Anonymous ID: af1c79 June 22, 2018, 8:19 a.m. No.1861518   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1528 >>1538 >>1746



wtf are you talking about?! some stupid meme and you think maddog is activated? wtf! im sick and tired of these useless fucking hope porn posts. Its almost coming, its happening, blah blah fucking blah.. what is happening is the crazies are given fuel for their anti-trump, anti-american fire regardless of the truth.. How the fuck do we expect to win our country over when they dont give two shits about truth. we sit here all day play fucking anagram games with capital letters in POTUS' tweets and think a name in a killbox means something.. Fucking get on with it.

Anonymous ID: af1c79 June 22, 2018, 8:27 a.m. No.1861583   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Its insane.. I am so eternally thankful for POTUS. Every single day I thank God for him and pray for his safety. I cant even begin to imagine the difficulties of dealing with so many different things from NK, Trade deals, trade deficits, ISIS, the EU back stabbing, general politics, midterms, the economy and on and on and on.. But at some point this needs to go down. Im sick and tired of the back and forth between congress and doj/fbi to get some documents we wont be able to read anyways..


Fuck the optics POTUS, these people hate you regardless. Get involved with the DOJ and FBI. Please. Release the information, release the videos, release the pics, release the audios.. If people want to riot, so be it. Crush them. Lets MAGA..