Anonymous ID: 9b2dce April 5, 2023, 12:55 p.m. No.18646828   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6845 >>6848 >>6851 >>6857 >>7145

Apr, 2023 23:59

US Air Force to allow obese recruits – media(We are fucking doomed anons)

The military branch has reportedly raised its body fat limits for new enlistees amid struggles to meet recruiting quotas


The US Air Force has reportedly opted to help ease its recruiting struggles by allowing fatter Americans to join the military branch, making potentially millions of obese young people eligible to enlist.

Under the new guidelines,male recruitswill be allowed to carry up to26% body fat, previous limits were20%for male. While females will have a limit of36% body fat, previous limits were28%for females. reported on Tuesday, citing US Air Force Recruiting Service spokeswoman Leslie Brown.


“I can’t stress enough,we are not lowering our standards,” Brown said. Rather, the Air Force is “aligning” its rules with a Pentagondirective issued last year. That policy document required that all service members maintain a level of fitness and body composition to successfully perform all of their duties.


The American Council on Exercise classifiesmenwith body fat percentages of25 and higher as obese. Theobesecategory begins at32% for women. Allowing obese recruits will open up the Air Force to a huge pool of potential enlistees. An estimated 39.8% of Americans ages 20 to 39 are obese, according to the US Centers for Disease Control.

The US Army and Navy have tried to help address their recruiting woes by offering physical fitness preparatory courses – called pre-boot camp in the Army’s case – to give prospects who exceed body fat limits a chance to get in good enough shape to enlist.

The Air Force has estimated that it will be able to recruit an additional 50 to 100 new enlistees each month under its revised body fat limits. The new hires will later need to pass standard fitness tests, including a requirement for waist-to-height ratio, to stay in the Air Force.

Of the 34 million Americans in Generation Z – thoseborn after 1997 – nearly 71%, are ineligiblefor military service, most commonly because of obesity, according to 2017 Pentagon data. Other common disqualifying factors include medical conditions, criminal records, drug use and failure to earn a high school diploma. The Air Force has estimated that it will miss its recruiting goal for this year by around 10%, even after taking various steps to attract more enlistees.


(They AF is ok with these pilots etc. dying of obesity while flying multi-million dollar jets and plans, so they can still give them deadly vaccines)


AF Leslie Brown is twisting and deceiving: “I can’t stress enough, we are not lowering our standards==,” Brown said. Rather, the Air Force is “aligning” its rules with a Pentagon directive issued last year. (They lowered their standard last year, so technically she’s not lying).


Anon is showing Ideal body fat for men and women and comparing it to what the AF changed to for recruits.


Body fat percentage table for women

Ideal body fat percentages by age group are as follows:Women new percentage: 36% (8% pts higher from 28%)

Age 20–29

Category Percentage

dangerously low under 14%

excellent 14–16.5%

good 16.6–19.4%

fair 19.5–22.7%

poor 22.8–27.1%

dangerously high over 27.2%


Age 30–39

Category Percentage

dangerously low under 14%

excellent 14–17.4%

good 17.5–20.8%

fair 20.9–24.6%

poor 24.7-29.1%

dangerously high over 29.2%


Body fat percentage table for men

Ideal body fat percentages by age group are as follows:Men new percentage: 26% (6% pts higher from 20%)

Age 20–29

Category Percentage

dangerously low under 8%

excellent 8–10.5%

good 10.6–14.8%

fair 14.9–18.6%

poor 18.7–23.1%

dangerously high over 23.2%


Age 30–39

Category Percentage

dangerously low under 8%

excellent 8–14.5%

good 14.6–18.2%

fair 18.3–21.3%

poor 21.4–24.9%

dangerously high over 25%

Anonymous ID: 9b2dce April 5, 2023, 1:40 p.m. No.18647027   🗄️.is 🔗kun

5 Apr, 2023 18:55

Zelensky vows ‘no borders’ between Ukraine and Poland

The Ukrainian leader made the pledge on a visit to Warsaw, as he hailed its support in the conflict with Moscow


Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky met his Polish counterpart Andrzej Duda in Warsaw on Wednesday, during his first official visit to Poland since the beginning of hostilities between Russia and Ukraine in February 2022.


“You have stood shoulder to shoulder with us, and we are grateful for it,” Zelensky stated during the meeting, pledging “no borders in political, economic and – especially important – in historical terms” between the two countries. (Zelensky is only interested in the money they’ll get)


The Polish president, for his part, promised to continue supporting Kiev in the conflict, revealing that Warsaw was ready to send all its MiG-29 fighter jets to Ukraine “in the future.” Poland has previously pledged 14 of its Soviet-made jets.


“Today we are trying to get for Ukraine… additional guarantees, security guarantees, which will strengthen Ukraine’s military potential,” Duda said, adding that Kiev had been protecting the whole of Europe from what he called the threat of “Russian imperialism.” (Kek, sure Ukraine is protecting the EU!)


Poland has been one of Zelensky’s top allies, transferring assorted hardware to bolster the Ukrainian military, including tanks and self-propelled howitzers, as well as rallying international support for such deliveries. Moscow, however, has claimed Warsaw has an alternate agenda, accusing it of pushing Kiev into a military catastrophe in order to seize western Ukrainian lands.


On Tuesday, the head of Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR), Sergey Naryshkin, claimed that Poland’s military assistance to Ukraine was actuallypart of a secret land grabplan aimed at certain territories that historically belonged to the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, which today are part of Ukraine.


“Seizing control of the western territories of modern Ukraine, the so-called Kresy [‘borderlands’ in Polish], is the coveted dream of the Polish nationalists,” Naryshkin said, adding that Warsaw sees “the collapse of Ukrainian statehood after a military defeat as a condition for implementing this idea.”


Over the course of the ongoing conflict, Naryshkin has repeatedly warned of the alleged Polish designs on Ukraine’s territory. Warsaw, however, has denied such claims, dismissing them as an information warfare operation.


(Duda is getting in bed with the devil because he wants to steal parts of Ukraine. Zelensky lies so when he says no borders, it means Ukraine intends to invade Poland and steal their country)

Anonymous ID: 9b2dce April 5, 2023, 1:46 p.m. No.18647058   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7127 >>7136 >>7137 >>7149 >>7157 >>7161 >>7166 >>7185 >>7277

5 Apr, 2023 18:28

NATO member reinstates conscription

Latvia’s parliament has voted to bring back mandatory military service, citing the conflict in Ukraine


Latvia voted on Wednesday to reintroduce compulsory military service, effective immediately. Lawmakers in Riga approved the measure by a 68-11 vote. The Baltic state had abolished the draft by unanimous consent in 2006, but former defense minister Artis Pabriks proposed reinstating it due to the fighting in Ukraine.


The law creates a State Defense Service (VAD) and provides for both military and civilian alternative service. It requires men born after January 1, 2004 to report for dutywithin a year of turning 18. Anyone between the ages of 18 and 27, including women, can report voluntarily. The first call-up is scheduled forJuly 1.


A recruiting center in Riga will be open to volunteers through May 15, according to state media. By January 2024, the government will send summons through “random selection.” Conscription will be extended to Latvian citizens living abroad in 2027. The new law makes evading the mandatory service a criminal offense.


Volunteers will have a choice of serving 11 months in the regular military, five years in just the National Guard – with at least 28 days every year for drills – or enrolling in a five-year reserve officer candidate school. There are also provisions for full-time service in a civilian capacity.


Conscripts will receive a salary of€300 a monthas well as food, uniforms, and lodging. Volunteers are also eligible for a €1,100 bonus at the end of their 11 months. Those who fail to answer the summons, however, will be fined up to €350.


The law provides exemptions for those who fail the health exam, sole guardians of minor children or caretakers of dependents, dual citizens who served elsewhere, police and prison guards, and persons convicted of a “serious or especially serious crime.”


The former Soviet republic joined the EU and NATO in 2004 and abolished conscription by unanimous vote in 2006. Its armed forces were repurposed to serve in US-led overseas expeditions, including Kosovo, Afghanistan and Iraq. With a population of 1.82 million, it currently has less than 17,000 active-duty personnel, with a reserve estimated at 36,000.


(This is like the 4 or 5th country enacting conscription, seems like someone’s planning something. Russia is geared up for 1 million soldiers)

Anonymous ID: 9b2dce April 5, 2023, 1:50 p.m. No.18647091   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Michigan repeals 1931 abortion ban

A majority of states had significant restrictions on abortion prior to the Roe decision.

By Ben Whedon

Updated: April 5, 2023 - 4:17pm


Michigan Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer signed into law on Wednesday a measurerepealing the state's 1931 abortion ban that made no exceptions for rape or incest.


The ban had gone unenforced since the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision that established a constitutional right to the procedure, while a state judge declared it unconstitutional after the high court overturned that precedent.


"This is not a trigger law, this is a zombie law. This predates Roe, and it’s a threat of coming back to haunt us all. Who wants to watch me slay a zombie?" Whitmer said while signing its repeal, The Hill reported.


"Today, we’re going to take action to ensure that our statutes,our laws reflect our valuesand our constitution. This is a long overdue step and it proves that when we keep fighting to protect everyone’s ability to make their own decisions about their bodies, we can win," she added.


A majority of states had significant restrictions on abortion prior to the Roe decision. Several of them have attempted to enforce their pre-Roe bans in the wake of the court's 2022 Dobbs v. Jackson decision while others enacted so-called "trigger laws" to ban the procedure upon such a court ruling.


Whitmer's move comes in contrast to deep-red states such as Florida, which have moved to restrict the procedure considerably. The Florida Senate approved a six-week abortion ban this week and the House is slated to consider the matter next week. The Republican majority in that chamber and Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis's support mean that it will likely become law.

Anonymous ID: 9b2dce April 5, 2023, 1:54 p.m. No.18647108   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7110

Conservative group leader seeks $10M from Anti-Defamation League for defamation

Biss included a draft complaint against the ADL, which he would file in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas should the ADL rebuff his client's demands.

By Ben Whedon

Updated: April 5, 2023 - 3:57pm


The leader of a grassroots conservative organization is suing the Anti-Defamation League for defamation, alleging that the organizationfalsely connected him with QAnon, antisemitism, and extremist positions.


An attorney for John Sabal, who runs The Patriot Voice, demanded in a letter to ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt that the organization retract various statements and publications it had made about Sabal and compensate him for damages or face legal action.


"My client wishes to resolve this matter amicably and without litigation," wrote attorney Steven Biss. "If you refuse to [meet his terms] within 30 days of the date of this letter, however, he intends to take appropriate legal action to protect his rights and interests."


Biss included a draft complaint against the ADL, which he would file in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas should the ADL rebuff his client's demands.


That complaint demands$10,00,000 in compensatory and punitive damages.


Among the ADL publications to which Sabal objected was his inclusion in the organization's "Glossary of Extremism." He further took exception to materials saying he has "been known to peddle antisemitic beliefs" which include the idea that Jews conduct the ritual sacrifice of Christian children. He also denied connections to the QAnon conspiracy theory.

Anonymous ID: 9b2dce April 5, 2023, 2:16 p.m. No.18647200   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I actually think the EU is stupid and arrogant enough to follow Bidan into a war with Russia, they have folded on anything that could save the EU just to "Get Putin", Dersh should write a book like that. It's not at all out of the range of possibility because as the economy sinks, wall street wants war, because that's the only thing that diverts from problems at home.


But every EU country doesn't have enough arms for anything, they've given everything away to the arms dealer Zelensky.


Bidan is setting up China to take over EU,and Macron is working with him, when he came back from China yesterday that EU should work with China on economic trade.