Anonymous ID: f403a6 March 30, 2023, 8:53 a.m. No.18607967   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Pharma Induced Disability!!!


It's where you are prescribed a medication for a valid problem i.e. high blood pressure…you experience some side effects…doctor prescribes something to handle the side effects…you then experience new side effects on the new meds…on and on until you are unable to function normally in a quality of life manner….up to 5 different meds so far!!!


Judges look the other way when it comes to side effects on any case…although on the prescription bottle, directions and data sheets it says fatigue, dizziness, drowsiness…etc…so, between Pharma, judges, lawyers(won't fight the side effect cases)…not to mention the judges will send insurance company representatives to question…doctors won't admit (to court) the side effects.


You are screwed…


Imagine hurting yourself…how do you continue to exist for 10 years on no income, no benefits, and barely able to function in any type of "quality of life" living….


You can't….you go homeless…you don't want to work because why would you want to give the Government another dime for no apparent reason other than you figured out that it is a government grifting scam…


So, you only choice is to give up…that's exactly what they want you to do!!!