Anonymous ID: 4dee0c April 5, 2023, 11:56 a.m. No.18646571   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6724

Chicago's new Mayor-Elect Brandon Johnson told a group organizing for a "police-free future" that black people should be removed from "state-sponsored policing" as a way to fight "white supremacy."


During the George Floyd riots in the summer of 2020, Johnson came out in support of the "defund the police" movement and spoke on a panel titled "We Don't Call Police: A Town Hall on a Police-Free Future" in which he praised organizers for pushing "an agenda that actually can transform people's lives," the Chicago Tribune reports.


"And part of it is removing ourselves away from this, you know, state-sponsored policing," he said, "but also the tools that have been placed against Black folks that have been used violently, whether it's policing, or administering standardized tests, or … around how white supremacy finds its way in every facet of our lives, that we have to fight and resist that."


Johnson also defended looting during the Floyd riots, stating that "what we're seeing obviously is an outbreak of incredible frustration and anguish" that's tied to "a failed racist system," Wirepoints reports:


Johnson was asked by a WGN-TV interviewer at [the time widespread looting was taking place], "Do you worry about stores leaving Chicago and the county because they don't think it's safe?"


Johnson bristled at the concern. He replied, "these companies have insurance and assurance." He also said, "you can't take a certain level of urgency to protect capital and the wealthy and not have that same tenacity to provide relief for families that have been devastated through structural racism for generations."


Johnson amplified the point, saying, "We have to redirect dollars away from a failed racist system and move it into the hands of people who really are trying their very best to survive day-to-day. And if we can't do that as a government, we are failing to meet the moment…To continue to criminalize people, and to chastise folks for being poor, it's tired and it's old. We actually need a new direction that really calls for massive investments in neighborhoods."


Johnson also claimed in a debate that standardized tests have "roots in eugenics to prove the inferiority of Black people."


He later distanced himself from the "defund the police" movement, stating: "With all due respect, I get how they are trying to paint a brother. I get it. But I'm not going to be subject to a hashtag that no one can define."


Johnson also said just weeks ago he never said "defund the police" – despite stating during a debate that defunding police is not "a slogan, it's an actual real political goal."

Anonymous ID: 4dee0c April 5, 2023, 11:57 a.m. No.18646578   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6601 >>6725 >>6876 >>7076 >>7185 >>7277

JPMorgan's ties to Epstein more sinister, lawsuit claims


A plaintiff in an existing suit wants to add new charges against the bank for its alleged complicity in the late financier’s sex-trafficking scheme


The US Virgin Islands is seeking to add a new obstruction charge to its lawsuit against JPMorgan Chase, claiming that the banking giant benefited from convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein’s sex trafficking operation, US media reported on Wednesday, citing a new filing in Manhattan federal court.


The Monday filing referred to a recent deposition by JPMorgan employee Mary Erdoes, who runs an asset management division of the bank where Epstein was a client.


According to the filing, the obstruction charge was proposed after it emerged that the bank had processed large cash withdrawals for Epstein and his associates, thus helping impede enforcement of a US anti-trafficking law and allowing Epstein to evade criminal liability.


Furthermore, the filing alleged that Epstein’s dealings had been “so widely known at JPMorgan that senior executives joked about Epstein’s interest in young girls.”


JPMorgan is facing two lawsuits over its long-lasting relationship with Epstein, which continued even after he had pleaded guilty in Florida of procuring a child for prostitution and of soliciting a prostitute. One of the suits is from the US Virgin Islands, where the late financier had a home, while the other was initiated by an alleged victim identified by the pseudonym Jane Doe. A trial date for the two cases has been set for October.


Last month, reports emerged that JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon would face questioning under oath in May over the bank’s ties to Epstein. The lawsuits claim that Dimon had knowingly allowed the bank to continue working with Epstein, despite internal warnings about his illegal behavior.


Epstein died in a prison cell in 2021 while awaiting trial on sex-trafficking charges. He banked at JPMorgan for 15 years, between 1998 and 2013. German banking giant Deutsche Bank, where Epstein was a client from 2013 to 2018, also currently faces a lawsuit over its ties to the notorious financier.

Anonymous ID: 4dee0c April 5, 2023, 11:58 a.m. No.18646581   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6622 >>6725 >>6876 >>7076 >>7185 >>7277

Israeli Police Arrest Over 350 People at Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem


The Israeli police said on Wednesday they had arrested over 350 people, who had allegedly barricaded themselves inside the Al-Aqsa Mosque on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.

"The Israel Police arrested and removed over 350 individuals that violently barricaded themselves in the Temple Mount, including masked individuals, stone and firework hurlers/throwers, and individuals suspected of desecrating the mosque," the Israeli police wrote on Twitter.

On Tuesday evening, the Israeli forces stormed the mosque prayer hall and attacked the Palestinians, using stun grenades, gas, rubber bullets, batons and stocks of rifles, Palestinian media reported. Palestine Center for Prisoners Studies director Riyad Al-Ashqar told journalists then that the Israeli forces had detained over 200 Palestinians during the raid.

The police specified that the demonstrators had been transferred to the Jerusalem Precinct Operational investigation center for questioning. Following the removal of the rioters, the mosque was cleaned and the morning prayer was held as planned, the law enforcement agency added.


Relations between Israel and Palestine have been adversarial since the latter's founding in 1948. Palestinians seek diplomatic recognition of their independent state on the territories of the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, which is partially occupied by Israel, and the Gaza Strip. The Israeli government refuses to recognize Palestine as an independent political and diplomatic entity, and builds settlements in the occupied areas despite objections from the United Nations. Violence has escalated in recent months in the West Bank amid near-daily Israeli arrest raids in Palestinian-controlled areas.

Anonymous ID: 4dee0c April 5, 2023, 12:11 p.m. No.18646638   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Russian Iskanders in Belarus is Response to NATO's Expansion and Militarization of Europe


The Belarusian Armed Forces have received Russian state-of-the-art nuclear-capable Iskander-M operational-tactical missile systems. As NATO strengthens its anti-Russia course, Moscow and Minsk have been boosting the effectiveness of their joint air defense.

Russia delivered nuclear-capable Iskanders to Belarus for two reasons, according to Dmitry Suslov, deputy director of the Center for European and International Studies at Russia’s Higher School of Economics and deputy director of research at the Russian Council on Foreign and Defense Policy.

"Reason number one is the long term nature of the Russia-West confrontation and the decision of the United States and NATO to conduct a comprehensive long term militarization of Europe and the robust increase of their military presence in Central and Eastern Europe, which alters the military balance," Suslov told Sputnik. "The second reason for these Russian moves is to send a warning message to NATO that their policy of hybrid war against Russia is very dangerous because NATO is increasing the volume, scale and quality of its military assistance to Ukraine, NATO commits itself to inflicting strategic defeat on Russia."

Following the beginning of the Russian special military operation in Ukraine in February 2022, the US and its NATO allies have ramped up the provision of lethal weapons to Kiev, kicked off military modernization of European forces, and increased their military presence in Central and Eastern Europe.


NATO commits itself to be able to deploy at least 300,000 troops in Central and Eastern Europe and is building military infrastructure in Poland, te Baltic States, Romania, and other Central and Eastern European states, according to Suslov. In addition, NATO has vowed to establish a 2% share of GDP on the military expenditures as a minimum, not ceiling for NATO countries. Last month, the UK committed to provide the Kiev regime with a squadron of Challenger 2 main battle tanks, as well as ammunition including armor-piercing rounds that contain depleted uranium.


In response to NATO's fanning of the Ukraine conflict and military buildup, an undisclosed number of mobile, nuclear-capable Iskander short-range ballistic missile systems were sent to Belarus along with S-400 air defense systems in late December 2022 in a bid to bolster the efficiency of the unified Russian-Belarusian air defense system, as Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Galuzin told Sputnik at the time.

On April 4, 2023, Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu told the leadership of the Russian Armed Forces that the nuclear-capable Iskander-M tactical missile system had been transferred to the Armed Forces of Belarus. The training of Belarusian units began on April 3 in Russia; some Belarusian attack aircraft have received the ability to strike using nuclear weapons.

Anonymous ID: 4dee0c April 5, 2023, 12:15 p.m. No.18646649   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6725 >>6876 >>7076 >>7185 >>7277

Former MP Milton Orkopoulos guilty of child sex abuse and drugs charges


A jury has found former NSW Labor minister Milton Orkopoulos guilty of child sexual abuse and drug charges.

Key points:


The offences involved four boys and were committed on the Mid North Coast and at Lake Macquarie, between 1993 and 2003

Orkopoulos was facing 28 charges and was found guilty of 26 of them

A sentencing date is yet to be fixed


The 65-year-old former Member for Swansea was facing 28 charges, including eight counts of supplying a prohibited drug, eight counts of indecent assault, and 11 counts of sexual intercourse with a person aged between 10 and 16.


The offences relate to four boys, and took place in the Lake Macquarie area and on the Mid North Coast, between 1993 and 2003.


Orkopoulos had pleaded not guilty to all charges in Sydney’s Downing Centre District Court.


The jury rejected his evidence on all but two charges.


On Wednesday, Orkopoulos was found guilty of 26 child sex and drug offences.


He was found not guilty of one drug offence, and of one count of perverting the course of justice, relating to an alleged statement retracting an allegation.


After the jury foreman read out the verdicts, Judge Jane Culver turned to jurors to thank them for their service.


The judge said it would not have been easy, noting the subject matter of the trial.


She said counselling services were available if any of them were distressed.


The judge said she would decided on a sentencing date for Orkopoulos at a later date.


Orkopoulos has already served time in prison for earlier offences.


In 2008, he was jailed after being found guilty of 30 child sex and drugs charges, relating to three other boys.


He was released in 2020 after an 11-year stint in prison, but was placed back into custody weeks later for allegedly violating parole.


His earlier crimes took place in the Hunter Valley region and Lake Macquarie.


Orkopoulos served as Aboriginal affairs minister in NSW under former Premier Morris Iemma.

Anonymous ID: 4dee0c April 5, 2023, 12:23 p.m. No.18646677   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Former Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi hosiptalised in intensive care


Silvio Berlusconi, who was Italian prime minister four times, is in intensive care in a cardiac unit at Milan's San Raffaele Hospital, political sources have said.

Key points:


Mr Berlusconi, 86, was released from hospital only last week and has suffered repeated bouts of ill-health in recent years

He has stirred controversy with his criticism of Ukraine's President Volodymir Zelenskyy

A billionaire, Mr Berlusconi made his fortune through his television channels before entering politics


The 86-year-old billionaire media tycoon has suffered repeated bouts of ill-health in recent years and came out of hospital just last week.


Mr Berlusconi's Forza Italia party is part of Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni's right-wing coalition although he does not have a role in government.


Mr Berlusconi, who made his fortune through his television channels before entering politics, had heart surgery in 2016 and has also had prostate cancer.


He has been repeatedly admitted to hospital over the past couple of years after contracting COVID-19 in 2020.


Three sources from Mr Berlusconi's Forza Italia party said he was in intensive care, and one of them confirmed Italian media reports that he was being treated in a cardiac unit.


Another of the sources said the situation was "under control".


San Raffaele Hospital did not immediately respond to a request for comment.


Mr Berlusconi, who sits in the Senate (upper house) of the Italian parliament, has stirred controversy in recent months with his criticism of Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, putting him at odds with Ms Meloni.


An Italian court acquitted Mr Berlusconi in February over allegations of paying witnesses to lie in an underage prostitution case that has dogged the former prime minister for more than a decade.


Mr Berlusconi was accused of bribing 24 people, mostly young, female guests at his so-called Bunga Bunga parties, in a previous trial where he was charged with paying for sex with a 17-year-old Moroccan nightclub dancer.

Anonymous ID: 4dee0c April 5, 2023, 12:25 p.m. No.18646690   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6710 >>6725 >>6745 >>6876 >>7076 >>7185 >>7277

Female pastor who identifies as 'trans' compares Nashville shooter to Jesus


A woke preacher in Fargo, North Dakota, compared the Nashville shooter who slaughtered six Christians to Jesus just before the Crucifixion in a recent sermon.


On Sunday, newly installed pastor Micah Louwagie, a woman who claims to be "trans" and who prefers they/them pronouns, made the shocking comparison during an Easter-themed service at St. Mark's Lutheran Church. Louwagie began by blaming the shooting at the Covenant School on guns, asserting that gun violence is the leading cause of death for children and ignoring the fact that millions of babies die violently from abortion every year.


She insisted that society had fixated on the shooter's trans "identity" rather than "focusing on ways this could've been prevented, such as gun control." Louwagie then pivoted to make "marginalized folks," including those who claim to be transgender, the victims of "powers and institutions that are literally killing them."


"[T]hose of us with the least amount of privilege and power," Louwagie stated, including herself among the supposedly powerless, even as she enjoyed the attention of an entire church congregation, "need those who have more privilege and power than they do to physically place their bodies between them" and those who supposedly wish them harm.


Louwagie then scorned "allies" who claim to support "trans" people but who ultimately "betray" trans people "with a kiss," just as Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus.


"The disciples were afraid to even be associated with Jesus, lest they suffer the same fate, lest their bodies be put at risk, " Louwagie continued. "I have observed that it is often the people with the most power and privilege who desert those they are called to defend when those people start getting harassed, beaten, arrested, targeted."


Louwagie compared such cowardly "allies and advocates" to the chief priests and Pharisees who "were looking for any excuse, valid or not, to crucify Jesus." She claimed that they ultimately crucified Jesus on false charges because his mission "of love and dignity was so very threatening to their own reputation." She implied that the "existence" of supposedly transgender people is likewise "threatening" to those in power.


"It's baffling to me that someone's existence can be so threatening, that people decide they need to be controlled, that they need to have laws made against them, or even worse, that the people that they find to be so threatening should die," she rambled.


Elsewhere in her sermon, Louwagie referenced the Holocaust and the internment of Japanese-Americans and compared those horrors to the experiences of so-called transgender people.


The website for St. Mark's is rife with rainbow and transgender flags, and its mission statement expressly includes the so-called "LGBTQIA" community: "St. Mark's Lutheran Church is an inclusive community that welcomes all people—including LGBTQIA individuals and their families—to fully participate in the life and ministry of the church, and to know God's unconditional love for all people."


The church has apparently not respond to requests for comment from the Daily Mail and Fox News Digital.

Anonymous ID: 4dee0c April 5, 2023, 12:27 p.m. No.18646702   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6725 >>6876 >>7076 >>7185 >>7277

Councilman's resignation demanded after he advertises kids' event with his own shirtless pics in Washington state


Binda accused his critics of being racists writing “the over-sexualization of fetishization of black and people of color is real and disgusting,” and called himself a “role model for the younger generation.”


Residents of Lynnwood, Washington demanded Councilmember Josh Binda resign at Monday’s city council meeting after he used sexually suggestive pictures to promote his paid speaking engagements to minors.


The images of Binda posing shirtless on Instagram, showing off a “Love Conquers All” tattoo on his arm were slammed by critics as sexually suggestive and were discovered on his official council Instagram account to promote his “Love Conquers All” paid speaking tour to middle and high school students.


The 23-year-old councilmember wrote in the accompanying text of the image, “To all the students I’ve inspired, talked to, helped, coached, or impacted, this “Love Conquers All” tattoo is dedicated to you and my way of remembering you all forever and keeping y’all [sic] with me everywhere I go moving forward. As much as I’ve inspired you guys, you all have inspired me. With that being said, I would like to announce that I’ve officially started my own public speaking business [sic] that I will be using to speak to and inspire kids all over the state, country, and eventually world.”


He added, “I truly consider myself a transformative leader of our generation. Someone’s [sic] whose [sic] meant to shift the culture and create change that makes a difference in this world. I am not the leader the system necessarily wants, but I am the leader the system needs and I’m here to shake things up and break barriers for future generations. I can feel the power dynamics shifting. Young people, it’s our turn now to shape the world and leave our mark. I’m fearless, I’m confident, I’m ready. Love you all,”


According to the Lynnwood Times, eight-year Lynnwood resident Diodato Boucsieguez asked during public comments at Monday’s meeting, “Is sexual marketing to inspire kids as a city councilman acceptable to this chamber? It is evident that this and other documented behavior by this councilmember neither represent the best of this chamber nor of our city. I call on Councilmember Joshua Binda to resign and for this council to take immediate action.”


One parent even accused Binda of “promoting that sex sells to impressionable kids, especially young girls,” while many others called on him to resign. Others wore “Resign Binda Now!” t-shirts.


In response, Binda accused his critics of being racists. He wrote in an Instagram story “the over-sexualization of fetishization of black and people of color is real and disgusting,” and called himself a “role model for the younger generation” adding that he will continue to “break barriers.”

Anonymous ID: 4dee0c April 5, 2023, 12:34 p.m. No.18646742   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6754 >>6762 >>7159 >>7211

You see that Joe Flynn the whole team taking to me. They should of listened to me Trump would of been President. Jan6 would not have happened. The Deep State laundering network would of exposed and incriminated the Deep State and the cartels. Game Over!

Anonymous ID: 4dee0c April 5, 2023, 1:04 p.m. No.18646878   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Youtube Just Made A TERRIBLE Change That HURTS Everyone! I'm Sick of This Treatment!