Anonymous ID: 4ea931 April 5, 2023, 7:13 a.m. No.18645210   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Missouri HB1169 and a NEW TOOL to stop bad bills or advance the good bills. Gene therapy in the food - Protect your DNA


Daily Clout made a new tool that was used to stop the vaccine passports. The tool is called Billcam. (see top of pic related 1)

She says they used it to help stop the vaccine passports.

Now, we need to act to stop gene therapy in our food.

Tom Renz helped write this bill currently in Missouri. He said he did not write the bill to BAN, but to make informed consent easy to pass. Important to note we only need one state to pass it. Tom recommends everyone call into Missouri. (See article, interview, link enclosed)


Two page bill. Simple. It has become most contentious bill in Missouri history. What is shocking. Renz went to testify. He listed the lobbyists, including the farm bureau, so Missouri citizens could call them.

Big Pharma cant oppose it publicly, so they went to the farm bureau, other Ag organizations to buy them off so they do not represent the farmers.

The CCP and Bill Gates are the two biggest farm land holders, and are buying off the AG organizations in addition to land.

We the people need to stand up here to protect our DNA


The Billcam tool is located at the link below, so that you can visit and share on social media, after listening to Tom Renz describe what the bill does, for the US and the world. If it is passed, in a single state of the Union, the disclosure requirements will work globally. He encourages ALL people to call Missouri legislators.


How to use the tool:


After listing to the interview here;

simply go to this page, enter the state of Missouri in the drop down menu. Enter the bill number 1169, and do a search. Once there, you can vote. (see pic related 1)

There are many bills here, both federal and state we can vote on. Share this site on social media.


All of the above concerns the recent notable article located here.


April 3, 2023 • by The Vigilant Fox

They’ve given up on a needle in every arm. Now they’re coming for what you eat.

I can't embed this, so, see the vid interview of Tom Renz by Dr. Naomi Wolf located on this page:


TL:DR on the Bill

The bill in question (pic related 1) is a bill in Missouri that requires disclosure of any gene therapy put into the food supply. According to Tom Renz, it does three things:


1) requires labeling disclosure of anything that has gene therapy qualities


2 If you have a product on the market that has gene therapy qualities, you can call the company and ask if there is a way this gene therapy can spread, and they have to tell you.


3) Requires informed consent including adverse events of special interest. Requires informed consent before you are given gene therapy.