Anonymous ID: 8f8acc March 30, 2023, 9:06 a.m. No.18608042   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8067 >>8070



>>18606473 pb

Hyper from drugs, Cheney and Bush were eager to hunt their human prey in “A Most Dangerous Game”. They greeted me with the rules of the game, ordered me to strip naked despite the cold December winds, and told me in Oz cryptic to “beware of the lions and tigers and bears”. Kelly’s life became the stakes, as usual, which resurrected my natural and exaggerated programmed maternal instincts. Tears silently ran down my cheeks as Bush told me, “If we catch you, Kelly’s mine. So run, run as fast as you can. I’ll get you and your little girl, too, because I can, I can, I can. And I will.”


Cheney, daring me to respond, asked, “Any questions?” I said, “There’s no place to run because there’s a fence—the kind I can’t get over. I saw it” Rather than physically assault me. Cheney laughed at my sense of “no where to run, no where to hide and explained that a bear had torn a hole in the fence somewhere, and all I had to do is find it. He lowered his rifle to my head and said, “Let the games begin. Go.”


Wearing only my tennis shoes, I ran through the trees as fast and as far as I could, which wasn’t very far at all. Bush was using his bird dog to track me, the same one that had recently been used with me in bestiality filming as a “Byrd-dog” joke on my owner, Robert C. Byrd. When caught, Cheney held his gun to my head again as he stood over me, looking warm in his sheepskin coat. Bush ordered me to take his dog sexually while they watched, then he and Cheney ushered me back to their cabin.


Moar at link:

Anonymous ID: 8f8acc March 30, 2023, 9:09 a.m. No.18608067   🗄️.is đź”—kun


>>18606505 pb


I nodded, frozen in terror.


“I just happen to have an apple. A beautiful red apple here in my pocket.” He pulled the apple out and said, “I know the game is supposed to be played with a bow and arrow (I’d been accidentally shot with an arrow in the jaw when I was five) but I forgot mine. I did remember however to bring my revolver.”


And he pulled a gun out of his other pocket. “Now, this game is called William Tell, and you get to play William. Here, you stand over here, so if I miss, the bullet will go into the tree instead of traveling wildly out of control.”


He placed me in front of an oak tree and put the apple on top of my head. By now I was crying. I couldn’t help it, I just couldn’t control it. “Please don’t hurt my kids anymore,” I begged.


Bush said, “Shhh, don’t interrupt. We’re playing a game now. Now just stand real still and remember your name is William Tell, and this is what happens if you don’t.” Slowly, he


cocked the gun and took aim at the apple on my head or me, I couldn’t tell which. Then, taking his time he said very slowly as he took aim, “Ok are you ready for the games to begin? Will you tell?”


I squeezed my eyes shut and he lowered the gun as he sighed real disgustedly, “No, no, you can’t close your eyes, you have to see this coming, otherwise it won’t be any fun at all.”


So, I opened my eyes and George, took aim again and said, Remember this is what happens if you don’t TELL.” He kept aiming and re-aiming trying to get it just right


and then he asked me again if I was ready.


“Yes, Sir,” I answered.


He put the gun down to listen to me, then took aim again, “Now what’s the magic message?”


“Don’t tell,” I answered. Immediately, he fired and shot the apple off my head. It blasted a hole in the middle of it and blew out a huge chunk and he walked over, picked it up off the ground and said, “Looks like we both won this time. You wait for your ride, I’ll take mine another way,” and he disappeared.


I tried to see where he went in the dark but I couldn’t locate him. Shortly after, a couple of cowboys that tended the cattle on Bob’s ranch came driving by in their old pick up truck and angrily said, “Get in, we’ll give you a ride back to the end of the road. You’re trespassing lady.” So I climbed into the back of their pick up truck, not even on the seat in the cab and bounced all the way back to the end of the road. Then, I walked the short distance home.


When I walked in the house, Craig said, “Where have you been? I got dinner started and was getting worried.”


“Oh, I was over at the neighbor’s,” I answered, falling into line helping with the kids and the dinner. During dinner, I just wanted to hold Kelly, who was two years old, and kept feeling so glad she was safe, at least for now.


I kept rocking her at the dinner table and it was a good thing my daughter was in my lap or I probably would have appeared as I really was, “psychotically experiencing an episode.” That’s what they told me the doctors would say if I went to them for help.


“They’ll say you’re psychotic,” Bob said, “and it won’t take them long to figure it out. It will be obvious.”


George Bush lorded and ruled over me for years once I had children. There were lots of scary program tactics they installed to insure the safety of his use of Kelly and me.

Anonymous ID: 8f8acc March 30, 2023, 10:16 a.m. No.18608438   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8448



We don't ever die. We have no end and no beginning. We are eternal.

People "die" and "come back" all the time and tell about it. And people DO know what happens. Nothing happens. It's like walking into the next room except a room with everything you ever prayed for that you thought God did not answer is waiting for u. You are alive before u get here to begin with and u go back to being alive same place u came from. Consciousness/awareness cannot be destroyed. When you croak, you are aware but you no longer have the limits of physical reality and bills and prollems.

Anonymous ID: 8f8acc March 30, 2023, 10:21 a.m. No.18608471   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8585


So you learned nothing from Jesus? You just read a book where Constantine decided to remove half of it and control what people get to read or not read and decided that would be the version of the Bible people get, with around 45 books missing or greatly reduced. Think whatever you want. I'm not the one dealing with your limiting beliefs.

Anonymous ID: 8f8acc March 30, 2023, 10:38 a.m. No.18608585   🗄️.is đź”—kun




[They] took out the book of Thomas because it's not Christian enough and the whole thing pretty much is just quoting Jesus. [They] took it all out because they don't want people to find God. That's just how these people operate. Hello. They took out HALF of the Bible and said, "Here, WE LUCIFERIANS IN CONTROL, DECIDED FOR YOU that this is ALL you need to know." My mother grew up in Catholic Spain after ww2, and they weren't even allowed to read the Bible. The priests had to read it to them.