Anon finds the WaPo hypocrites and revealing their hands by even bringing up the logic of a 'test case'.
Someone says that and right away ding, ding, ding, ding, one at a time in rapid succession all learn that there is a known known seeing the people as only 'their' 'property' to be subjected to 'test cases' of what is a sinister malevolent treatment of human beings from birth to death.
Anon opines 'they' may be so used to and accustomed to being in control of the [public response] to totally false accusations needing to be 'ingested' as 'true'.
Testing the public's [antithesis] to see if they can 'safely' CONTINUE DOING IT TO INNOCENT PEOPLE and the 'desire' was to make it permanent worldwide, a diabological 'ritual' celebrating death by an extremist cult devotion to the ideology of 'pure evil always wins'.
The world needed years to be built up after a small network of 'hunters'.
Perhaps one answer to 'where's hunter?', is to say that with a world awakened to the evil that is evil 'alchemy' rituals of pretending evil is good and good is evil, that's the most ancient extension of what is eternally a 'speech control' to echo over and over that A and not A are both 'proved true' by more dependent speech to serve as tacit logic to pre-censor any opportunity for the censored to speak the truth of the censor's actions.
Desires to censor are a logically inconsistent data stream that humans may have free will to SOUND as true, saying 'A is not A, A is B and B is A, so echo A is B', but it will never be 'absolutely' true for the more absolutist the speech gets, the more 'challenge' it has with sustaining the ritual practise of inconsistencies as truths.