Anonymous ID: db4006 April 5, 2023, 7:13 p.m. No.18648937   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8941 >>8956 >>9017 >>9019

Mike Lindell Reveals Missouri County Goes Completely Machine-Free with Paper Ballots Only – Massive Win for Election Integrity


There is now one place in America that will no longer have to worry about faulty machines plaguing our elections.


Mike Lindell, the CEO of MyPillow and one of America’s foremost election integrity advocates, made a historic announcement on Frank TV yesterday that Osage County, Missouri became the first place in America to completely ditch machine voting and move exclusively to hand-counting election results.


Make no mistake: this is a game-changer for election integrity.


Osage County is not alone. Several counties across the US are moving to paper ballots. Shasta County in California voted to go to paper ballots recently. And Nye County in Nevada counts ballots by hand now.


As The Gateway Pundit reported, faulty machines combined with massive Democrat voter fraud plagued the 2020 and 2022 elections. A number of Republicans likely lost races due to these factors.


Some people have claimed to have uncovered evidence that the machines themselves shifted votes to the Democrats on Election Day as well.


As one can see in the video below, Lindell was quite excited about the historic news in Osage County.

Anonymous ID: db4006 April 5, 2023, 7:14 p.m. No.18648942   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8948 >>8954 >>9017

Ari Fleischer: Conservative Prosecutors Have to Go After Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Hunter Biden


Some conservatives have suggested that the Democrat persecution of Trump won’t stop until conservatives start going after Democrats in the same way.


Former George W. Bush spokesman Ari Fleischer is now one of them.


Last night on the Hannity show, he suggested that conservative prosecutors need to go after people like the Clintons and Hunter Biden.


From Real Clear Politics:


FOX News contributor and former Bush press secretary Ari Fleischer on Tuesday talked to FNC host Sean Hannity about how the indictment of former President Donald Trump violates the norms of politics and what Republicans should do to rein in the left.


“One of the raps against Donald Trump is that he violates the norms and as a result the Democrats had no choice, prosecutors had no choice,” Fleischer said. “What’s happened to Donald Trump is actually the real violation of the norms. He was impeached the first time by a process that did not even go through the Judiciary Committee. They’ve wrecked a bipartisan intelligence committee at the hands of Adam Schiff to get Donald Trump.”


“The second time they tried to impeach him, knowing they would not succeed, they didn’t even go through that process,” he said. “They went right on the floor and shoved it down everybody’s throats. And now you have a prosecutor in an overwhelmingly lopsidedly ideologically Democrat, 85-15 Democrat to Republican Manhattan going after Donald Trump.”


“Here’s what I hope happens,” Fleischer said. “I earnestly hope that conservative prosecutors in rural areas of America indict Bill Clinton, indict Hillary Clinton, indict Hunter Biden. The only way to stop this and return to the norms is for one side to realize if they go too far, the other will match them.

Anonymous ID: db4006 April 5, 2023, 7:24 p.m. No.18649007   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Top Saudi, Iranian Diplomats To Meet In China: "Era Of US Involvement In Region Is Over"


A major meeting of top envoys from Saudi Arabia and Iran is expected to happen in Beijing on Thursday, as the next significant step in the China-brokered rapprochement and normalization of ties between the longtime enemies takes shape.


As Reuters underscores, "The meeting between Prince Faisal bin Farhan Al Saud and his Iranian counterpart, Hossein Amirabdollahian, will be the first formal meeting between Saudi Arabia and Iran's most senior diplomats in more than seven years."


A senior Iranian official also confirmed, "The top envoys agreed to meet on Apr. 6 in Beijing as the deal was facilitated by China." On the agenda is expected to be the mutual reopening of embassies and appointment of ambassadors.


The most important, and illustrative of the way the geopolitical winds are blowing, is the following:


"The era of the United States' involvement in this region is over… The regional countries are capable of preserving security and stability in the Middle East without Washington's interference," another Iranian official said.


On the issue of China, the powerful US rival, leading the way in brokering peace, Saudi-owned Asharq al-Awasat newspaper cited a source in Riyadh to say that choosing China as host country for the meeting "came as an extension of Beijing's positive role in reaching the agreement and facilitating communication between the two countries."


As for Tehran and Riyadh, not only has the regional rivalry, which intensified most during the decade of the proxy war in Syria which began in 2011, been set amid a centuries-long divide over correct interpretation of Islam (Shia Iran vs. Sunni Saudi Arabia), but it has also spilled over in places like Yemen, scene of another grinding proxy war which pit Shia rebels against a Saudi-backed government.

Anonymous ID: db4006 April 5, 2023, 7:25 p.m. No.18649011   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Indiana Gov. Signs Law Banning ‘Gender-Affirming’ Care for Children


Indiana Gov. Eric Holcomb (R) this week signed legislation essentially banning “gender-affirming” care — leftist-speak for puberty blockers, hormone therapies, and top and bottom surgeries — for minors, following the state House and Senate approving the measure.


Senate Bill 480 specifically prohibits physicians from performing such procedures on minors.


A summary of the bill states that it “prohibits a physician or other practitioner from: (1) knowingly providing gender transition procedures to an individual who is less than 18 years of age (minor); and (2) aiding or abetting another physician or practitioner in the provision of gender transition procedures to a minor” with limited medical exceptions.


The legislation specifically defines gender reassignment surgery as:


Any medical or surgical service that seeks to surgically alter or remove healthy physical or anatomical characteristics or features that are typical for the individual’s sex, in order to instill or create physiological or anatomical characteristics that resemble a sex different from the individual’s sex, including genital gender reassignment surgery or non genital gender reassignment surgery knowingly performed for the purpose of assisting an individual with a gender transition.


Surgical procedures banned for minors in the context of “gender-affirmation” include orchiectomies, penectomies, vaginoplasties, clitoroplasties, vulvoplasties, and more.


However, there appears to be limited exceptions for such procedures, including hormone therapy and puberty blockers, for individuals with a “verifiable disorder of sex development.”


The legislation goes into effect July 1 and comes after Holcomb indicated to reporters on Tuesday that he was unsure of which way he would go.


“I wanted to dig deep,” he explained. “I’ve told some people very close to me, this is clear as mud. There’s some vagueness to it. So, I want to make sure I completely understand it … I wanted to get a full picture of it.”


However, the Republican signed it into law on Wednesday.


“Permanent gender-changing surgeries with lifelong impacts and medically prescribed preparation for such a transition should occur as an adult, not as a minor,” Holcomb stated.


“A child cannot consent to irreversible sex change surgery, and Indiana will no longer allow children to take dangerous drugs with long-term consequences like puberty blockers and hormone therapies in the name of extreme gender theories,” Sen. Mike Braun (R-IN) said on social media, adding that these children must receive compassion and “mental health help rather than dangerous, un-tested, unapproved drugs and irreversible surgeries”:

Anonymous ID: db4006 April 5, 2023, 7:26 p.m. No.18649021   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Ukraine is targeting Russian civilian satellites – Moscow


Kiev and “a number of foreign states” are trying to tamper with means of communication, the foreign ministry has said


Ukraine has been trying to disrupt Russian civilian communication satellites, the foreign ministry in Moscow said on Wednesday, adding that unspecified foreign states were aiding Kiev in the effort.


“The Kiev regime, with the participation of specialists from a number of foreign states, is attempting to interfere with Russian civilian communication satellites. This is an outrageous violation of international law,” the ministry said, warning that Moscow was in its full right to “respond appropriately” and possesses all the “necessary capabilities” to do so.


It was not immediately clear how precisely Kiev had tried to disrupt the satellites, as the ministry did not elaborate on the matter any further. Russia has repeatedly experienced disruptions of TV broadcasts during the ongoing hostilities with Ukraine. Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky briefly appeared on TV in southwest Russia back in January, with Belgorod authorities acknowledging the disruption affected satellite broadcasts.


The other side has been experiencing similar disruptions as well, with arguably the most notable one occurring last June, when two Ukrainian sports channels showed an interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin instead of a World Cup football match.


Western governments and private companies have provided Ukraine with satellite coverage for months. Most notably, the Starlink satellites operated by Elon Musk’s SpaceX have become important tools for the Ukrainian troops in the ongoing conflict with Russia.


Back in October, Russian diplomats warned that such satellites may end up becoming a legitimate military target.


“We are talking about the US and its allies using civil infrastructure components in space, including commercial ones, in armed conflicts,” Konstantin Vorontsov, the deputy head of the non-proliferation and arms control department at the Russian Foreign Ministry, said at the time.


Responding to Vorontsov’s remarks, US National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby warned that Washington would “hold Russia accountable for any such attack, should it occur.”

Anonymous ID: db4006 April 5, 2023, 7:29 p.m. No.18649036   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Saudi Arabia Now Leading Regional Embrace Of Assad


It's being widely reported that Saudi Arabia is pushing for a regional embrace of Syria's President Bashar al-Assad, more than a decade after Syria was booted from the Arab League due to the conflict which burned starting in 2011, chiefly for Damascus' anti-demonstration crackdown.


Reuters first reported this week that Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan is planning to extend a formal invitation for Assad to attend an Arab League summit in Riyadh, planned for May 19. This will reportedly take place in person as bin Farhan is expected to soon travel to Damascus. Bloomberg is calling this a "win for Iran".


After diplomatic efforts from gulf states in the wake of the devastating earthquakes which rocked Syria and Turkey in early February sped up, Middle East Eye has reported that "Maher al-Assad, the Syrian president’s brother and head of the feared Fourth Armored Division, reportedly visited Saudi Arabia last month and received the kingdom’s conditions for normalization."


One by one, gulf nations have reembraced Assad. First the Syrian leader visited Oman in February, and the next month he went to UAE with his first lady Asma. Egypt has also sent delegations to Damascus.


Washington has been complaining about these contacts, while watching from the sidelines, as the Pentagon has continued the controversial occupation of oil and gas rich northeast Syria. Importantly, it comes against the backdrop of a China-brokered peace between Iran and Saudi Arabia. A regional analyst recently observed:


Now, as China takes a more assertive economic diplomacy role in the Middle East, Syria remains key to Saudi Arabia’s desire to cool regional tensions.


Saudi Arabia presented the last obstacle to Syria’s return as a key player in the Arab world - a thaw that began with a hug between the Bahraini and Syrian foreign ministers at the United Nations in 2018.


But still, the Biden administration has taken a softer tone to this rapprochement than hawks were hoping for. A senior US administration official was cited this week as saying Arab states should "get something in return" if they restore ties with Assad.