everything else.
>wouldn't that imply it was done by those who hate the people that hate Jesus?
The 'false' flag is not limited to one of the two sides in that artificial dialectic narrative.
The 'false' flag is what's attempted to be hidden from the public, that's the truth that exposes the 'false'
Do you honestly believe vague references to 'shadows' will persuade anyone here?
You're claiming to know the identity of anons here based on old meme usage?
Oh you poor thing.
>Yes, because not everyone in here is that dumb
Right, because you're presuming they're dumber than that.
mention vague references to 'angles' and 'shadows' again, maybe it'll work next time.
Pretty sure the Democrats in the Senate aren't 'Masons'.
>There is no such thing as anti-Semitism
You probably believe there's no such thing as Antifa like Nadler too, huh
>not an argument
Kek, as if you deserve any, as if you're presenting any.
>that is a Jewish terrorist group which the Jewish media has said about that "Trump's attack on antifa are anti-Semitic", thus proving my point.
Kek, you just contradicted your point.
You said anti-Semitism doesn't exist, then you proceed to post jew owned media labeling what Trump said as 'anti-semitic' to be proving your jew sourced point.
How's tel aviv?
>Your sophistry is transparent
Your projection is palpable.
>me posting the article shows that
You trust jew owned media, kek.
>you kikes love to use the term anti-Semitic to silence people.
You said it doesnlt exist, then you said a jew owned media labeling what Trump said as anti-semitic 'proves your point'.
Wouldn't be logical that if you believe anti-Semitism doesn't exist, that you would use something other than jew owned media as source?
>How is the weather in Tel Aviv while you try to un cover for criminal Jews?
I just asked you how's tel Aviv, and your only response is how's the weather in tel aviv? Kek.
>Try not to fuck too many kids kike.
Sounds like you're a pedophile trying to use jews as human shields.
you mean the text written in Babylon hundreds of years after Judaism arose as a religion? Kek, ok.
>Me posting Jewish stupidity
Is you posting jew owned media as SOURCE OF ANY TRUTH.
You're projecting.
>The book
You are referencing as source text of a religion that predate it.
You're still projecting,
How's Tel Aviv?
No argument here, tag you're it.
Pretty good, but the cringe Anime is making you lose any chance at actual credibility.
>Anime is oldfag culture
Maybe underdeveloped 'oldfags'.
>go back to plebbit
Do you have ANY original ideas or do you just parrot what you think is 'hip'?
plebbit isn't used anymore.
If you're so mad, then you should try to lighten up, natch.