Anonymous ID: 053dec June 22, 2018, 8:04 a.m. No.1861382   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1387 >>1407 >>1440 >>1738

>>1860587 (pb about Bill Gates and mosquito-based human population Genocide)


Gates has made it crystal clear that he wants to Genocide 75% of the planet. It never ceases to amaze me how money can turn people into some deranged version of their former selves. How they can Anon don their empathy for every other living person in favor of, "I am a god because I am wealthy, Hereford I somehow have a fake right to determine the fate of other people." I guess self-determination is only for people who have trampled other human beings on their way to the top. Oprah is another example. She grew up in horrendous human suffering. Now she is a card-carrying member of Bilderburg and believes she has the right to decide the fate of the world (which includes vast human suffering to achieve the group's collective goals. Maybe someone should remind her of her suffering, and force her to accept that she advocates the genocide of millions of little African girls in her new pursuit of population control. She and Gates are both VERY sick fucks.