> House Republicans hit back again in their relentless quest to hold Bragg accountable.
doesnt seem very relentless TBHDESU
didnt notice but I agree now that I did. Scavino seems cool, not that we really know what he does. I only like Trump there. The pic looks a little off, too.
but it's better than the rainbow
the dominant theory on Christians For Truth is that Christianity is for whites, New Covenant was to bring the lost tribes together with the others, not "non jews" and the jews as we call them today were created by race mixing
jewish hands typed this
easy to discredit and cant be proven either way
cnn et al we know they're fake news but they sauce things in a way
rrn has no sauce
we don't know if any of it's true
sounds like the bigoted ideas are yours. I don't believe in that I'm just reporting on the content of a discussion board. Which is consistently a much higher quality than your post.
no you do. You asked for opinions and got one that wasnt yours, come back when your nuts drop.
fuck off shlomo
put me in the screencap
you're a fuckingjewtheres nothing more to say
I read Arizona's new Sec of State represented that cartels in that
people think it's fake. you weren't here the other times this was debated?
Harrison Ford the fugitive?
I am going to assume you're a paid agitator now
from the communists
>stop giving power to people who pretend they do't believe in science for their own self interest
he's talking about himself
maybe the code is just to say what you really think backward