Anonymous ID: 3e8bcc March 28, 2023, 10:20 p.m. No.18599688   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Since God rescued me from alcoholism, I have been reading and trying to understand the Bible. Acts 5:1-11 is really puzzling to me.


Prior to that passage, we learn that the believers were sharing all their property in common. Owners of land and houses sold their real estate and laid the proceeds at the Apostles' feet.


In this context, in Acts 5:1-11, Ananias and his wife Sapphira sold a piece of property. Before donating proceeds to the community, they reserved a portion for themselves. For failing to donate 100%, they were both struck dead on the spot. We are not told why they reserved a portion for themselves, only that Peter interpreted the withholding as a sin against the Holy Spirit. I find this truly puzzling. Nowadays, common church practice is to tithe. In what context was it justified that Ananias and his wife should be put to death for not giving 100%? It seems like an extreme form of communism. Not to mention the passage twice emphasizes the great fear this event struck into the hearts of the rest of the commune.


Would appreciate some perspective on this.