Ascension Joy ID: 430fe6 Ending Special Discount, Book Price, The Future April 7, 2023, 9:52 p.m. No.18659038   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Ending Special Discount, Book Price, The Future

Source: https://ascensionjoy. com/


The ending is very near to me.

So I will have some special discount and announcement about book price and the my future.


  1. All the book, courses price will receive minimum 50% to 99% off for the next 2 weeks from now till April 18th 2023 (18-04-2023).

This apply only for direct author buying.

Apply on all books/courses.


You can bargain and give the price you would like to pay/donate (via direct contact with me) then I will deceive whether to sell it or not.


  1. The books will be free forever if I receive fair amount of donation before the deadline April 18th 2023 (18-04-2023).

Frankly I do not want to sell book at all but I prefer to give it for free to the society but because the average mindset level of the people are too low, they will never pay something back in return if the content is great for them and they don’t have any financial problem.


I will release these books for free below if receive fair amount of donation:

– “New Creation New Society New World” – 100,000 USD (One hundred thousand US Dollar).


– “Become World Champion With Secret Crazy Method Strategy” – 500,000 USD (Five hundred thousand US Dollar).


– “The New Fair World Economic Financial System That People Will Love” – 400,000 USD (Four hundred thousand US Dollar).


Free here mean the information will be given free to the society, all kind of entities are free to distribute it without any restriction as long as it does not contain any commercial or anything related to commercial purpose. And it must come under anonymous author name (or something like that such as group of online authors or humanity group).


While if any entities want to do commercial or receive idea “franchise” permission they must seek direct permission from me the original author.


If any thing related to public government policy such as monetary policy, then the permission are needed from me too.


  1. The book price will have different model

It is very difficult to “judge” the price of a book from the point of the author because the level mindset of each reader are not the same, so as the benefit they will receive from the book.


So depend on the situation in the future I may change the price model to “pay as you will” where people will only need to pay some small amount of money such as 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 or 6 or 7 or 8 or 9 or 10 USD/Euro in order to read the content of the book, then depend on the benefit they receive from the book, then they can make additional volunteer donation to me later.


But now there is no any official market platform exist for that kind of business yet and not any online payment service are designed for this one.


The condition for me to implement this new book selling model is I must receive minimum donation of 10,000 USD/Euro before April 18th 2023 (18-04-2023).


Because without motivation and purpose, I won’t do things for free anymore like few years ago.


  1. The Savior future is uncertain, could go completely offline and ignore the rest of society

I do not sure my future path.

I cannot make any promise or any absolutely words at the present moment.


But there is a big chance I will go completely offline and focus on personal growth rather than pitching, helping the rest of society (even the option selling book is also off the table since I want to avoid all kind of hidden connections with all of you).


The future is always uncertain, but at least I honest and write this message so you guys won’t be shocked since even listen/reading my words will also help you guys since they are secret connection with super level beings.


I have put on the table all the possible offer for all different type of group from the top referee group to the mortal human group, from super hidden power ability to world financial system, land conflicts.


There is absolutely nothing left that receive my attention more than that.


Now is it your time for you to talk, to contact, to donate, to ask me any question in any topic.


Best Regard,

The Savior Ascension Joy Messiah Mahdi Maitreya Kalki Christ Buddha


Source: https://ascensionjoy. com/

Ascension Joy ID: 430fe6 Donald Trump Should Issue New Special Crypto Trump Coin For Trump Business April 7, 2023, 9:58 p.m. No.18659072   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Donald Trump Should Issue New Special Crypto Trump Coin For Trump Business

Source: https://ascensionjoy. com/forum/showthread.php?tid=125


Frankly I do not want to release the content and information too early but since the world are heading to the point of no return if any more stupid action will taken place so I have decide to share this sacred information have the origin intend from my book “The New Fair World Economic Financial System That People Will Love”.


If I was Donald Trump, I would release new special kind of crypto: Trump Coin or Trump Bit are only special designed from all kind of Trump Business.


But unlike any other crypto on current market, it has different purpose, working mechanism.


Working Mechanism, Overall:

  • The Trump Coin/Bit will act like a gift point or cash back money. But it will work on blockchain to make sure transparency.


  • How people will receive/obtain Trump coin?

When they spend fiat money for any kind of Trump business such as hotel, resort, apartment, housing, etc. they will receive a chance to receive Trump coin with the rate such as $100 will receive 10 Trump coin or flexible rate from 1 to 100 Trump coin (depend on their “draw” result).


Another way is buying from other person who owning Trump coin but want to sell.

No direct selling/issuing from Trump business.


  • How people will use Trump coin?

They can use it like new money in all Trump business such like the traditional cash back or gift point that all exist in my commercial business but with the rate/rule decide by Trump business such as 1 Trump coin equal 1 oz of Gold or 1 USD or backed by real business product service such as 1 hour of Golf in all Trump courses around the world.


I recommend it backed via real product service since that it fiat, represent the trust between human and more importantly will open the gate for new type of currency that not backed by government but backed by real businesses.


  • Can people trade Trump coin like any other cryptocurrencies?

Yes, they can trade, can hold but not only allowed to use in Trump business


If people using Trump coin then they won’t receive any cash back, but only through fiat money paper to make sure the “in/out” or Trump coin is balance.


The rule about number of crypto coin, public or private, owner, technology, management, etc. will decide by Trump business team.


All it take to create this new kind of currency is 1 month is the maximum.


If Donald Trump like this idea and want to use my solution, he or any his support just need to make donation worth of minimum 2 million USD to me.


It will open the new solution for the technology team and the USA, Europe too.


The potential is unlimited, and will make the balance between East and West.


Best Regard,

The Savior Messiah Buddha


Source: https://ascensionjoy. com/forum/showthread.php?tid=125