have brought this up from a philosophical perspective though not in this form.
while personally i buy the spiritual/religious aspects (though genuinely have no opinion on frequencies and how they may or may not impact DNA….i wholeheartedly agree with the general sentiment.
my apologies for the length and form of the following, but i think it important. perhaps not as something contributing to qresearch as such, but potentially contributing something for some qresearchers. i don't know.
all of the world is aligned against us
1.1 an anon is a person. not a professional.
the world is ruled and to some extent given form by professionals:.scientists, academics, politicians, merchants, bankers, artists, entertainers
professionals want to structure the world in a way that maximizes their power, influence and comfort.
4.the professional world is structured around achievement.
4.1 wealth
4.2 popularity
4.3 power
this system depends on anons. those over which the professional wield power and influence.
6.the criteria for the successful exercise of professional power and influence are determined by the professional community itself. these criteria are generally self contained and couched in the relevant professional vocabulary.
no outside critique of professionals is allowed.
the community of non-professionals has allowed this situation to develop. and the professionals have taken advantage.
9.the whole community has been turned into a laboratory. environmental stimulation drives creatures to evolve. this occurs at the level of DNA.
mass data collection, combined with massive effort to collect dna samples.
we are being experimented upon structurally. anons are fighting back.