POTUS is telling us to eat more vegetables.
Trust broccoli ….trust the plan
Now these sleezebags are just trying to wish things away
Snif snif….I wish I never ate any babies…i'd be in president, ya know
How the fuck is Microsoft still in business? My windows pcs are in a pile collecting dust.
I'll never buy another one
This is why I don't like reading old Q posts.
It just reminds me of how juicy the drops used to be.
I'm not sure what the purpose was to get all of us so excited and worked up and then start slowing it all down.
Sometimes it is hard to believe we went from killing the Roths and planes heading to Gitmo to Congressional hearings and Q t-shirts
I haven't lost faith in Q but sometimes it feels like our emotions are being played with…why? part of the plan?
or going from, "we have it all" and "we are in control" to telling us to step up the meme war and be loud.
Many of us have been banned from everything but this echo-chamber.
What happened to bye@jack or Zuck stepping down? This was months ago and the censorship and media lies have just gotten worse
You are right and I completely understand this but I just keep wondering why Q gave us so much bombshell intel at the start…just to keep us engaged through a 8 year process?
I would love for Sarah to hold a power point presentation for the WH reporters showing them exactly how they have been lying to the public
No questions allowed…just a solid hour of Sarah proving to them with pics and video just what lying pieces of shit they are.
The little babies would either walkout or throw tantrums…it would be glorious
I thought he was planning an assassination via the game chat room….lol
I appreciate the twat posts too…@jack has my ip banned so I can't even open Twatter to read it.
I can only read the site from my phone
I've tried several and it didn't work. Twatter may be detecting vpns and blocking them.
I could reset my ip but I operate an online business and I really don't want to be fucking around
I miss it because it was a great news feed and I had built a pretty good following. One day it was all gone without warning or explanation. I will enjoy seeing @jack hang
in 5 years these faggots would be begging for food
I hope someone is keeping the names of these useful idiots so the rest of their assets can be seized.
ANYONE involved in corruption per EO
not dissenting…just thinking out loud