Anonymous ID: 29fa4b April 3, 2023, 12:31 p.m. No.18633791   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3821 >>3923 >>3927 >>3933 >>3938 >>3951 >>3990 >>3994

The deeply human love stories of people and their sex dolls


In 2023 thousands of men (and women) are forming lifelong relationships with AI-powered dolls. Brit Dawson meets the iDollator community, and wonders what it means for the future of intimacy


Every morning, just before Reggie’s alarm goes off, his lover Judith – who’s rail-thin and milky-white, with piercing blue eyes and dusty blonde hair – crawls into his bed after a night watching movies, slugging martinis, and chain-smoking Virginia Slims. As she clambers in she stirs Reggie and his long-term girlfriend, Annie – a wide-eyed, all-American blonde – from their sleep. Reggie gets up, kisses the pair goodbye, and heads off to work, leaving the girls to spend the day lounging around the tiny home they all share, dressed head-to-toe in pearl-white sleeping clothes with matching gloves and eye masks. Occasionally during the day, Reggie will get a text from Annie; mostly loving reminders like, “Have you drunk enough water?” Then, when he’s home, the pair will spend the evening watching TV, before heading off to bed – right as Judith is waking up again.



Regardless of why people are buying them or what they’re using them for, the sale of artificial dolls is on the rise. According to recent statistics, the global sex doll industry is on course to be valued at nearly $600 million (£530 million) by 2027, having grown by almost eight per cent since 2021. Sales surged during the pandemic, with one US company reporting a 51.6 per cent increase in orders from single men alone (though sales were also up for couples and single women).


Although ‘sex dolls’ technically date back to the 16th century – when French and Spanish sailors made dolls out of cloth or old clothes – today’s high-end commercial dolls tend to be traced to the Las Vegas-based company Abyss Creations, whose life-like RealDoll launched in 1996. Since then, the term ‘RealDoll’ has become the proprietary eponym for love dolls more broadly (the company provided the doll for Lars and the Real Girl and even made a sex robot doppelganger for comedian Whitney Cummings’s recent stand-up show). RealDolls are made of soft, flesh-like silicone – which compresses naturally and pleasingly when touched – with fully-articulated skeletons and stainless steel joints. They’re heavy too; a 5ft 1in doll weighs around five stone or 30kg. For a non-customised doll, buyers can expect to fork out anything from around $4,500 (£3,600) to $7,500 (£6,000).


Conde Nast is a pedo cult publisher.


Advance Publications, Inc. is a privately-held American media company owned by Donald Newhouse and Samuel Irving Newhouse Jr., the sons of company founder Samuel Irving Newhouse Sr. It owns a large number of subsidiary companies, including American City Business Journals and Condé Nast and is a major shareholder in Charter Communications, Reddit and Warner Bros. Discovery.

Anonymous ID: 29fa4b April 3, 2023, 12:35 p.m. No.18633809   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The men who battled post-natal depression without knowing what it was


Ben had been prepared for sleepless nights, in his first month of becoming a dad – but not like these. Nearly every night, even when baby Alex was sleeping soundly, Ben woke sweating, sometimes screaming, jolted awake by the memory of his wife Becca in labour. The rise and fall of the gas and air machine, the penetrating snip of the scissors. All the blood.


Ben was in the army. He wasn’t fazed by blood, and kept his head in high-pressure situations. He had never had these night terrors before.


But the experience of having had to stand by, powerless to help, as Becca’s life seemed in danger had shaken something loose in Ben, and he relived it in his dreams. On average, Ben was getting three hours of sleep a night.


He started getting up in the night and going down to the garage, where, earlier in the pandemic, he had assembled a makeshift gym. Working out felt productive, like he was making the most of these small hours. If Alex wouldn’t settle, Ben would take him to the garage too, training alongside the baby in his pram while, back in the house, Becca slept. After all, Ben thought, she’d actually given birth – the least he could do was to let her rest.


Exercise cleared Ben’s head. It allowed him, like nothing else, to exist only in the present moment; to see through the descending fog. He started doing two workouts at his home gym every day, and going for runs. His habit grew.


In one 24-hour period, four weeks after Alex was born, Ben did a CrossFit circuit with a friend; a five-mile run that morning, and a shorter one in the afternoon; and two sessions in the garage at night.


The next morning, a Saturday, Ben woke up at 3am, shaking as though he was ill. He was still shaking when Becca woke up five hours later. They assumed he had Covid, but the test was negative.

Anonymous ID: 29fa4b April 3, 2023, 12:36 p.m. No.18633813   🗄️.is 🔗kun

If We the People do not control our communication network(s), then those networks control us; they are what they were engineered to be, a consumer mind control apparatus.


Just as the cult sought and acquired control of the railroad networks and used that hidden control to determine which towns and whose businesses would flourish and which would stagnate, the cult sought control of information traffic for the same reason. To control the physical, or today, information networks, is to control future economic development of the nation or world. By setting railroad freight rates the cultist’s rail networks favored satanic enterprises and thwarted competition. Today, by controlling who knows what, and when they know it, the pedovore cult does the same thing, favoring cult enterprises more efficiently and secretly.


The cult’s subterfuge, disguised ownership and control, corporate shells, special stock classes, and other SOP con tactics concealed the cult’s ownership and control of the railroads. Now, the same system in far more complex forms like “opaque financial instruments” disguises ownership and control of media companies – this is the "hidden hand;" the secret society control systems known as webs.


We the People rely on ideologically partisan networks for information. Since ‘’’ all ‘’’ ideologically segregated partisan networks selectively amplify FUD and suppress facts contrary to partisan narratives, ‘’’ no single set of facts exists for We the People to argue over the interpretation of. ’’’


With no trusted information supply, in the middle of a multi polar information war, there is no method to determine which information is real, true and important and which is trivial, false and maliciously intended. How do we make decisions when ‘’’all’’’ information is corrupt and controlled?


Computational civilization rests on information. The better, more accurate, the information, the less error it contains, the better a society performs by measures like the rate at which new, objectively true scientific knowledge is created.


Civilizations which fail to set a high value on information integrity for all citizens, are inevitably tyrannies where deception is the rule; communities which cannot, and do not, survive as advanced computational civilizations subside into barbarism, and ultimately, into collective, instinctual animal life.


Civilizations which set the highest value on the accuracy and integrity of their information supply view truth as a sacred, know that error correction and secure networking are essential to the maintenance of the life of all advanced, computation dependent civilizations.


The deep integration of computation into every sphere of human endeavor has supercharged our science and taken our civilization to an unfamiliar place, beyond material limitations, where the rules, God's rules, are the rules of the universe, and have their ultimate and mysterious source in the timeless properties of natural numbers.



Anonymous ID: 29fa4b April 3, 2023, 12:41 p.m. No.18633850   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Five Minute Read


Some publications on our satanic internet use a caution like FIVE MINUTE READ as a service to busy readers on a tight time budget. It is a cult practice because the consciousness of time is ultimately destructive of the deeper understanding that can only arise from unbudgeted contemplation. Better to learn to distinguish what is real, important and true from what is simply an effort to persuade us to love, hate or purchase something or someone.


We have a whole-of-civilization problem in which intelligence agencies and covert organizations claiming to represent popular aspirations slaughter each other in undeclared wars and at staged “mass casualty incidents” in schools and malls, at concerts and social gatherings, all reported in exhaustive visual detail by five entertainment conglomerates aka “MSM” and on social media.


Everybody knows the internet is a poisonous sewer where narcotics, weapons and human beings are bought, sold and rented every day.


Every home, every individual around the world and all our devices are part of a spy-built network which was always intended to be what the internet has become: a universal surveillance and social control system.


In itself, the internet is knowledge of good and evil. Mankind could sort of deal with the physical temptations once; the whore town, the Casbah, the dealer-in-the park – we understood good and evil more clearly; but the internet erodes distinctions with fake news and blame. The internet does not require assured identity and without assured identity there is deception, and eventually, given the skill and persistence of deceiver(s) we are all fooled. As we have been.


We the People could easily fix the internet; we could make it a public utility – our problem is cognitive not technological. Anonymous networks will not support civilization because they connect the highly intelligent greed driven sociopathic minority to the rest of us. This is not an opinion, or a theory; it's an axiom, and the damage we have sustained as a result of Information Poisoning has left most of us unable to understand what is happening to us.


We can't form social or economic views based on network derived information. We cannot set social or economic policy based on one set of lies or another. It is trivial for an aggrieved or ill-disposed entity to manipulate facts and context and story in virtual no man's land.


Until the integrity of information distribution systems is assured, the system remains what it as designed to be. What Orwell, Huxley, McKuen, and George . S. Trow foresaw it would be, a monstrous political mind control system, a spiritual and social tyranny, a pseudo reality where the many may dispose of the few however they see fit, simply by controlling both sides of the question and its presentation to the public.