I can't imagine how many of THEM tried to get in his pockets before he was President. He gets to have revenge now and get them under control. I agree with segragation. It's for the best. Blacks too IMO.
Mein Negar
I agree fuck the whining TV news. Go fucking BEAST Q on them. Flush the toilet. ESPECIALY that GOD DAMN pope of unholy roman empire jesuit filth. He needs gone asap. DANGEROUS while free.
Good thing he ded. Krauthammer was a Trump hater. Good riddance .
It's Purple rope time somewhere.
That's just the start of them. Many more are comped scum that need taken off the streets. TRAITORS !!!
Wrong Anon. FUCK krauthammer the scumbag Trump hater.
Ok as long as he ended up liking Trump. All I heard was him say Trump was the worst thing ever.
She looks like a monkey . VJ purple rope windchime