Anonymous ID: f2b403 April 5, 2023, 2:15 p.m. No.18647197   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7206 >>7209 >>7210

Space Force unveils Guardian Spirit handbook

April 05, 2023


ARLINGTON, Va. – The Space Force released the Guardian Spirit handbook that provides guidance to Guardians on how to live the four Guardian values - Character, Connection, Commitment, Courage - in daily life.


This document operationalizes how Space Force members can espouse the service’s second line of effort, “Amplify the Guardian Spirit.”


The Guardian Spirit is organized by four chapters dedicated to each of the core values and includes a description, definition, and context for each value. It also emphasizes the Guardian Commitment “I will” statements for Team Members and Leaders, which are personalized and action-oriented expressions of the Guardian values.


The handbook aims to set the foundation for Guardians to advance the five aspirational objectives listed in the Guardian Ideal, the Space Force’s foundational talent management document: Connect in a Collaborative Environment, Lead Digital Enablement, Generate and Engage Talent, Develop and Employ Talent, and Integrate Resiliency.

Anonymous ID: f2b403 April 5, 2023, 2:32 p.m. No.18647266   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7270 >>7279


BREAKING: A Repeating Alien Radio Signal Has Been Traced Back To A Potentially Habitable Rocky, Earth-Like Exoplanet


One of the most exciting questions in astronomy is whether there are other planets in the universe that can support life.


To answer this question, astronomers look for signs of water, oxygen, and other biosignatures in the atmospheres of exoplanets, or planets outside our solar system. However, these signs are not easy to detect, especially for small and rocky planets that are similar to Earth.


Recently, a team of researchers from the University of Cambridge and the University of California, Santa Cruz, announced a breakthrough discovery: they detected a repeating radio signal from a nearby star system called YZ Ceti. The signal was traced to one of the three known planets orbiting the star, YZ Ceti b, which is a rocky world about the same size as Earth. The researchers suggest that the signal could be a sign of magnetic activity on the planet, which could have implications for its habitability.


What is YZ Ceti b?

YZ Ceti is a red dwarf star located about 12 light-years away from Earth in the constellation of Cetus. It is much smaller and cooler than our sun, and has three confirmed planets orbiting it. The innermost planet, YZ Ceti b, was discovered in 2017 by using the radial velocity method, which measures the tiny wobbles of the star caused by the gravitational pull of the planet.


YZ Ceti b is estimated to have a mass of 0.75 times that of Earth and a radius of 0.97 times that of Earth. It orbits very close to its star, completing one revolution in just 1.97 days. This means that it is likely tidally locked, meaning that one side of the planet always faces the star and the other side is always in darkness. The surface temperature of YZ Ceti b is estimated to range from -40°C to 177°C depending on the location and the presence of an atmosphere.


How was the radio signal detected?

The researchers used data from the Low Frequency Array (LOFAR), a network of radio telescopes spread across Europe. They observed YZ Ceti for 24 hours in February 2019 and detected a strong and periodic radio signal coming from the direction of the star system. The signal had a frequency of about 150 MHz and repeated every 1.97 days, matching the orbital period of YZ Ceti b.


The researchers ruled out other possible sources of the signal, such as interference from human-made satellites, radio emission from the star itself, or other celestial objects in the same field of view. They concluded that the most likely origin of the signal was YZ Ceti b itself.


What does the signal mean for habitability?

The researchers suggest that the signal could be caused by magnetic interactions between YZ Ceti b and its star. Magnetic fields are generated by electric currents flowing inside planets or stars. When a planet with a magnetic field orbits close to a star with a magnetic field, they can interact and produce radio waves.


Magnetic fields are important for habitability because they can protect planets from harmful radiation and stellar winds that can strip away their atmospheres. Without an atmosphere, a planet would lose its water and other volatile substances that are essential for life. Therefore, detecting a magnetic field on YZ Ceti b could indicate that it has an atmosphere and possibly water on its surface.



However, there are also challenges for habitability on YZ Ceti b. The planet is exposed to intense ultraviolet and X-ray radiation from its star, which could damage any organic molecules or living cells on its surface. The planet also experiences extreme temperature variations between its day and night sides, which could create strong winds and storms that could disrupt any climate stability.


The detection of a repeating radio signal from YZ Ceti b is a remarkable achievement that opens up new possibilities for studying exoplanets with radio astronomy. The signal could be a sign of magnetic activity on the planet, which could have implications for its habitability.


However, more observations are needed to confirm the origin and nature of the signal and to explore its impact on the planet’s environment. YZ Ceti b is one of the closest and most Earth-like exoplanets known so far, and it could reveal key insights into how life can emerge and evolve on other worlds.