yeah Thank you I disconnected the VPN and got in. I don't go there enough to remember to do that. kek
What worries me about this is that President Trump went ahead with 5G.
Don't be ridiculous. They are down from the high last week. when gold gets over 2000 again and silver up over 30 then good times.
We have a long way to go before we get back to 50 an ounce for silver
I don't get why it is breaking news now. We knew it when it was happening.
Sad that mike thinks obama has an actual say in the matter.
>>18631501 WTF back attcha
Who says average people aren't being prayed for?
This is 8Kun buddy.
When is the last time you prayed for average joe? Did you announce it to the world?
you are going to be filtered but understand this faggot shill
IT IS 8KUN. We/I support PRESIDENT TRUMP in every way we/I can.
You want an everyman give me prayers board, go start one.