notable AF
But Missouri HB 1169 It’s been described as “one of the most controversial bills in history,” but all it is – is a labeling bill. It doesn’t ban anything.You have every right to know if a food product is a gene therapy product. So, if this bill gets passed, it’s a major victory for informed consent and, in all likelihood, our well-being.
Missouri HB 1169 does three things:
1.) “It requires labeling and disclosure of any product that has any gene therapy qualities.”
2.) “It requires that if you have a product on the market that has gene therapy qualities, that anyone can call the company and say, ‘hey, how does this spread? ‘Does it shed? Is it spread through contact — through sexual contact? Or is there a way that this can spread?’ And they have to disclose it.”
3.) “It requires informed consent. And informed consent includes serious events or adverse events of special interest. … And it requires informed consent before you be given anything with the gene therapy or medicinal property.”
“So, this isn’t difficult,” stressed attorney Renz.
“I don’t think this is a Democrat bill or Republican bill. It’s sponsored by a Republican (Rep. Holly Jones) but should be universally supported.” However, “[t]his has become the most contentious bill in Missouri history,” he lamented.“All we’re asking for is transparency and disclosure.”