Anonymous ID: f2381d March 28, 2023, 7:51 p.m. No.18599208   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9236 >>9703

Audrey Hale Manifesto Release Raises Major Concerns From LGBTQ+ Groups


Calls for police to release the "manifesto" that authorities say was written ahead of Monday's Nashville school shooting has prompted concern among LGBTQ+ groups, who caution against the publication of such a document.


While many details remain to be unveiled about the massacre at The Covenant School this week, police have identified the shooter as 28-year-old Audrey Hale. On Monday, Hale, armed with two assault-style weapons—a rifle and a pistol—as well as a handgun, fatally shot three children and three staff members at the school before being killed by police.


Speaking at a press conference hours after the shooting, Metropolitan Nashville Police Chief John Drake, who said the shooter identified as transgender, confirmed that officials were in possession of a "manifesto," a map detailing how the incident would take place and writings "that pertain to this date, the actual incident."


Some conservatives, like Tennessee Republican Representative Tim Burchett, have called for the release of the document, arguing that doing so would give the public critical information about the perpetuator's state of mind.


"We need to know what was going through this person's head, and the manifesto should be made public," Burchett told Fox News Digital in a Monday statement.


But groups advocating for LGBTQ+ rights disagree.


"It should not be published," Jordan Budd, the executive director of Children of Lesbians and Gays Everywhere (COLAGE), told Newsweek. "The focus should be on how this was able to happen in the first place. There should not be such easy access to deadly weaponry."


Charles Moran, the national president of Log Cabin Republicans, a GOP organization that advocates for equal rights for LGBTQ+ Americans, also told Newsweek that there are "serious consequences" for the public release of the manifesto.


"While it would certainly give insight into the motivations of this deeply troubled individual that could help shed light into root causes, we know from tragedies like this that additional glorification of the shooter could inspire others to take similar violent acts for attention," Moran said.


Laura McGinnis, a spokesperson for PFLAG, agreed, telling Newsweek that publication of these documents could increase the risk of contagion. She said that while the manifesto could help law enforcement and policymakers identify potential warning signs to prevent future tragedies, ultimately, "the contents don't change the outcome of the tragedy."


"Regardless of the shooter's intentions, the real issue here is the ease of access to deadly weapons in Tennessee and elsewhere," Budd said, adding, "All children, no matter who their parents are or how they identify, should feel safe and supported at school. That includes a world free from gun violence."


Moran said that Log Cabin would defer to authorities on whether the manifesto should be shared with the public.

Anonymous ID: f2381d March 28, 2023, 8:53 p.m. No.18599441   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9601 >>9733 >>9813

Daily Wire’s Michael Knowles Suspended on Twitter For Posting Bible Verse


Political commentator Michael Knowles of the Daily Wire has been suspended on Twitter for posting a bible verse.


The suspension comes on the same day that Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene and dozens of other conservatives were suspended for posting about the “Transgender Day of Vengeance” being planned in Washington, DC, by far-left extremists.


Knowles had tweeted, “beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God; for it is written, ‘Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.'”


According to Twitter, the bible verse violated the platform’s rules against “violent speech.”


“You may not share abusive content, harass someone, or encourage other people to do so,” Twitter’s message to Knowles said.


Knowles was then instructed to either remove the offending tweet or file an appeal.


Earlier in the day, Twitter suspended Rep. Greene’s congressional account over her tweets about a “Day of Vengeance” in Washington, D.C., being advertised for March 31-April 2, by The Trans Radical Activist Network (TRAN).


“Like the Stonewall Riots the gays and lesbians were experiencing what the trans community is facing now. This cycle of hate needs to end in fact it must. Allies, siblings we need you now more than ever. ‘I was a radical revolutionist. I still am a revolutionist…I am glad I was in the Stonewall Riot. I remember when someone threw a Molotov cocktail, I thought, ‘My god, the revolution is here. The revolution is finally here?” the group’s website states.


The event was planned and heavily promoted before a transgender shooter killed three nine-year-old children and three staff members at a Christian school in Nashville on Monday.


In response, Greene tweeted her concerns about hormone treatments for people who say they are transgender.


“How much hormones like testosterone and medications for mental illness was the transgender Nashville school shooter taking,” the Georgia Republican tweeted. “Everyone can stop blaming guns now.”


The tweets gained national media coverage as activists and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez panned them as “transphobic.”


“It’s absolutely disgusting and she should be looking into a mirror as to why she’s defending and posing with the same weapons that are being used to kill children, teachers & educators,” AOC told The Independent.


Greene defended her tweet in a comment to the paper.


“It’s not about their identity,” she said. “It’s the questions or this is what kind of hormones are they on? What kind of medications are they taking for mental illness? What is causing this aggression in this biological female who identifies as a male for them to go in and murder children?”


After returning to the platform, Greene tweeted screenshots of the offending tweets and asked Musk, “how is it ‘violent speech’ to expose the ‘Trans Day of Vengence’ a day after a mass murder committed by a transgender shooter? And to call on the DOJ to investigate it?”


After 3000 RTs of this tweet, my account was suspended AGAIN.


Why is Twitter whitewashing the “Trans Day of Vengeance,” @elonmusk? A day after a mass murder of children by a trans shooter?


The people need to know about the threat they face from Antifa & trans-terrorism!!!…


— Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene🇺🇸 (@RepMTG) March 28, 2023


That tweet prompted a second suspension, and she was again forced to delete the tweet to Musk to regain access to her account.


Twitter said that they were removing all promotion of the “Day of Vengeance” as it is not implying a “peaceful protest.”

Anonymous ID: f2381d March 28, 2023, 9:06 p.m. No.18599482   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9540 >>9601 >>9612 >>9733 >>9813

Trump Says He Has A Plan To 'Solve' Ukraine War In 24 Hours If Reelected


Former President Trump in a new Monday night interview on Fox News declared he would "solve" the Russia-Ukraine war "in 24 hours" if he's elected president. His words came following his kickoff campaign rally for his 2024 White House bid held in Waco, TX over the weekend.


He told a crowd of many thousands: "I will prevent World War III, which we're heading into" - and was met with widespread applause. But in his Monday appearance on Sean Hannity's show, Trump explained: "If it’s not solved, I will have it solved in 24 hours with Zelensky and with Putin."


Trump continued in the Fox interview, "And there’s a very easy negotiation to take place. But I don’t want to tell you what it is, because then I can’t use that negotiation; it’ll never work."


"But it’s a very easy negotiation to take place. I will have it solved within one day, a peace between them. Now that’s a year and a half. That’s a long time. I can’t imagine something not happening,” Trump added. And from there he weighed in on how he sees the war going for Ukraine at the moment, which is likely to cause anger among Kiev officials:


"The key is the war has to stop now because Ukraine is being obliterated," Trump said.


Recently both Ukrainian and Western officials have admitted heavy losses and that more ammo is needed on the front lines in order to match the Russians' superior artillery bombardment and supplies. For over the past month pro-Kremlin forces have made steady gains around the strategic city of Bakhmut in Donetsk, having nearly encircled it. But the Ukrainians have kept up the fight, and poured more manpower and weapons in.


China has this month tried to mediate in order to jump-start peace negotiations between the two warring sides, and Beijing has even had close contact with the Zelensky administration, but these efforts haven't appeared to go anywhere thus far, also amid Washington and NATO skepticism.