Tanks bakes
I just follow around the little aminals
Tanks bakes
I just follow around the little aminals
Clinton's must have long arms
Many foods contain "cellulose"
Wood pulp..toilet paper ..same thing
If they just changed the cellulose
For food grade diatomatious earth
For their anti caking ingredient
Would cure millions
Very few people left that can grow …process and store food
The go get whatever you want days are slowly
Coming to and end
And untill people learn to take care of them selves instead of waiting on somebody else
To fix the latest dilemma
Looking for my buttercup
Labor paid less
Houses were less
Bankers still running mortgage scam
Dollar value …almost non-existent
Houses did not increase
Dollar decreased
Thank the bank
It is a lot of work
And lots of seeds …no longer germinate
No plants…no food
Learn what will grow where you live
And get busy