Anonymous ID: f42b8b June 22, 2018, 8:28 a.m. No.1861596   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1613 >>1631 >>1649


>6 months go by and there is no change, no justice. DWS, Hillary, Hussein - Justice? Nope. Hilary's so terrified she's mocking us on twitter (muh emails). Now Q shifts to talking about popcorn, t-shirts, and closeups of 45's ear?what the fuck


this has always been a long game. long games are always full of dodges and feints. like long ball in poker - its all about hitting the right hand at the right moment. problem is those flushes and straights are at best 4-1 when you're waiting for the river card.

the right moment has ALWAYS been the mid-terms. our team knows it and the opposition knows it as well.

i guess not all of us are on the team.

Anonymous ID: f42b8b June 22, 2018, 8:33 a.m. No.1861647   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1907


>Faggot-tier excuses. You'll be making them for years to come, long after the board is abandoned by the patriots actually willing to do something


faggot tier iq if you take all of the Q drumming up enthusiasm literally. all in all a pretty good job has been (and is) being done with the drops. plans of this sort change on an hourly basis when you get to the endgame - and it is the endgame. the midterms end this one way or another.

you have no idea what i am or am not willing to do. though on one point you are probably correct - no way i would go to war with an idiot of your caliber.

Anonymous ID: f42b8b June 22, 2018, 8:42 a.m. No.1861742   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Anons are frustrated with the mixed signals

i can appreciate that. we have been told over and over that we are watching a movie. movies don't go from A directly to B (at least not movies that deserve a proper sit down with popcorn). this means we are part of the audience and we are being manipulated along with the rest of those watching closely. generally i hate being manipulated but i am convinced that this ends in only one way, with a purge of the cabal.

watch some late night big game poker - find some games with Doyle Brunson. there are booms all over the place; regular ones. but most end up with brunson taking small pots. every now and again though the long game (which is structured via all the big bets (booms) that get folded to) comes through and Doyle takes down a massive pot (sometime tens of thousands of dollars more than the avg pot for the game).

problem is it is not easy to see when the massive pots will come….although i think this is like tourney play. as the blinds rise relative to the available chips biggier pots get more likely.

the midterms are when the blinds are going to equal the chips in play and everyone is all-in regardless of their cards or available resources.

this, in my considered opinion (which you should likely take with a grain of salt) is what is happening.

Anonymous ID: f42b8b June 22, 2018, 8:58 a.m. No.1861920   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1969 >>1971


>This whole thing is meant as a limited hangout to pacify you.

it would be exceedingly foolish in the long term to rile this place up unless there are containment plans for when it becomes apparent that we've been played. what would those plans look like?


>Every day this becomes more obvious.

not to me. primarily because i don't see any way for DJT and the admin to come out ahead by doing this. i can see a sensible endgame if this is all serious (we either win or lose). but what is the endgame if this is a limited hangout?

Anonymous ID: f42b8b June 22, 2018, 9:08 a.m. No.1862027   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2046


> I disagree. Justice should NEVER be about the midterms. You seem to understand the plan, so I'd like to ask, are we going to see a govt reset like Q alluded to about the constitutional crisis?

I have no special understanding of the plan. I do have a relatively large amount of experience with game theory and with playing games that rely on it. and the considerations that drive strategy and the related tactical decision making (this machieavelli and sun tzu) are about politics/war and how to be successful in those pursuits. it is never about justice. some justice will get done, exactly as much as is allowed/required for the current team in power to win (and as I believe that DJT is actually trying to weed out the corruption perhaps a bit more than required). so the question about a gov't reset is not the right question. the right question is how much renewal will be required in order that the normal folk can get back to work or whatever it is they do.

read the biblical books of kings and chronicles. not for religious enlightenment, in order to understand the above. more that 1 in 4 or so kings was relatively good. and even the good ones are never able to root out all of the corruption. at best they keep it at bay.

finally i am fundamentally convinced that we, here, have influence on how far we get in terms of finding some justice. hence my continual optimism,

Anonymous ID: f42b8b June 22, 2018, 9:11 a.m. No.1862054   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2070


they would have to kill us all. what would happen if 1000s of us invaded the prison system some of us would get hurt, but in the end we would control it. including the gangs and everything else. not going to happen. would be stupid in exelcis.

Anonymous ID: f42b8b June 22, 2018, 9:15 a.m. No.1862095   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2154


while the end mission stays the same, how you get there has to change. all of the really juicy drops were middle game in my opinion. games like movies and books have phases. though i also think that are likely operational challenges in engaging here that had to get worked out.

also, would we all be here if the mission were as blunt and banal as hold the fort on the narrative until the mid terms?

most things for sale have been overmarketed and over sold. it is who we (westerners) are unfortunately.