I remember a story about some breach a few weeks ago. It was something about computers or a computer system being left wide open for approximately 2 weeks before it was noticed. Anyway, I don’t remember much detail but the one thing that stood out was that it was basically blown off as a minor incident and the story went away. I wonder now if this is related to that breach?
Song of Solomon
Here’s a different take:
Matthew 21 MBC - 21:31 Which of the two did the will of his father? Jesus forces the Jewish leaders to testify against themselves. The point of the parable is that doing is more important than saying (cf 7:21-27; James 1:22). They have to acknowledge this; yet, in doing so, they condemn themselves. The idea that repentant tax collectors and harlots would enter the kingdom before outwardly religious hypocrites is a recurring theme in His ministry (see note on 5:20) that infuriates the Jewish leaders.
21:32 the way of righteousness. I.e., the repentance and faith that results in the imputation of God’s righteousness (see note on Rom. 3:21 ). tax collectors and harlots. See notes on 5:46; 9:9; Mark 2:15. The pariahs of Jewish society, most publicly despised by the chief priests and elders, had found salvation while the self-righteous leaders had not. Cf. Romans 10:3
Generations tend to trend and shift like that. Repetition. Gen X is the parallel to the “Greatest” generation.
Yes. Much of society views Christians as prudes and, in many cases, the stigma is deserved. God does not forbid sex, far from it. God gifted mankind with sex, but He forbids the perversions of it.
Gotta keep the singular/plural themes consistent, but we all knew what you meant. Nothing was lost in translation because of the errors. Some people just have nothing better to do than to call out inconsequential grammatical errors instead of processing the meaning of the message. If it makes them feel better about themselves then I guess good for them.
That’s from John MacArthur’s commentary. He’s just a man who makes mistakes like anyone else but, in my opinion, he’s the most based pastor I’ve ever heard. He made some headlines for going head to head with Governor Newsom over lock downs right after lock downs first started in 2020. He basically told Newsom and California that the church is essential and that his church would not be closing down.
>Religious people
It’s a misnomer really. True salvation is about relationship, not “religion”. The Pharisees were religious, the disciples knew Christ. Some people believe the way to win converts is to beat people upside the head with the Bible. That only turns people away.