Anonymous ID: 8b4edd April 5, 2023, 9:48 p.m. No.18649785   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Give this Patriot some love and support.

He put himself in harms way several times to stand up for this country and President Trump, and has had to flee to another country for his own safety.

Check out his accounts. This guy has CREDS.

He CONTINUES to DIG and REPORT, regardless of his own predicament.


Joseph A. Camp









The world is awesome, when your point of reference is more than the United States, but being persecuted and chased and hunted is not healthy, but the alternative is worse, chicken buses, tiny houses, hostels, backpack of items only, immigrations, customs, and governments of odd behavior and cultures most are unfamiliar with…


A lot of people in the United States, who benefited from my work, finanically, has never even credited me or reached out to express gratitude or willingness to help…


The only reason I am still around is because of the Fams. I love you all too much or I would have shut down a long time ago due to being burnt out.


If, and only if, you can help, it means so much.