if there are any left here….
here is an example of how I might go about creating a multidimensional encryption with secure mechanisms around it, in the coding language Python, for any interested computer people.
def encrypt(message, key):
n = len(message)
m = len(message[0])
encrypted_message = [['' for _ in range(m)] for _ in range(n)] #initialize the multidimensional array
for i in range(n):
for j in range(m):
encrypted_message[i][j] = chr(ord(message[i][j]) + key[i % len(key)]) #encrypt each character based on the key
return encrypted_message
def decrypt(encrypted_message, key):
n = len(encrypted_message)
m = len(encrypted_message[0])
decrypted_message = [['' for _ in range(m)] for _ in range(n)] #initialize the multidimensional array
for i in range(n):
for j in range(m):
decrypted_message[i][j] = chr(ord(encrypted_message[i][j]) - key[i % len(key)]) #decrypt each character based on the key
return decrypted_message
The encrypt function takes in a two-dimensional message array and a one-dimensional key array. It then loops through each character of the message array and encrypts it based on the corresponding element in the key array. The encrypted characters are then stored in a multidimensional encrypted message array, which is returned as the output.
The decrypt function takes in the encrypted message array and the one-dimensional key array. It then loops through each character of the encrypted message array and decrypts it based on the corresponding element in the key array. The decrypted characters are then stored in a multidimensional decrypted message array, which is returned as the output.
Note that this is just an example of the idea.