Anonymous ID: c60661 April 4, 2023, 8:22 p.m. No.18643189   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3194 >>3213 >>3227 >>3238 >>3248 >>3265 >>3328 >>3354

Canada Out of Control: Toronto Asks Federal Government to Decriminalize Hard Drugs for Kids


It seems that, for the ultra-liberal administration of Toronto, even the lenient Canadian drug legislation is not enough, as city officials demand from the Canadian government the authorization to implement a much more radical plan, that includes decriminalizing ALL drugs to ALL ages, including underage children.


TNC reports:


“The City of Toronto has released its sweeping plan to decriminalize all hard drugs, including fentanyl and crack cocaine for any age.


Toronto’s request is even more lenient than the decriminalization order granted to the entire province of British Columbia by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau earlier this year.


The City is asking that the federal government grant a Health Canada exemption for all drugs extending even to children.


In British Columbia’s case, the granted exemption only applies to adults. The report claims that decriminalization should be offered for ‘all people in Toronto, including youth’.”


Toronto City report to Canadian Federal Government:


“Criminalization does not effectively deter youth substance use. The data show that youth in Toronto between the ages of 12 and 17 use unregulated drugs and are vulnerable to the same harms associated with criminalization as adults.”


Vocal opponent of the decriminalization of drugs, Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre: “Flooding our streets with decriminalized and taxpayer subsidized drugs has led to a massive overdose crisis right across the country.”


Toronto’s plan does not limit the amount of drugs that can be possessed for personal use. But the city still claims that it will investigate drug trafficking and other violations.


“Drugs in possession for personal use can vary considerably depending on the type of drugs being used, or an individual’s tolerance to a substance. For the anticipated benefits of decriminalization to be available to all Torontonians, the model should apply to all drugs in possession if they are for personal use.”

Anonymous ID: c60661 April 4, 2023, 8:26 p.m. No.18643215   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3237 >>3240 >>3285 >>3328 >>3354

CHICAGO GOES FULL COMMIE: Radical Marxist Brandon Johnson Is Predicted Winner in Mayor’s Race Against Pro-Police Moderate Candidate Paul Vallas


The radical Marxist won in Chicago tonight.

Get out while you can.


Brandon Johnson is the likely winner in the Chicago Mayoral race replacing the short crazy lady.


The Commie Squad loves this guy.

Anonymous ID: c60661 April 4, 2023, 8:27 p.m. No.18643226   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3240 >>3267 >>3278 >>3328 >>3354

Wisconsin Supreme Court Race: Radical Democrat Beats GOP Justice Daniel Kelly by 14 Points – Giving Democrats Majority in Court


Radical leftist Janet Protasiewicz, a far left judge on the Milwaukee County Circuit Court, won a seat on the Wisconsin Supreme Court, giving liberals their first majority on the state’s highest court in 15 years.


Protasiewicz beat Daniel Kelly 57% to 43%.

Anonymous ID: c60661 April 4, 2023, 8:33 p.m. No.18643260   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3263 >>3264 >>3291 >>3328 >>3354 >>3357

Team Trump unleashes on Biden in 2024 prelude: 'Sick, craven old man' unworthy of respect


"If you take the worst five presidents in American history and added them up, they wouldn't have done the damage Biden and his administration have done to America," Trump declared.


In a prelude to its 2024 strategy, Donald Trump's team unleashed its most intense verbal barrage to date against Joe Biden as it derided the current president as a "sick, craven old man" who has demolished America's standing in the world.


From its national spokeswoman to the 45th president himself, Team Trump let loose Tuesday night on the current occupant of the White House.


"If you take the worst five presidents in American history and added them up, they wouldn't have done the damage Biden and his administration have done to America," Trump told supporters in a fiery speech hours after he was arraigned in New York on state criminal charges related to alleged hush money paid to women during the 2016 election.


The former president mostly zeroed in on Biden's policy failures, from the loss of U.S. energy independence to the bungled Afghan withdrawal.


His national spokeswoman Liz Harrington, however, uncorked a more personal attack on Biden that focused on his age and his unmet promise to unite a divided country.


"He's a sick, craven old man, honestly," Harrington said on the Tuesday edition of the "Just the News, No Noise" television show.


"It is embarrassing," she said of Biden's effort to portray himself as a uniter. "It's not worthy of the great people that still live in this nation, who care for this nation and who have died for this nation.


"Joe Biden is not worthy of our respect, and he's not worthy to lead this great country," Harrington added,


During Biden's inaugural address in 2021, he called for unity and working together amongst Americans, but further into his presidency, some in the GOP have referred to him as the "divider in chief."


Biden suffered some backlash after laughing when asked whether Trump's indictment was politically divisive.


Trump on Tuesday pleaded not guilty to 34 counts of falsifying business records and conspiracy related to his alleged role in hush money payments to two women. He's the first former president to ever face criminal charges and is expected to be released on his own recognizance.


Harrington said the criminal pursuit of Trump was an effort to derail the former president's re-election effort and was perversely corrupting the justice system.


"The big picture message is how they're attacking him. But it's really an attack on the country-the very foundation of the rule of law, and our constitutional God given rights," she stated.


"And only President Trump, who's been through the fire on this for seven years now-he's the only one who can articulate it," she argued. "And more importantly, he's the only one who can lead the movement."


Harrington added that the 45th president was willing to endure the last many years of attacks to fight for Americans to enjoy the type of success he accumulated himself before entering politics.


"He never needed to serve, to become a politician," he said. "He never needed it. But he loved this country so much. That type of self sacrifice is really what's going to bring this country back. It's that he's lived the American dream. He wants it for everyone."

Anonymous ID: c60661 April 4, 2023, 8:38 p.m. No.18643292   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3328 >>3354

'Operation Cookie Monster': AFP joins FBI in seizure of online cybercrime forum


The FBI has seized a popular cybercrime online forum accused of facilitating large-scale identity theft, and the Australian Federal Police (AFP) may already be swooping on criminals in Australia.

According to an FBI notice posted to the site today, the bureau seized the web domains of Genesis Market, an invitation-only crime forum that sells login information stolen from hundreds of thousands of computers.

The FBI dubbed the takedown as "Operation Cookie Monster," a play on the forum's sale of web browser information known as "cookies", per the seizure notice.


Active for about five years, Genesis Market has played a key role in giving cybercriminals access to hacked computers for carrying out other forms of fraud such as identity theft and ransomware attacks.

The seizure appears to be part of a broader law enforcement operation aimed at Genesis Market, according to the FBI notice, which bears the logos of the AFP and numerous European law enforcement agencies.

An AFP spokesperson told "the AFP and partners are conducting operational activity today as part of an ongoing global cybercrime operation".

It said more information about the action would be provided at an appropriate time.

The crime forum, which has advertised login details for personal bank accounts, grew out of research that hackers did on anti-fraud technologies used by hundreds of banks and payment systems, according to cybersecurity researchers.

Genesis Market also sells "digital fingerprints" - the set of data collected from computers that identifies individual users online.

Advertisements on Genesis Market have claimed that as long as someone has access to a hacked computer, the computer's fingerprints will be kept up to date, according to researchers at cybersecurity firm Sophos.

"In other words, Genesis customers aren't making a one-time buy of stolen information of unknown vintage; they're paying for a de facto subscription to the victim's information, even if that information changes," Sophos said in an analysis of Genesis Market last year.

Anonymous ID: c60661 April 4, 2023, 8:43 p.m. No.18643327   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3354

China Issues Rare Invite For Australia's Prime Minister To Visit Beijing


Coming off last year's thawing of tensions between Australia and China when their two leaders met at the G20 in Bali, a rare visit by Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese to Beijing where he'll again meet with President Xi may soon take place.


On Tuesday it was revealed that China issued an invitation "in principle" for Albanese to come on the 50th anniversary of the first trip to China by an Australian prime minister. Gough Whitlam had visited in October and November of 1973.


Previously the South China Morning Post reported that Albanese is "anticipating" a visit, following years of a trade war and ratcheting tensions over closer military cooperation with the United States in the Pacific region.


While China has of late expressed its outrage over the controversial 'AUKUS' nuclear submarine deal with Washington, both sides have said they remain committed to seeking the betterment of relations. It remains that Beijing has focused most of its vitriol on Washington.


Bloomberg too is confirming the invitation from China, and also details that:


> The Trip could take place around September and October

> Beijing has also sent an invitation to Australian trade minister Don Farrell while an exact date has yet to be confirmed, the Post adds, citing a unidentified person close to the Chinese government


There is still some level of internal dissent within the Australian government and establishment pundits over the question of antagonizing China too strongly amid increased military-sharing with the US.