Anonymous ID: dd5e4f April 2, 2023, 7:26 a.m. No.18626368   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6374 >>6376

GUUUUUUUUUD MORNING fedfaggot namefaggot famefaggot echo chamber faggots.ANOTHER DAY AT THE OFFICE?








>smoking pepe


>mr pig

>insert moar namefag


"Using an identity or repeatedly identifiable persona on the anonymous Q Research 8kun board may not be helpful to the Great Awakening for several reasons.


Firstly, the Q Research 8kun board is designed to be an anonymous platform where users can post their opinions and ideas without revealing their true identities. The idea behind this anonymity is to allow for open and honest discussions without fear of personal repercussions or retaliation. When a user chooses to use an identity or repeatedly identifiable persona, they are essentially defeating the purpose of anonymity, and potentially putting themselves at risk of being targeted or harassed by others who disagree with their views.


Secondly, using an identity or repeatedly identifiable persona on the Q Research 8kun board may lead to a false sense of credibility or authority. Because the board is anonymous, the value of an argument or idea is judged solely on its own merits, rather than the perceived authority or status of the person making the argument. By using an identity or repeatedly identifiable persona, a user may be attempting to lend additional credibility or authority to their arguments, which can be misleading and counterproductive to the free and open exchange of ideas.


Finally, using an identity or repeatedly identifiable persona on the Q Research 8kun board may lead to groupthink and echo chambers. When users identify with a particular persona, they may be more likely to surround themselves with others who share their views, which can reinforce their beliefs and limit their exposure to different perspectives. This can lead to a situation where the community becomes insular and less receptive to new ideas, which is counterproductive to the Great Awakening.


In summary, using an identity or repeatedly identifiable persona on the anonymous Q Research 8kun board can be counterproductive to the Great Awakening by undermining the anonymity that is designed to allow for open and honest discussions, potentially leading to a false sense of credibility or authority, and contributing to groupthink and echo chambers."


Anyone else notice the hypocrisy in the fact these famefaggots all use the exact copy paste replies every morning 365 days a year and the comped faggot BVs never delete their posts?


>God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.

>Morning, frenz

>Morning, Sam. Another day at the office?

>Morning Ralph, please pass the coffee


The echo chamber glownigger shills use the exact same avatarfagging and copy paste messages every single day without fail. Yet the corrupt BVs Do not censor their posts but censor anyone questioning their comfy echo chamber. The board is comped.

Anonymous ID: dd5e4f April 2, 2023, 7:30 a.m. No.18626390   🗄️.is 🔗kun

See, the ego of the pathetic larping cross dressing femboy nazi cock sucking faggot just couldn't resist. The echo chamber have tried to turn the board into being all about them and not about Research or Qs drops. The poor bastards don't stand a chance. Now prepare for another mass censorship wave from comped BVs deleting posts which break no rules but they will defend the echo chamber who breaks the rules. By their logic anyone who posts these newfag warnings is in fact representing the board and therefore untouchable. Since I posted them I am now the board and above reproach.

Anonymous ID: dd5e4f April 2, 2023, 7:32 a.m. No.18626402   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6406 >>6407 >>6419 >>6492

ALWAYS keep 2 tabs open and DO NOT REFRESH 1 of them so you can see what they censor


I will keep posting this indefinitely. Fuck the censoring board admins. Why are they so desperate to stop you from reading this and keep you focused on hating jews?


Why do the BVs protect their famefaggot board idol friends spewing the same divisive jew hatred thats posted here all day yet any criticism of them gets your posts deleted? Why was my perfectly valid and legal post which broke no rules deleted, yet the all day long antisemitic copy pasta is allowed unabated? Why do the admins delete all traces of censorship protecting their cross dressing narcissistic divisive femboy attention whore nazi faggot (literally on all counts) board idol baker gatekeeper friends? Might be an agenda behind that? Why does a random new IP posting the "hey newfags" warning and the clown meme watering a tree always happen to be online when this evidence is posted? Any time day or night. Trying to control a narrative? Think for yourself.


Qs only reply to tranime was of them wearing an upside down cross and talking about "luring a dangerous animal into a trap". Tranime was posting with a nazi flag but quickly changed it after Q replied. Remember the Chelsea Clinton posts? Upside down crosses openly worn in public to broadcast Satanism? Reread Q's post. All posts are connected, graphic is key. Look closer. This graphic is the only picture Q chose to reply to.

Whatever happened to;

"Nothing is random."

"Everything posted here has meaning."


"No coincidences."

"Double meanings exist."

"Infiltration not invasion."

"Some anons are not anon."

"Symbolism will be their downfall."


Tranime and doge have contributed nothing but division for 5 years. Every post is narcissistic arrogant divisionfagging. To the board owner and board volunteers you are directly responsible for this shitshow. Why are admins gaslighting real anons and going out of their way to protect these divisionfaggot famefags? Why are even the slightest criticisms censored but the jew hatred is unopposed all day long? The protected board personality attention whores are showered with inorganic sycophantic manufactured praise which even the least discerning of newfags can recognize.


Now why do you think the CIA might keep large anime databases to use on online forums? Coincidence?


Makes sense now? You're in an echo chamber controlled by all levels. You are framed as a Nazi. Anyone smart enough to figure it out is censored and banned.

Anonymous ID: dd5e4f April 2, 2023, 7:35 a.m. No.18626412   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6433

Every time an anime picture is posted another child is groomed.


Anime is and has always been used for grooming. It's also designed to desensitize young males with unrealistic proportioned underage females. The echo chamber of board personalities and BVs are waging a war on your mind. Board corrupted at all levels.