Private Prisons & Immigrant Detention Facilities (Big Money in locking up human beings)
Simple Wiki stats about Private Prisons:
-In 2011 alone, the industry took in over $5 Billion in Revenue
-CCA, the largest company, saw revenue increases of 500% in the past two decades alone (since the Clinton Crime and Immigration Bill-and Hillary's Barnstorming rants on inner-city black young men "Super Predators" as the biggest threat to America)
-the largest company, by far is CoreCivic, the three next largest are; Geo Group, Management and Training Corporation, & Community Education Centers.
-POTUS has called for an increase in beds…but, ONLY for the case of keeping mother-child immigrant detainees together through the process. He called for the NON-separation of mother-child back in 2017
-Private Prison Companies house less that 10% of Federal prisoners, but more than 60% of detained immigrants. Illegal immigration is their cash cow.
In brief autisting, I could not tie CCA to converted WalMart facilities but I am sure it is there. The industry has made public statements that they do not lobby the legislature, but I am 100% certain that large donations have been made to campaigns and even larger campaigns made to, "Foundations."
There is also very little, easily-discovered info on the disposition of "unaccompanied minor immigrants." It's possible that it will take some group with the voracity as Judicial Watch to file FOIA requests to DHS/DoJ to discover the disposition of these hundreds of thousands of potentially-trafficked children. My personal preference would be to burn down the companies, their donation recipients, and the corrupt gov officials involved. I have little doubt that THIS is Government Sanctioned Human Trafficking.
CCA! Where are the fucking kids!?!? You are now in the crosshairs!