Anonymous ID: b0e51b March 28, 2023, 7:51 p.m. No.18599209   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9217 >>9223 >>9225 >>9238 >>9244 >>9320 >>9713

Board slide because it's nightshift and why the fuck not.

My pic is not about the beans, although they are pretty fucking awesome, but about the bread.

Anon is an old school chef from way back and, although bread has never been anon's speciality, anon has made more than his fair share of loaves over the past 40 years. However, due to necessity, Anon has been forced to improvise. Where I am currently, anon does not have access to an oven or a even a Dutch oven. Anon, however, does have a cast iron frying pan, or, as those lest cultured in the western quadrant of the northern hemisphere would say, skillet.

Anon is basically a lazy fucker and spurns modern domestic appliances (they are too cumbersome to carry in a back pack), anons been using the no need to knead method of bread making recently and anon is flabbergasted by the results. This is surely the best bread has ever eaten. My frying pan doesn't even have a lid. I just use my wooden chopping in its place.

I leave my dough for a minimum of 48 hours before cooking and then do it slowly in my cast iron frying pan with a chopping board on top acting as a lid.

It is so soft, flavoursome, crunchy and 100 times better than the baked clouds they call bread rolls here in Brasil, that anon doesn't want to eat any other bread (don't even ask about loaves of bread here).

Anon remains surprised by the result.

Anonymous ID: b0e51b March 28, 2023, 8:04 p.m. No.18599266   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9277 >>9492


>Me too brasilanon. This was fun to read. :) I make bread too.

WWG1WGA, right?

One of these days, when I have my own space, I want to build a wood fired pizza oven for more than just pizza.

Although anon loves a pizza with everything but the kitchen sink on top. the best pizza anon ever had was a simple Margherita from a wood fired pizza oven in Napoli. The smoke just added that extra touch.

Anonymous ID: b0e51b March 28, 2023, 8:17 p.m. No.18599313   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9607


>or beer


Anon has made his fair share of this delicious yeasty, malty? beverage over the decades as well.

Anon's preference is a full bodied and very strong dark ale.


Gimme tripelbock on a cold winter's night, kek.

(insert random image)

Random info, there are still many towns in the south of Brasil where a lost German dialect is still the FIRST language before Portuguese.

Anonymous ID: b0e51b March 28, 2023, 9:26 p.m. No.18599545   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>I also support Brazil kicking out the trash that took over their country.

China has invested heavily in the politicians here recently and secured oil rights, however, the last elections here were little different to the last US elections, i.e, kabuki theatre; sometimes you have to show them.

If Lula really won the last election then I am a half arsed, half brained hairy monkey.