The only facial expression anon wants to see from Kilmeade is the one he makes as he's fed feet first into a wood chipper.
Why not? Haven't had a good old-fashioned organic board Kek in ages. Hell, he's probably been baking since 2019
I bought a girl a stuffed Spudz doll once and it got me laid. The Bud Light also helped.
I'm sitting here trying to figure out what the banksters will do for a side hustle when they can't launder drug money anymore.
People aren't going to stop doing drugs, so I'm sitting here trying to figure out what would be equitable trade in a retail-level drug deal.
Other types of livestock?
Gold and silver would surely be the currency for growers and distrusters?
That quote has been bastardized over the years. The actual quote is "Lead me, follow me, or get the hell out of my way." One little word changes the context bigly. It was spoken by a desperately frustrated man to his superior at a critical moment in history and was never intended to become a Boomer axiom.
Farmers grow what the market demands. It's just that simple. The truth is there are fewer and fewer family farms every year. Big Agra now owns most of the Corn Belt tillable acreage. So, before you kick someone attempting to live a traditional, productive way of life, why don't you go after the people who said it's safe to drink a glass of RoundUp who by the way buy all of the corn and process it into slow poison death and sell it to little kids with pictures of cartoon characters on the box?
All boards are comp'd. Have been since 2019. Go back to sleep. You're boring.
Wasn't it Hilldawg who coined the term "Echo Chamber" during the 1996 election whilst refering to the Rush Limbaugh program?
A Share Blue astroturfing faggot is what you are. You're the one exposed here. You've never posted a single thing but loosh. You've never posted a single positive or helpful thing.
Neck yourself in a grease fire.