The Medical Establishment was mistreating mentally ill back in those days.
Now there's no treatment; people are put out on the street before they are stable in the excuse "No money"
What RReagan did was a good thing, at the time. The can't do forced medication that easily. But if treated early with medication people can recover completely
Which no one will ever tell you.
They use Rights against you.
You have a right to refuse treatment. But one of the symptoms of mental illness is that the person is without awareness that they are ill
So they use this against them.
To deny treatment
It's a deep dig subject and remember these mentally ill patsy-s are too fucked-up to handle a gun. So that's a misdirection too.
They are used with some idea in the future as to how, to "prevent violence" they will force inject "mentally ill" (anti - vaxxers, whatever; political enemies - hell they called DJT insane, mentally unwell, and forced an exam; What if the doc had been comped?)
Donald Trump has a great understanding of the issue, and will do a great job on these preventable tragedies, once back in the presidency.
Trump, on the subject of mental illness, did a big conference at the White House when he was POTUS.
He let important voices be heard.
Psychosis and Schizophrenia? There are many types.
People / children / teenagers at risk can be identified. And it can be prevented
But they won't - for all the reasons we have come to distrust the medical profession.
They are targeted.
It's a matter of rote belief, with no basis in science, that such people are doomed. - which is false in at least one third of the cases.
"medical privacy" They will use it against all of us, any chance they can.
Now all medical records are being compiled on each citizen; and in many cases you can not get your own records.
Think of the falsification possibilities?
What are the checks when you can't even see your own record?
When it's in their favor to hide the info, they will block info
When it in your favor to hide the info they will spread it.
What a coincidence.
Medical field is nefarious.
they have cures!
Longer subject.
had to re-write this and fix the meme