Anonymous ID: 7e9caa March 31, 2023, 4:29 a.m. No.18613273   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Did Hunter Turn?

Not anons, work, just something found:


This may have been when Hunter Biden had possibly turned


First what led up to it:


September 8, 2017: Ye Jianming announced a $9.1 billion deal with his company CEFC acquiring a stake in state-owned Russian energy company, Rosneft. On the same day, Hunter Biden and Gongwen Dong, a Chinese national who conducted transactions for companies controlled by Ye, got a line of credit under the business name Hudson West III LLC. Hunter; his brother, James; and James's wife, Sara Biden, were authorized users of credit cards associated with the account, with which they opened to purchase $101,291.46 worth of luxury items, including plane tickets and items at Apple Inc., pharmacies, hotels and restaurants. The cards were collateralized by transferring $99,000 from a Hudson West account to a separate one, where the funds were held until the cards were closed. This was identified for possible financial criminal activity.


November, 2017: Ye Jianming's associate, and client of Hunter Biden,Patrick Ho, was arrested and charged with violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, international money laundering, and conspiracy to commit both. His first call was to James Biden who referred him to Hunter.


Also in this month, Hudson West II sent funds directly to Lion Hall Group, whose principal contact was Hunter's uncle, James. Between this time and October, 2018, HW2 sent Lion Hall wires totaling $76,746.15, noted as "office expense and reimbursement". Remember, HW3 is connected to CEFC, the Chinese government, and Gongwen Dong).


March 22, 2018: A million dollar payment was sent from Hudson West III to Owasco with a note saying "Dr Patrick Ho Chi Ping Representation." Hunter Biden claimed that the misdirected million was related to his representation of Ye Jianming's associate, Patrick Ho.Biden claimed Boies Schiller Flexner is co-counsel for Ho's case, and Hudson West was not involved.


April 2, 2018: In an email, Hunter Biden said that the million given on 11/2/17 from CEFC Ltd. foundation should have gone to Owasco LLC, but he had given incorrect wiring instructions found when corrected on 3/22/18, of an outgoing wire for the same amount benefiting Owasco.


Then the earthquake in March, one month before dropping off his 3 devices for repair:


March, 2019:Hunter Biden's client, Patrick Ho, was convicted of his crimes for which he was charged in Nov., 2017, of money laundering, conspiracy, and violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and was sentenced to three years in the U.S. for his part in a multi-million-dollar scheme to bribe officials in Chad and Uganda in exchange for business advantages for CEFC, Ye Jianming's company. Justice described Ye as Ho's boss, his company funding the China Energy Fund Committee. Ho was the secretary-general of the committee when he carried out the schemes.


This Patrick Ho may have cooperated. Then Hunter started to close things down:


April, 2019: Hunter Biden left Burisma board [according to the NY Times].


April 12, 2019: Hunter Biden dropped off three computers with liquid damage at a repair shop in Wilmington, Delaware. The owner, John Paul Mac Issac, examined them and determined one beyond recovery, one was fine, and data on the hard drive of the third, recoverable. Hunter Biden signed the service ticket, and Issac repaired the hard drive and downloaded the data, during which time he noted disturbing images and emails about Ukraine, Burisma, China, and more. Issac prepared an invoice, and notified Hunter his items were ready to be picked up. He got no response, attempting contact again in May, June, July, and August, repeatedly. Biden never responded.

Anonymous ID: 7e9caa March 31, 2023, 5:12 a.m. No.18613408   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Why does a carpet-bagger from Brooklyn get to be a representative from USVI?

Maybe we need to fix that in Congress.

No-name was a Virginian, and ran from Arizona because it was an open seat favorable to his election.

Just like multiple citizenship, this sort of thing needs to be stopped.