DARK EMERALD GREEN. This color is assigned to the AntiChrist-Satan alter(s). Green is the occult color for Satan and happens to be the most sacred color. Few people outside of Satanists know that Green is more sacred for them than any other color.
LIGHT GREEN. The gods and goddess alters which are triads which function in Illuminati ceremonies get this color coding. WHITE. The internal programmers who come around in white robes get this color assigned to them, as if they are doctors or angels of light.
RED. Sexual alters are given the natural color of sex and arousal red.
BLACK. Connecting alters that are Nexus alters between various system parts. PINK. Reporting alters.
DARK BLUE. Non hierarchy cult alters.
LIGHT BLUE. Alters in charge of the way the system runs, such as the judges.
YELLOW. Alters which are ritually and sexually twinned with alters of other systems.
ORANGE. Guard alters which are heavily programmed for obedience.
VIOLET-PURPLE. Front alters and small child alters placed into boxes.