Anonymous ID: f16246 April 1, 2023, 10:41 a.m. No.18621790   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1804 >>1965 >>2009 >>2109 >>2171 >>2231 >>2346 >>2455 >>2479

2 hours ago

Soros Covers Up DA Bragg Relationship | Jack Posobiec Highlights Duo's Interconnected PastIt was a big mistake them bringing this indictment.


On behalf of Soros, It was the Color of Change when they took $500,000 back from Bragg because of some dirty sex thing with a woman

Anonymous ID: f16246 April 1, 2023, 10:52 a.m. No.18621862   🗄️.is 🔗kun


2 hours ago

"We Need To Stop Affirming Them": Terry Schilling Explains Path To Take Down Transgender Ideology.


They all know its a mental illness!

Anonymous ID: f16246 April 1, 2023, 10:59 a.m. No.18621899   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1940 >>1946 >>1957 >>1965 >>2009 >>2022 >>2109 >>2171 >>2231 >>2346 >>2455 >>2479

1 Apr, 2023 16:34

'Doctor Doom’ makes bold claim about US

Most of the country's banks are technically near insolvency, famed economist Nouriel Roubini says


Renowned economist Nouriel Roubini, who predicted the global financial crisis of 2008, has issued a grim assessment of US banking sector's status.


In an opinion piece for Project Syndicate, Roubini, dubbed ‘Doctor Doom’ by Wall Street for his tendency toward bleak predictions, claimed that mostUS banks are “technically near insolvency,” with hundreds already “fully insolvent.”


The comments came weeks after the US banking sector was hit by a wave of failures after the collapses of Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank. The turmoil spread to Europe, engulfing Switzerland’s second-largest lender Credit Suisse, which was forced to merge with rival investment bank UBS.


According to the analyst, thepandemic-related economic declineaggravated the underlying vulnerabilities in the country’s financial system, leaving many financial institutions in shaky positions.


He stressed that the current situation was induced by such factors as the high level of debt held by businesses and households, as well as the overvaluation of assets such as stocks and real estate.


Roubini added thathawkish policies pursued by the US Federal Reserveinevitably increased pressure on lenders’ profitability by squeezing the difference between the interest they reap on loans and the interest they shell out on deposits.


The economist highlighted that the risks run by the lenders in an attempt to generate more profits amid constant rate-hiking made them more vulnerable to potential losses.


Over the past year, the Fed has raised its benchmark interest rate to a range of 4.75% to 5%, the highest since 2006, from near-zero, raising the risk of asset depreciation on the balance sheets of many financial institutions.

Anonymous ID: f16246 April 1, 2023, 11:06 a.m. No.18621938   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1965

1 Apr, 2023 13:54

Senior Ukrainian bishop claims he’s under house arrest

Metropolitan Pavel, Abbot of the Kiev Pechersk Lavra, is suspected of supporting Russia’s actions during the conflict


The leader of Ukraine’s largest Orthodox Christian monastery has said he is under house arrest, marking the latest twist in Kiev’s religious crackdown. Metropolitan Pavel (secular name Pyotr Lebed), a senior bishop in the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC), is suspected ofinciting religious tensions.


The cleric, who has served as abbot of the Kiev Pechersk Lavra since 1994, told reporters about his arrest on Saturday, in a video released by the Ukrainian news network Vesti.


Meanwhile the SBU, Ukraine’s domestic security service, claimed in a statement that it “had collected well-founded evidence” that the bishop was “inciting inter-religious enmity” and “justifying Russia’s aggression.” The two potential charges carry prison sentences of up to eight years and three years, respectively.


On Saturday, local media reported that during a hearing in a Kiev court,Pavel said he was feeling unwell, leading to the judge postponing the session to Monday.


The SBU said Pavel “insulted the religious feelings of Ukrainians” and “tried to create hostile attitudes” towards members of other religious denominations.The cleric’s house was also raided by SBUoperatives, with the bishop summoned for questioning, according to the UOC.


Metropolitan Pavel has denied the allegations, insisting that he has always condemned Moscow’s military operation and “stood in defense of my motherland.”


The Russian Orthodox Church has denounced the SBU’s crackdown on the bishop. Vladimir Legoida, who heads the Church’s public relations department, claimed that the house arrest was made “on trumped-up charges” and is “a natural continuation of the justice violations” committed by the Ukrainian authorities.


The Kiev Pechersk Lavra, which is administered by the UOC, is 980 years old and has been the target of a relentless campaign by Ukrainian authorities in recent months. Kiev officials suspect the UOC of covertly supporting the Russian government despite it having proclaimed independence from Moscow after the start of the conflict in February 2022.


The crackdown culminated last month when Ukraine’s Ministry of Culture claimed, without providing any proof, that the UOC violated the 2013 agreement which allowed it to administer the monastery, with the monks ordered to vacate the premises. However, the UOC refused to comply, describing the order as “unlawful.”


Ukraine’s push to evict the monks has sparked tensions between supporters and opponents of the UOC. On Saturday, local media shared footage of a brief clash between the two groups near the site.


Ukraine has long experienced religious tensions, with a number of entities claiming to be the true Ukrainian Orthodox Church. The two main rival factions are the Ukrainian Orthodox Church and the Kiev-backed Orthodox Church of Ukraine (OCU), which is considered by the Russian Orthodox Church to be schismatic.


(The basic problem is Nazis don’t like religion or religious people. Satan is their guy!)

Anonymous ID: f16246 April 1, 2023, 11:14 a.m. No.18621984   🗄️.is 🔗kun

N>>18621781, >>18621786 BREAKING: A Law Partner at firm representing DNC in suit against DJT over January 6th was just arrested for possessing of child porn.


Best news I’ve heard all day


Now if anons and others find out why Bragg got $500,000 taken back out of the $1 million soros gave him through the Color of Change and reveal that. Any anons in NY friendly with dems there?


Soros us desperate to distance himself from Bragg, it must be really evil what he did to the woman

Anonymous ID: f16246 April 1, 2023, 11:24 a.m. No.18622020   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2028 >>2036 >>2040 >>2082

2 hours ago

“First-Year Law Students Could Get This Dismissed”: Dershowitz On Bragg's Weak Case Against Trump


Dershowitz new book “Get Trump” was just released

Anonymous ID: f16246 April 1, 2023, 11:38 a.m. No.18622082   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I don’t get why multimillionaires don’t get their teeth fixed? The same with Stacy Abrams, well she should also get a gastric bypass surgery but she loves KFC so much. She probably invested in KFC franchises with the stolen money. Btw KFC’s are disappearing here in GA

Anonymous ID: f16246 April 1, 2023, 11:44 a.m. No.18622115   🗄️.is 🔗kun


There are some suing the doctors now. Some of these parents coerce the child to be famous among their friends. These people should be diagnosed with a mental illness sort of life Munchowser by proxy syndrome

Anonymous ID: f16246 April 1, 2023, 11:55 a.m. No.18622157   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Pretty amazing Jimmy actually jokes about it at first, but then admits it was very powerful, his cohost has to make jokes but Jimmy is realizing a billionaire can actually do good for America.Jimmy is going to be invited to the WH with Trump one day, his buddy maybe not. You could see that Jimmy was really enjoying the video. The rain was real and he stayed their because everyone else stayed

Anonymous ID: f16246 April 1, 2023, 12:03 p.m. No.18622192   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2195

So I’ve been wondering when I go to youtube and the ads are in a foreign language, I realized I change my VPN node to a foreign country.Kek, I’m brilliant it only took me a couple of hours to figure that out!

Anonymous ID: f16246 April 1, 2023, 12:11 p.m. No.18622227   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Terriblebut sometimes Bush jr and his group, blew up the world trade center and killed 100s of 1000s innocent people in the middle east, to steal their oil, to buy water aquifers in SA to make people pay for water or they will die, but wait they are not done yet!

Anonymous ID: f16246 April 1, 2023, 12:58 p.m. No.18622418   🗄️.is 🔗kun

My famiky and I were talking about insults our parents used and we didn’t understand how they were insulting, ie.When my mother saw an ugly women she would say, “how unfortunate” and we would giggle


50+ Old Fashioned Insults We Should Bring Back

  1. Afternoon Farmer

A laggard; a farmer who rises late and is behind in his chores; hence, anyone who loses his opportunities.

  1. All Hat and No Cattle

An empty boaster; a man who is all talk and no action.

  1. Blunderbuss

A short gun, with a wide bore, for carrying slugs; also, a dumb, blundering fellow.

  1. Cad

A mean fellow; a man trying to worm something out of another, either money or information.

  1. Chatterbox or Clack-Box

An excessive, incessant talker or chatterer. “Clack-box” is the more derisive variation.

  1. Chicken-Hearted

Cowardly, fearful.

  1. Chuckle Head

Much the same as “buffle head,” “cabbage head,” “chowder head,” “cod’s head” — all signifying stupidity and weakness of intellect; a fool.

  1. Cow-Handed


  1. Death’s Head Upon a Mop-Stick

A poor, miserable, emaciated fellow. He looked as pleasant as the pains of death.

  1. Duke of Limbs

A tall, awkward fellow.

  1. Dunderhead


  1. Fop, Foppish, Foppling, Fop-doodle

A man of small understanding and much ostentation; a pretender; a man fond of show, dress, and flutter; an impertinent: foppery is derived from fop, and signifies the kind of folly which displays itself in dress and manners: to be foppish is to be fantastically and affectedly fine; vain; ostentatious; showy, and ridiculous: foppling is the diminutive of fop, a fool half-grown; a thing that endeavors to attract admiration to its pretty person, its pretty dress, etc. In composition it makes fop-doodle, a fool double-distilled; one that provokes ridicule and contempt, who thrusts himself into danger with no other chance than a sound beating for his pains.

  1. Fribble

A trifler, idler, good-for-nothing fellow; silly and superficial.

  1. Fussbudget

A nervous, fidgety person.

  1. Gadabout

A person who moves or travels restlessly or aimlessly from one social activity or place to another, seeking pleasure; a trapesing gossip; as a housewife seldom seen at home, but very often at her neighbor’s doors.

  1. Gasser


  1. Gentleman of Four Outs

When a vulgar, blustering fellow asserts that he is a gentleman, the retort generally is, “Yes, a gentleman of four outs,” that is, without wit, without money, without credit, and without manners.

  1. Ginger-Snap

A hot-headed person.

  1. Go-Alonger

A simple, easy person, who suffers himself to be made a fool of, and is readily persuaded to any act or undertaking by his associates, who inwardly laugh at his folly.

  1. Go By the Ground

A short person, man or woman.

  1. Gollumpus

Large, clumsy fellow.

  1. Greedy Guts

A covetous or gluttonous person.

  1. Grumbletonian

A discontented person; one who is always railing at the times.

  1. Heathen Philosopher

One whose buttocks may be seen through his pocket-hole; this saying arose from the old philosophers, many of whom despised the vanity of dress to such a point as often to fall into the opposite extreme.

  1. Milksop

A piece of bread soaked in milk; a soft, effeminate, girlish man; one who is devoid of manliness.

  1. Minikin

A little man or woman.

  1. Mollycoddle

An effeminate man, one who malingers amongst the women.

  1. Nigmenog

A very silly fellow.

  1. Nincompoop

A fool.

  1. Ninnyhammer

A simpleton.

  1. Poltroon

An utter coward.

  1. Rascal

A rogue or villain.

  1. Rattlecap

An unsteady, volatile person.

  1. Ruffian

A brutal fellow; a pugilistic bully.

  1. Rumbumptious

Pompous, haughty.

  1. Sauce-Box

A bold or forward person.

  1. Scalawag/Scallywag

A rascal.

  1. Seek-Sorrow

One who contrives to give himself vexation; a self-tormentor; a hypochondriac.

  1. Scamp

A worthless fellow; a rascal.

  1. Scoundrel

A man void of every principle of honor.

  1. Shabbaroon

An ill-dressed shabby fellow; also, a mean-spirited person.

  1. Skinflint

A miser; a covetous wretch, one who, if possible would take the skin off a flint.

  1. Slug-A-Bed

Parasite; one that cannot rise in the morning.

  1. Sneaksby

A mean-spirited fellow; a sneaking, cowardly man.

  1. Spoony

Foolish, half-witted, nonsensical; it is usual to call a very prating shallow fellow, a “rank spoon.”

  1. Stingbum

A stingy or ungenerous person.

  1. Unlicked Cub

A loutish youth who has never been taught manners; from the tradition that a bear’s cub, when brought into the world, has no shape or symmetry until its mother licks it into form with her tongue; ill-trained, uncouth, and rude.

  1. White-Livered

Cowardly, malicious.

  1. Word Grubbers

Verbal critics; and also, persons who use hard words in common discourse.

  1. Wrinkler

A person prone to lying.