Anonymous ID: 5be40d April 8, 2023, 12:08 p.m. No.18661857   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Over 100 More Classified Docs Appear Online: US Secrets 'From Ukraine To Middle East To China'


A more expanded document dump and leak of highly classified materials is being reported in the wake of the initial disclosure that memos related to US strategy in the Ukraine war appeared online, including material marked "Top Secret".


This time the leak appears more expansive: "A new batch of classified documents that appear to detail American national security secrets from Ukraine to the Middle East to China surfaced on social media sites on Friday, alarming the Pentagon and adding turmoil to a situation that seemed to have caught the Biden administration off guard," The New York Times reported Friday evening.


"The scale of the leak — analysts say more than 100 documents may have been obtained — along with the sensitivity of the documents themselves, could be hugely damaging, U.S. officials said," the report continues.


One senior intelligence official was quoted in the report as saying the leak is "a nightmare for the Five Eyes" - in reference to the intelligence-sharing nations of the US, UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.


Like the Ukraine war plans earlier reported on by the Times, some of these latest documents appeared on Twitter and other social media platforms, and they include reports labeled with one of the highest classification ratings of "Secret/NoForn" - which means they are sensitive enough to not be shared with even foreign allies.


Interestingly, the NY Times notes that one intelligence slide which is circulating features "an alarming assessment of Ukraine’s faltering air defense capabilities." But these leaks, some of which actually appeared on a Discord server devoted to discussing Minecraft and other unusual places, include more than the initial content on Ukraine war planning:


But the leaked documents appear to go well beyond highly classified material on Ukraine war plans. Security analysts who have reviewed the documents tumbling onto social media sites say the increasing trove also includes sensitive briefing slides on China, the Indo-Pacific military theater, the Middle East and terrorism.


The report quotes one analyst who warns this is likely "the tip of the iceberg" and that more major leaks are coming, or possibly have already happened, in something which could begin to rival the 'Pentagon Papers' of the Vietnam war era.

Anonymous ID: 5be40d April 8, 2023, 12:10 p.m. No.18661862   🗄️.is 🔗kun

China Sending 71 Military Aircraft Across the Taiwan Straight and Starts Encirclement Drills


China is reportedly responding to Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen’s meeting with US House Speaker Kevin McCarthy in California a few days ago.


It is being reported that China is responding to Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen’s meeting with US House Speaker Kevin McCarthy in California this past week by starting military drills around Taiwan.


Zerohedge reports:


China has begun three days of military drills around Taiwan and in the Taiwan Strait as its direct response to Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen’s meeting with US House Speaker Kevin McCarthy in California held days ago.


Parts of the drills are expected to extend up to 12 days. WSJ notes that this is what greeted the return of Tsai to her home: “Hours after President Tsai Ing-wen returned to Taiwan on Friday night, Chinese maritime safety authorities said the country’s navy planned to conduct seven live-fire exercises over the course of 12 days off the coast of Fujian province, which faces Taiwan, starting Saturday morning.”


While the Wednesday meeting with McCarthy was presented by the allies as a show of democratic solidarity, Beijing had warned of “resolute measures” while deploying an aircraft carrier strike group off the self-ruled island’s coast.


Early Saturday, China launched live-fire “combat readiness patrols” until April 10, according to a statement from the People’s Liberation Army’s (PLA) Eastern Theatre Command. The drills are called United Sharp Sword and expand in scope from the north to south of the island, utilizing air and sea, particularly airspace to Taiwan’s east, the statement indicated.


The drills have already involved on Saturday a whopping 71 Chinese military aircraft crossing the sensitive median line of the Taiwan Strait, Reuters confirms.

Anonymous ID: 5be40d April 8, 2023, 12:11 p.m. No.18661868   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Democrats Are Taking in Multi-Millions from Foreigners and No One Seems to Care


This past week alone, there were multiple articles of top Democrats taking multi-millions from foreigners. This is supposed to be against the law for obvious reasons but no one seems to care.


This past week Breitbart reported that Leonardo DiCaprio testified in an Obama campaign money-laundering trial.


Actor Leonardo DiCaprio appeared in Washington Monday to testify in the trial of Fugees rapper Prakazrel “Pras” Michel who is accused of illegally funneling money from fugitive Malaysian financier Jho Taek Low to the Barack Obama campaign through straw donors.


Michael, a founding member of the 1990s hip-hop group the Fugees, is accused of illegally funneling foreign donations to Obama’s 2012 campaign for president, that was sourced from a Malaysian financier. It is illegal for foreigners to donate money to U.S. political campaigns.


DiCaprio, 48, testified that he was surprised by the amount of money he saw being donated to the Obama campaign.


“It was a significant sum — something to the tune of $20-30 million,” DiCaprio said on the stand, according to the New York Post. “I said, ‘Wow that’s a lot of money!’”


The Hollywood star was called to testify because he had been a close U.S. associate of Low, having taken his donations for charities as well as financing for his award winning 2013 film, The Wolf of Wall Street.


Low was well-known among Hollywood A-Listers for throwing lavish parties, inviting top executives and actors on expensive vacations, doling out flights on his private jet, and attending and donating at numerous charity events. But he is now accused of embezzling his millions and is on the run.


Obama was famous for disregarding the law and doing whatever he wanted. This attitude and practice is the current modus operandi in the US government today.


Breitbart also reported this week on the Democrat’s new George Soros: Swiss billionaire Hansjörg Wyss. This guy is donating huge sums to Democrat causes that are destroying the country.