Anonymous ID: c8de18 April 4, 2023, 9:21 p.m. No.18643502   🗄️.is 🔗kun

1hr 45min

some notes


Dark Journalist on Trump indictment:

Ds wants a ff as excuse for censorship

Trump indictment:

Project Overwhelm - trying to overwhelm trump with many dif legal challenges while he's trying to run

It's a Get Trump setup

HRC is driving the prosecution in NY according to insiders

Napolitano – Joe was supposed to be prez, HRC VP (next election?)

Indictment is a PR move, J6 same before

Lockdowns another prelude, led to election shenenigans

Indictment = red line that got crossed


But the first one was NY Post story on Hunter getting blocked by Twitter

Those after Trump keep coming up empty bc Trump is saavy

CIA/neocons are driving NATO/Ukraine war

Media is their project too

Twitter files expose some things but there's so much more

Hunter story was quashed, would have impacted the campaign a lot

CIA involved in JFK assassination – just the first of many

CIA = tentacles of the DS


They could not take charge of Trump

So they wanted to take him out by hounding the candidate

Exactly the same thing they want to do to us

Nixon – DS loved him, later they didn't and got him out.

Nixon was doing stuff with alt energy and also UFO files (exotic tech).

DS didn't like.


DS can't allow Trump to win 2024 – trying to take him down.


~49mins: COG question, Trump COG after the election was unusual (timing)

[probably also the purpose, see below]

COG was created in response to nuclear emergency, new version just requires an emegency (not just nukes)

new one created a list of dissidents who opposed DS, didn't want an anti-war movement like in the 60s to disrupt their plans

911 – another DS opportunity to use COG for their own purposes

Rumsfeld, Cheney – we're still living under 911 emergency rules

We can't live under Stepford Biden another 4 years, not tenable


COG is the ultimate emergency power

Operates with things like Covid, but these things aren't legal

so popularity of leaders goes down down down when put into plae

When u can't get things thru the legislature, u use dictatorial powers (e.g., Trudeau with pension "reform")


Cyber emergency – next up? UFO invasion – ultimate emergency


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to be con't…..