Anonymous ID: bf5037 April 7, 2023, 12:17 p.m. No.18656237   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6502 >>6587 >>6679 >>6900 >>6910

Epstein Victim Says J.P. Morgan Trying To ‘Intimidate’ Her By Including Alleged Abuser In Her Lawsuit


A victim of deceased sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein accused J.P Morgan Chase of trying to “harass and intimidate” her and other victims by including former J.P. Morgan executive and alleged abuser Jes Staley in her lawsuit.


Jane Doe is suing J.P. Morgan for allegedly facilitating Epstein’s sex trafficking operation when she was a client with the bank for nearly 15 years. She described Staley as a “powerful financial executive” in her Nov. 2022 complaint and declined to name him “out of fear.”


“The effect of adding him to the suit is to force her to share private medical records and her most intimate communications with one of her abusers,” Doe’s attorney Brad Edwards wrote in a letter filed Thursday, according to the Daily Beast. “It also sends a message to other victims that JPM will exploit all vulnerabilities of each victim who dares come forward to hold the bank accountable.”


“Accordingly, Jane Doe 1 seeks severance of her sexual abuser from her lawsuit so that JPM cannot force Staley back into her life,” Edwards’ letter adds.


Staley filed a letter of his own on Thursday, also asking for the bank’s claims against him to be separated from the victim’s lawsuit. His lawyer described his alleged ties to Epstein as “baseless but serious” and “slanderous” in a Thursday court filing, per The Guardian.


J.P. Morgan revealed Staley’s identity when the bank filed a lawsuit against Staley in March to make him responsible for potential payouts from lawsuits related to Epstein. The U.S. Virgin Islands filed a similar lawsuit against the bank in December for turning “a blind eye” to Epstein’s criminal operation.


Staley was “inextricably linked to these cases” that “it [made] no sense to separate him” from the bank’s own suit with the alleged victim, a spokesman for the bank said according to The Guardian.


More than 1,000 emails between Staley and Epstein from 2008-12 were disclosed as part of a February court filing from the U.S. Virgin Islands.

Anonymous ID: bf5037 April 7, 2023, 12:21 p.m. No.18656272   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6502 >>6587 >>6679 >>6900 >>6910

Ex-Miramax exec and Weinstein pal allegedly raped model at NYC hotel: suit


An ex-model is suing former Miramax exec and Harvey Weinstein pal Fabrizio Lombardo, claiming he lured her to a fake meeting at a posh New York City hotel and raped her when she was just 19.


Sara Ziff, 40, claims that in 2001, when she was a model and aspiring actress, Lombardo — who headed Miramax in Italy and Europe — tricked her into attending a bogus meeting with Weinstein and his brother, Bob, at the Mercer Hotel and then sexually assaulted her, according to a Manhattan Supreme Court lawsuit from late Thursday.


Earlier that night, Lombardo invited the New York woman — some 20 years his junior — to a screening of “Black Hawk Down” at the Miramax office in Tribeca, where Weinstein and another young woman were also present, the filing says.


The disgraced movie mogul barely acknowledged Ziff except to invite her to eat some food that was there, the suit claims.


When the movie ended, Lombardo invited Ziff for a drink at SoHo hotel, telling Ziff that Weinstein, the other woman and possibly Bob Weinstein would join them, the court papers claim.


Ziff accepted, thinking it would be a good career opportunity to meet and speak with the powerful movie exec brothers, the suit claims.


But Lombardo led Ziff straight to the hotel penthouse, where an uncomfortable Ziff “kept her distance,” smoking cigarettes by the window, the court documents allege.


The Italian man, who was around 40 at the time, rubbed her thigh and Ziff pushed his hand away, telling him she had a boyfriend, the filing claims.


“But Mr. Lombardo would not stop,” the suit charges.


He pulled Ziff onto the bed, got on top of her and raped her — without a condom — despite Ziff saying “no” several times, the court papers allege.


Ziff “was so traumatized that she could not speak about the rape for several years afterward,” the filing says.


She attended other meetings with Lombardo afterward because “she feared that if she did not, Mr. Lombardo would retaliate against her by using his powerful connections in the modeling and acting industries — including with Mr. Weinstein — to deny her work at an early stage in her career,” the suit claims.

Lombardo invited Ziff on a trip to Rome, which she didn’t take him up on, and she would never hear from him again, the filing claims.


The suit — which also names Weinstein as a defendant — claims Lombardo and Weinstein were so close that Weinstein was best man at Lombardo’s 2003 wedding.


“Among the things that bonded them appears to be the abuse of women,” the suit charges.

Anonymous ID: bf5037 April 7, 2023, 12:23 p.m. No.18656279   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6502 >>6587 >>6679 >>6900 >>6910

Biden Admin Stops Title 42 Expulsions for Venezuelan Migrants in Two Texas Border Sectors


EAGLE PASS, Texas — Border Patrol agents received instructions from Biden administration officials to stop using the CDC Emergency COVID-19 Title 42 authority on Venezuelans apprehended along the border in some of Texas’ busiest sectors. According to a source within Customs and Border Protection, Mexico informed the Biden administration they will no longer accept Venezuelan migrants expelled under the Title 42 authority in the Del Rio and El Paso Sectors. The move is expected to cause a return to large migrant groups surrendering in these sectors as word of the policy change spreads.


The CBP source, not authorized to speak to the media, told Breitbart Texas they were notified on Thursday that Venezuelans were no longer to be returned to Mexico from the two Texas Border Patrol sectors under the program. Effective immediately, Venezuelan nationals crossing into the United States in the Del Rio and El Paso Sectors will now be allowed to apply for asylum instead of being swiftly returned under the emergency COVID-19 authority absent future negotiations with Mexico.


The source says the agency will attempt to coordinate the detention of Venezuelan migrants with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) in lieu of immediate expulsion. The source predicts detention resources to quickly deplete resulting in the immediate release of the migrants into the United States to await the processing of their asylum petitions.


In October 2022, DHS announced the expansion of the authority to expel Venezuelans under the COVID-19-related Title 42 order. The announcement cited a joint effort between the United States and Mexico to address the increasing numbers of Venezuelan migrants seeking asylum. The program allowed DHS to return Venezuelan migrants at five locations across the southwest border. Those areas included San Diego, Tucson, El Paso, Del Rio, and the Rio Grande Valley.


In the announcement, DHS officials listed the following joint efforts to address the Venezuelan migrant issue:


Effective immediately, Venezuelans who enter the United States between ports of entry, without authorization, will be returned to Mexico. At the same time, the United States and Mexico are reinforcing their coordinated enforcement operations to target human smuggling organizations and bring them to justice. That campaign will include new migration checkpoints, additional resources and personnel, joint targeting of human smuggling organizations, and expanded information sharing related to transit nodes, hotels, stash houses, and staging locations. The United States is also planning to offer additional security assistance to support regional partners to address the migration challenges in the Darién Gap.”


The source told Breitbart Texas it appears Mexico may have tired of the agreement due to several incidents involving the growing frustration of migrants returned from some Texas areas under the expanded agreement related to Title 42.

Anonymous ID: bf5037 April 7, 2023, 12:24 p.m. No.18656284   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6288 >>6294 >>6306 >>6317 >>6405 >>6502 >>6587 >>6679 >>6780 >>6900 >>6910

World Economic Forum Sets Date with Communist China for ‘Summer Davos’


According to WEF advance publicity, the June meeting “will gather over 1,500 global leaders from business, government, civil society, international organizations as well as from among innovators and academics, at a crucial time for the global economic recovery.”


The overarching theme of the event will be “‘Entrepreneurship: The Driving Force of the Global Economy.” The WEF further states:


The global economy is at a pivotal moment of transformation. Established business and industry models have not only been challenged by the COVID-19 pandemic but are now being tested by a more competitive geopolitical and geoeconomic environment.


How to navigate these developments and simultaneously accelerate progress on critical common goals, from energy transition to safeguarding nature and climate, is top of mind for decision-makers worldwide.


The dates of 27–29 June 2023 have been set aside for the meeting with the world’s economy the center of attention.

Anonymous ID: bf5037 April 7, 2023, 12:27 p.m. No.18656297   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6502 >>6587 >>6679 >>6900 >>6910

France on Fire: Over Half a Million Protest Against Macron Government


Over half a million people took to the streets of France on Thursday to protest Emmanuel Macron’s government.


Well over 500,000 took place on the eleventh day of protest against the Macron government on Thursday, police officials have confirmed.


The demonstrations are mostly concerned with unpopular pension reforms pushed through by the government, which utilised a loophole within the French constitution to implement an increase to the pension age without the approval of parliament.


This has prompted a huge degree of anger in the country, with political opposition on both the left and right up in arms about the current ordeal.

Anonymous ID: bf5037 April 7, 2023, 12:28 p.m. No.18656304   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6321 >>6329 >>6502 >>6569 >>6587 >>6679 >>6900 >>6910

Dutch PM Vows to ‘Accelerate’ EU Green Agenda Despite Pro-Farmer Party Victory


Globalist Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte has vowed to “accelerate” his government’s plans to implement its anti-farmer agenda on nitrogen emissions that could see thousands of farms shut down despite the surprise victory of the populist tractor protest party in last month’s provincial elections.


During a parliamentary debate concerning the local and senatorial elections in March in which the upstart Farmer–Citizen Movement (BBB) party became the single largest party in the Dutch Senate — after previously holding zero seats — Prime Minister Rutte doubled down on his government’s EU-driven green agenda that would force farmers to cut their nitrogen emmission by at least 50 per cent by the end of the decade or face the prospect of being shut down.


While Rutte’s four-party coalition fell from 32 to 22 seats in the senate, as the BBB picked up 17 on their own as a result of widespread resentment at the attacks on the nation’s vital farming community, Rutte appears to be intent on pushing forward the policies preferred by Brussels over those favoured by his own citizens.


During the debate, the globalist prime minister said that he intends to “accelerate” the plans to cut nitrogen emissions. However, it is currently unclear if the government will stick to the same exact policy, with the coalition agreeing to negotiate with the agricultural sector and provincial local governments, many of which will now be controlled by the pro-farmer BBB party.


In response, BBB leader Caroline van der Plas said: “This is exactly one of those things that is completely wrong in this cabinet. The lack of empathy, the disdain, the arrogance. And I’m experiencing that again now and I think that’s a great pity.”


Yet, as the governing majority for Rutte’s coalition is so slim, it is currently not in a position to be able to prevent an opposition party from tabling a motion of no confidence, which would collapse the government and force elections. The outspoken leader of the BBB warned last month that she did not believe the coalition is stable and predicted that there would be elections sometime this year, which could see Rutte’s tenure as prime minister, the longest of any democratic leader of the nation, come to an end.

Anonymous ID: bf5037 April 7, 2023, 12:35 p.m. No.18656333   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6357 >>6502 >>6587 >>6679 >>6900 >>6910

Human genome editing summit haunted by spectre of eugenics


The Third International Summit on Human Genome Editing, held earlier this month at the Francis Crick Institute in London, closed with a statement that “heritable human genome editing remains unacceptable at this time”, adding, “Public discussions and policy debates continue and are important for resolving whether this technology should be used. Governance frameworks and ethical principles for the responsible use of heritable human genome editing are not in place.” Pointing to “risks and unintended effects” of gene editing, the statement warned that “Necessary safety and efficacy standards have not been met.”


The statement may have prompted sighs of relief from those who were concerned that the summit’s participants would exploit the event to immediately push for changing the law banning human germline (heritable) genetic modification (HGM) in the UK. Indeed, it was a significant step back from the conclusion of the previous summit on HGM in 2018, which concluded that “it is time to define a rigorous, responsible translational pathway” toward clinical trials of germline editing.


But the statement failed to meaningfully engage with the biggest ethical question around HGM. It focused on how to make the technology acceptable by improving “safety and efficacy”, while failing to lay to rest the spectre of eugenics that loomed over the summit. The anti-eugenics group Stop Designer Babies has pointed out that legalising HGM will inevitably lead to a eugenic society of genetic “haves” and “have-nots” in which wealthy parents can choose “designer” traits in their babies, such as skin, hair and eye colour, IQ, and athletic prowess. In the worst case scenario, those who can’t afford genetic “enhancement” would be banned from reproducing. And the statement doesn’t clarify whether, if scientists manage to solve the safety issues yet “public discussions and policy debates” come up with the answer that HGM should continue to be banned on ethical grounds, that decision will be accepted.


This question must be faced head-on because contrary to common belief, eugenics didn’t die with the Nazis. It is very much alive and kicking in scientific circles in the UK and US. Yet conspicuously absent from the publicity around the summit were the disconcertingly eugenicist connections and views of some of the scientists associated with it and, historically, with the venue that hosted it, the Crick Institute. That topic will be returned to later in this article.

Anonymous ID: bf5037 April 7, 2023, 12:37 p.m. No.18656340   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6346 >>6502 >>6587 >>6679 >>6900 >>6910

Israeli jets bomb Lebanon and Gaza after rocket attacks


The Israeli military says it struck Hamas infrastructure near southern Lebanon's Sour and in the Gaza Strip


'I heard the screams of worshipers': Eyewitnesses describe Israeli forces' attack on Al-Aqsa


"Many outlets described what happened as confrontations or riots, but I saw none of that," noted Kawasmi. "It was a clear aggression on people who were worshipping in their holy place."


Several injured in suspected car-ramming terror attack on Tel Aviv promenade


MDA says one person killed, though reports indicate fatality is suspected terrorist, thought to have used his car to run over people walking near Charles Clore park near seashore

Anonymous ID: bf5037 April 7, 2023, 12:39 p.m. No.18656347   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6351 >>6502 >>6587 >>6679 >>6900 >>6910

Biden extends anti-Russian sanctions for one year


"Therefore, I have determined that it is necessary to continue the national emergency declared in Executive Order 14024 with respect to specified harmful foreign activities of the Government of the Russian Federation," the US president said


WASHINGTON, April 7. /TASS/. US President Joe Biden has expanded for one year the regime of anti-Russian sanctions imposed under the pretext of Russia’s alleged interference into US elections and violation of principles of international law among other things, according to the Letters to the Speaker of the House and the President of the Senate on the Continuation of the National Emergency with Respect to Specified Harmful Foreign Activities of the Government of the Russian Federation released by the White House on Friday.


The documents claim that Russia is carrying out "specified harmful foreign activities" against the United States, "in particular, efforts to undermine the conduct of free and fair democratic elections and democratic institutions in the United States and its allies and partners," "malicious cyber-enabled activities against the United States and its allies and partners" Apart from that, it is claimed that Russia violates "well-established principles of international law, including respect for the territorial integrity of states." With this in mind, according to the Washington administration, Russia continues "to pose an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States."


"Therefore, I have determined that it is necessary to continue the national emergency declared in Executive Order 14024 with respect to specified harmful foreign activities of the Government of the Russian Federation," Biden said in the letters.

Anonymous ID: bf5037 April 7, 2023, 12:44 p.m. No.18656374   🗄️.is 🔗kun

‘Is That True?’: Washington Post Reporter Questions TikTok’s Link to CCP


Taylor Lorenz tells audience, 'I actually don’t know where TikTok is based'


Washington Post technology columnist Taylor Lorenz, the self-described "most online reporter that you can find" said Thursday in a discussion hosted by the libertarian magazine Reason that she doesn’t know where TikTok is headquartered or that a Chinese Communist Party (CCP) member holds an executive position with the tech company’s parent, ByteDance.


"I actually don’t know where TikTok is based," she said. "Umm. The CEO was in Singapore. Umm. So he's there and then it's [sic] the U.S. it's sort of run regionally around the world."


The former New York Times reporter also questioned whether it was "true" that a CCP official serves in a senior position at ByteDance. "Is that true? Is that true? Is that true?" Lorenz said. (Zhang Fuping, who serves as ByteDance’s editor in chief, is a Chinese Community Party secretary.)


Tik Tok is headquartered in Culver City, Calif. Its CEO Shou Zi Chew, who was grilled in a high-profile congressional hearing about which Lorenz wrote, works out of Singapore. TikTok’s parent company ByteDance, which has a close relationship with the CCP, is headquartered in Beijing, and Lorenz visited a TikTok office "adjacent" to its headquarters just two months ago for a story about the company’s "charm offensive."


The controversial columnist, a TikTok user herself, appeared to laugh off concerns about the national security risks posed by the platform and applauded the tech company’s algorithm for empowering its users. (FBI Director Chris Wray testified last November that TikTok’s algorithm could be a means of CCP influence in the United States.)


Lorenz’s remarks come amid TikTok’s own enormous public-relations campaign —the company last month brought on the Democratic lobbying firm SKDK, which has deep ties to the Biden White House – and reveal how some of the country’s leading journalists are sympathetic to the company’s plight.


Lorenz, who attended a 16-year-old TikTok celebrity’s birthday party, did not respond to a request for comment.


During the Reason discussion Lorenz said she was "dying" at the alleged ignorance of the lawmakers who grilled Chew. And late last month she wrote a fact-check attacking Republican lawmakers who participated in the hearing. In emails to their aides obtained by the Free Beacon, she demanded an explanation for allegedly false claims the lawmakers never made.


Lorenz wrote in an email request for comment that Cathy McMorris-Rodgers (R., Wash.) claimed TikTok users can’t post negative content about China. A review of her questions shows McMorris Rodgers had asked Chew whether TikTok had ever censored content about Tiananmen Square. And TikTok undoubtedly had: A 2019 Guardian report revealed "how TikTok censors videos that do not please Beijing," instructing the company’s content moderators to "censor videos that mention Tiananmen Square, Tibetan independence, or the banned religious group Falun Gong, according to leaked documents detailing the site’s moderation guidelines."


She also claimed Rep. Bob Latta (D., Va.) had falsely attributed the "blackout challenge"–in which children are encouraged to hold their breath until they pass out–to TikTok. The lawmaker did no such thing, instead he asked Chew why TikTok did nothing to moderate such challenges. Latta spoke on the death of a 10-year-old girl who died in Pennsylvania after trying the blackout challenge, which she saw trending on TikTok. The girl’s parents blame TikTok for their daughter’s death and they have company—two families sued TikTok last summer after their kids died of self-strangulation.

Anonymous ID: bf5037 April 7, 2023, 12:45 p.m. No.18656382   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6397

Muslim world must unite against Israel, Erdogan says to Iran's Raisi


The two world leaders also discussed the incidents at the al-Aqsa mosque and Iranian-Turkish relations.


Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan told his Iranian counterpart Ebrahim Raisi over the phone that the "Islamic world should be united against Israel's attacks in Palestine," Turkish media reported.


The two world leaders also discussed the incidents at the al-Aqsa mosque and Iranian-Turkish relations, the report said. The Turkish president also noted the importance to preserve the status of holy areas and emphasized "reasonable thinking" in order to prevent further escalation of violence in Israel and the Palestinian territories, sources said.


Israeli foreign minister Eli Cohen then told his Turkish counterpart Mevlut Cavusoglu the same day that the IDF will respond to any attempt to terrorize civilians. The incident came during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan and on the eve of the Jewish Passover.

Additional condemnations by Erdogan


Erdogan condemned the Israeli police's actions at the al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem on Wednesday, calling such acts in the mosque compound a "red line" for Turkey.


"I condemn the vile acts against the first qiblah of Muslims in the name of my country and people, and I call for the attacks to be halted as soon as possible," he said.


Erdogan also condemned the US ambassador to Turkey for meeting with the main opposition alliance’s presidential candidate less than two months before elections in the country.


Another earthquake incoming?

Anonymous ID: bf5037 April 7, 2023, 12:46 p.m. No.18656388   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6587 >>6679 >>6900 >>6910

House Oversight Committee subpoenas banks for Biden family financial records


The Republican-led House Oversight Committee has subpoenaed several major banks for financial records belonging to the Biden family


The House Oversight Committee issued subpoenas to banks asking for the Biden family's financial records.


Fox News has confirmed that the Oversight Committee subpoenaed Bank of America, Cathay Bank, JPMorgan Chase, HSBC USA N.A., as well as former Hunter Biden business associate Mervyn Yan asking for financial records.


Rep. Jamie Raskin, D-Md., the top Democrat on the Oversight Committee, complained that Committee Chairman James Comer, R-Ky., was trying to hide information regarding the investigation from Democrats on the committee.


In a statement to Fox News, Comer said "Ranking Member Raskin has again disclosed Committee’s subpoenas in a cheap attempt to thwart cooperation from other witnesses. Given his antics with the first bank subpoena, the American people and media should be asking what information Ranking Member Raskin is trying to hide this time. No one should be fooled by Ranking Member Raskin’s games. We have the bank records, and the facts are not good for the Biden family."

Anonymous ID: bf5037 April 7, 2023, 12:50 p.m. No.18656403   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6587 >>6679 >>6900 >>6910

The Climate (CO2) Hoax and the Control Matrix. Mega-banks and Corporations


In my previous article ‘1500 scientists say ‘Climate Change Not Due to Co2’ – The real environment movement was hijacked’ I provided evidences and testimonies from renowned international climate scientists that contradict the UN assertions in relation to climate change being caused by Co2 emissions. I also referred to the conclusion of 1500 climate scientists and climate professionals at the Climate Intelligence Foundation that:


the climate changes naturally and slowly in its own cycle,

solar activity is the dominant factor in climate; and that CO2 emissions or methane from livestock, such as cows, are not the dominant factors in climate change.


In essence, therefore, the incessant UN, government, and corporate-media-produced climate hysteria in relation to CO2 emissions and methane from cows has no scientific basis.


I am an independent researcher and I have no commercial interest in stating that climate change is not caused by CO2, or by methane from livestock, such as cows.


Why is the UN not focusing on the real pollution of the air, land and water systems that has been occuring has been via the release of thousands of real pollutants by the corporations of industrial globalisation over the past decades?


Over decades, ‘Big Oil’ corporations have caused widespread pollution of land, air, and water systems worldwide. I support real environmentalism. However, man-made climate change caused by Co2 emissions is fake science and fake news. The CO2 agenda has detracted and distracted significantly from peoples understanding of what real environmentalism is and involves.


In truth I am against ‘real’ pollution, and the reality is that the CO2 component is not a pollutant. So why did the UN and the entire world banking and corporate matrix promote the agenda to reduce CO2 ? Recall the following words of Dr Nils-Axel Mörner, a former Committee Chairman at the UN IPPC, and former head of the Paleo Geo-physics and Geo-dynamics department in Stockholm:


“The scientific truth is on the side of the sceptics… I have thousands of high ranked scientists all over the world who agree that NO, CO2 is not the driving mechanism and that everything is exaggerated…I suspect that behind-the-scenes promoters… have an ulterior motive… It’s a wonderful way of controlling taxation controlling people” – Dr Nils-Axel Mörner, a former Committee Chairman at the UN IPPC, and former head of the Paleo Geo-physics and Geo-dynamics department in Stockholm

Anonymous ID: bf5037 April 7, 2023, 12:55 p.m. No.18656421   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6587 >>6679 >>6900 >>6910

Foxconn's Pro-China Billionaire Founder Launches Bid For Taiwan Presidency


Terry Gou is the billionaire founder of Foxconn, a main supplier of Apple, and this week he announced he's seeking the presidential nomination of Taiwan's China-friendly opposition party for the second time.


The Kuomintang (KMT) party favors close ties with China, and has long been seen as one of Beijing's best hopes at achieving 'peaceful reunification' with the mainland, as Beijing's official policy has long been articulated.


A 2019 bid by Gou, during which time he had stepped down as Foxconn CEO, failed to cinch the nomination. On Wednesday he weighed in forcefully concerning Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen's visit with US House Speaker Kevin McCarthy in Simi Valley, California.


"We must honestly tell young people that it is dangerous to vote for the [Democratic Progressive Party], which 'exalts Taiwan independence and hates and opposes China'," Gou said of the ruling party.


And further according to BBC, "He added that the only way to avoid war with China was to lessen tensions between Washington and Beijing and get Taiwan's ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) out of office."


The KMT has actually been the ruling party for most of the last half-century, but its adherents attribute soaring tensions with China and regional instability of late to Tsai's DPP and irresponsibly allowing Washington to make deeper inroads into Taiwan, through weapons sales and visits of officials.


Gou announced he's running for president fresh off his own tour of the United States in an attempt to bolster external support:


The tycoon was likely to discuss the eight-day journey which took him to Washington, D.C., Boston, San Francisco, and Los Angeles, and to present his ideas for the future under the theme "Taiwan needs a fantastic CEO." In speeches during his trip, he emphasized the role that technology and economic development should play in determining the future of the country.


Gou has been named as a contender for the Jan. 13, 2024 presidential election, with the hope he could return to the Kuomintang (KMT), the party he quit ahead of the previous election in 2020.

Anonymous ID: bf5037 April 7, 2023, 12:57 p.m. No.18656430   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6587 >>6679 >>6900 >>6910

Fauci Inks Deal With New Italian 'Anti-Pandemic' Bio Lab


Still dodging public accountability while drawing a hefty government check for his myriad COVID failures, Anthony Fauci has reportedly already landed a new gig tinkering with more viruses, vaccines and possibly another plan-demic.


The mask-mandate monarch has agreed to a consultancy role for a newly created “anti-pandemic” bio lab, which is being funded by the Italian government, The Dossier reported.


“American immunologist Anthony Fauci has agreed to act in an informal capacity as a strategic advisor to Rino Rappuoli, scientific director of the Biotecnopolo biotech hub in Siena, an institution founded by the Ministries of the University, Health, Economy and Industry with the aim of focusing on applied research in biotechnologies and life sciences, the Fondazione Biotecnopolo announced this week,” reported Italy’s ANSA news wire service.


Flying under the innocuous moniker Biotecnopolo, officials described the lab as “an anti-pandemic hub with a particular focus on the development and production of vaccines and monoclonal antibodies for the treatment of emerging epidemic-pandemic pathologies.” The lab has already received copious funding upwards of hundreds of million Euros from Rome.


Fauci came under considerable fire for his links to gain-of-function research through the cutout group EcoHealth Alliance, which ultimately had direct links to China’s Wuhan lab, where a growing amount of evidence indicated the COVID virus originated.


Bio-lab board members gushed praise for Fauci in a press release, informing that his experience would prove “a fundamental step towards making the Biotecnopolo the Italian hub for the research, study and prevention of pandemics.”


Biotecnopolo’s scientific director Rino Rappuoli comes with his own tawdry set of baggage from his work as head of vaccine research and development at GSK, nee Big Pharma’s GlaxoSmithKline, infamous for shelling out a record $3 billion settlement for health-care fraud, The Expose reported.


Rappuoli also holds a professorship at Imperial College, London, whose concocted and widely skewered computer stimulations helped spark COVID madness.


“Last year, Fauci spoke at a conference organized by GSK on the ‘role of vaccines in protecting people and the planet,'” wrote Dossier investigative journalist Jordan Schachtel.


“So Fauci has now linked up with Big Pharma heavyweights and he’s an advisor for a clandestine bio lab project being financed by the Italian government. What could possibly go wrong?”

Anonymous ID: bf5037 April 7, 2023, 12:58 p.m. No.18656432   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6587 >>6679 >>6900 >>6910

Christian pastor to spend Easter in jail after third arrest related to drag queen story time protests


Tuesday's arrest by the Calgary Police Service apparently involves new charges against Derek Reimer of Mission 7 Ministries.


Reimer’s previous bail conditions state that he must stay at least 300 meters from LGBTQ events. Tuesday’s arrest appears to involve a slew of new charges filed under a recently enacted Calgary anti-street harassment bylaw.

Anonymous ID: bf5037 April 7, 2023, 1:59 p.m. No.18656687   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Hollywood Now Is Romanticizing Far-Left Terrorism: Calls for Justified Attacks in New Film


“How to Blow Up a Pipeline” hit theaters this week, and there’s no nuance in its title.


It’s approximately 100 R-rated minutes on destroying a Texas pipeline in the name of environmental activism, social justice, stickin’ it to the Man, and other cool stuff.


While heist stories always have been popular, there’s long been the moral snag of getting audiences to root for the bad guys or at least the people seen breaking the law.


Indeed, Hollywood once had the self-imposed Hays Code that, among other things, required criminals, no matter how intriguing their story, to always meet a bad ending, generally either through the legal system or in death, including by their own hand.


Sometimes, storytellers have gotten around ethical qualms by having criminals do things ultimately for some kind of perceived good, as in Robin Hood robbing the rich to give to the poor.


That’s the way “How to Blow Up a Pipeline” gets around the whole terrorism thing. It hoists its would-be moral flag on protection of the environment.




Check out the trailer.