>so this is still gerbil then?
nope….not the g-man
> understand why they banhammer your posts.
okay…but any anon can type in a name and post as whatever
doesn't mean anything
no cp / spam was posted from UncIeJoe and he was having a decent convo with anons for once….guess gloves come off
>are you an idiot,
it sure is a lot less shilly and less drama….of course cunts like (YOU) flock there to cause drama….suck a pepper cunt
>i still think you're gerbil ;)
well think in one hand and shit in the other and….blah blah
bunker is better you have to admit
anons only like milf and granny tits and ass apparently
>Nothing habbening there
yea he moved on
like others before him and after him
shit happens