Anonymous ID: e37e85 April 9, 2023, 12:26 p.m. No.18667243   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7259




Feb 21 2019 16:01:33 (EST)



Memes, memes, and more memes!

Why are memes so important?




We love our Memes, don't we folks?



Do you believe in coincidences?

Memes are important.





There is a reason why we encourage 'Memes' so much.

There is a reason why we came here to drop.

There is a reason why they are all working overtime to build code to censor and defend against 'Memes.'

Re_read drops re: Memes

All just a coincidence?

Directed @ 'Q'

Fire when ready.


Anonymous ID: e37e85 April 9, 2023, 12:45 p.m. No.18667325   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7463 >>7622 >>7733 >>7820 >>7911

Blumenthal to undergo surgery after breaking leg at UConn Huskies parade

April 9, 2023

Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) said he will undergo surgery Sunday after he broke his leg after someone fell on him while participating in the UConn men’s basketball team parade.


Blumenthal, 77, tweeted Saturday that he fractured his femur, but expects to make a full recovery. The senator told News 12 Connecticut that another parade attendee tripped and fell on top of him while taking a video of him during the parade. Despite the injury, Blumenthal said he was in “good spirits.”


“I did indeed fracture my femur after a fellow parade goer tripped & fell on me during the parade today,” he tweeted. “Routine surgery tomorrow just to make sure everything heals properly. I expect a full recovery!”


“Proud to be there. GO HUSKIES,” he added.


The UConn Huskies won the men’s NCAA tournament last week, besting the San Diego State Aztecs 76-29. The team’s celebratory parade took place in Hartford, Conn. on Saturday and the lineup included Connecticut congressional leaders, Connecticut Gov. Ned Lamont (D) and other local officials.


Fellow Democratic Connecticut Sen. Chris Murphy, who also attended, tweeted praise for Blumenthal for finishing the parade despite the injury.


“FYI after he broke his femur he got back up, dusted himself off, and FINISHED THE PARADE,” he said. “Most Dick Blumenthal thing ever.”


Blumenthal is serving his third-term as a senator for the state. He was previously Connecticut’s attorney general for 20 years.


The Senate is on Easter recess this week and will reconvene on April 17.

Anonymous ID: e37e85 April 9, 2023, 12:52 p.m. No.18667363   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7553 >>7579 >>7622 >>7820 >>7911

Escobar: Iran And Saudi Arabia - A Chinese Win-Win

Authored by Pepe Escobar via The Cradle,


''The single Iranian-Saudi handshake buried trillions of dollars of western divide-and-rule investments across West Asia, and has global leaders rushing to Beijing for global solutions.''


The idea that History has an endpoint, as promoted by clueless neoconservatives in the unipolar 1990s, is flawed, as it is in an endless process of renewal. The recent official meeting between Saudi Foreign Minister Faisal bin Farhan al-Saud and Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian in Beijing marks a territory that was previously deemed unthinkable and which has undoubtedly caused grief for the War Inc. machine.


This single handshake signifies the burial of trillions of dollars that were spent on dividing and ruling West Asia for over four decades. Additionally, the Global War on Terror (GWOT), the fabricated reality of the new millennium, featured as prime collateral damage in Beijing.


Beijing’s optics as the capital of peace have been imprinted throughout the Global South, as evidenced by a subsequent sideshow where a couple of European leaders, a president, and a Eurocrat, arrived as supplicants to Xi Jinping, asking him to join the NATO line on the war in Ukraine. They were politely dismissed.


Still, the optics were sealed: Beijing had presented a 12-point peace plan for Ukraine that was branded “irrational” by the Washington Beltway neocons. The Europeans – hostages of a proxy war imposed by Washington – at least understood that anyone remotely interested in peace needed to go through the ritual of bowing to the new boss in Beijing.


The irrelevance of the JCPOA



Anonymous ID: e37e85 April 9, 2023, 1:32 p.m. No.18667553   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7568 >>7579 >>7622 >>7820 >>7911



''The irrelevance of the JCPOA''

Tehran-Riyadh relations, of course, will have a long, rocky way ahead – from activating previous cooperation deals signed in 1998 and 2001 to respecting, in practice, their mutual sovereignty and non-interference in each other’s internal affairs.


Everything is far from solved – from the Saudi-led war on Yemen to the frontal clash of the Persian Gulf Arab monarchies with Hezbollah and other resistance movements in the Levant. Yet that handshake is the first step leading, for instance, to the Saudi foreign minister’s upcoming trip to Damascus to formally invite President Bashar al-Assad to the Arab League summit in Riyadh next month.


It’s crucial to stress that this Chinese diplomatic coup started way back with Moscow brokering negotiations in Baghdad and Oman; that was a natural development of Russia stepping in to help Iran save Syria from a crossover NATO-Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) coalition of vultures.


Then the baton was passed to Beijing, in total diplomatic sync. The drive to permanently bury GWOT and the myriad, nasty ramifications of the US war on terror was an essential part of the calculation; but even more pressing was the necessity to demonstrate how the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), or Iran nuclear deal, had become irrelevant.


Both Russia and China have experienced, inside and out, how the US always manages to torpedo a return to the JCPOA, as it was conceived and signed in 2015. Their task became to convince Riyadh and GCC states that Tehran has no interest in weaponizing nuclear power – and will remain a signatory of the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT).


Then it was up to Chinese diplomatic finesse to make it quite clear that the Persian Gulf monarchies’ fear of revolutionary Shi’ism is now as counter-productive as Tehran’s dread of being harassed and/or encircled by Salafi-jihadis. It’s as if Beijing had coined a motto: drop these hazy ideologies, and let’s do business.


And business it is, and will be: better yet, mediated by Beijing and implicitly guaranteed by both nuclear superpowers Russia and China.


Hop on the de-dollarization train



Anonymous ID: e37e85 April 9, 2023, 1:34 p.m. No.18667568   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7579 >>7622 >>7820 >>7911



''Hop on the de-dollarization train''

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MbS) may exhibit some Soprano-like traits, but he’s no fool: he instantly saw how this Chinese offer morphed beautifully into his domestic modernization plans. A Gulf source in Moscow, familiar with MbS’ rise and consolidation of power, details the crown prince’s drive to appeal to the younger Saudi generation who idolize him. Let girls drive their SUVs, go dancing, let their hair down, work hard, and be part of the “new” Saudi Arabia of Vision 2030: a global tourism and services hub, a sort of Dubai on steroids.


And, crucially, this will also be a Eurasia-integrated Saudi Arabia; future, inevitable member of both the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and BRICS+ – just like Iran, which will also be sitting at the same communal tables.


From Beijing’s point of view, this is all about its ambitious, multi-trillion-dollar Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). A key BRI connectivity corridor runs from Central Asia to Iran and then beyond, to the Caucasus and/or Turkey. Another one – in search of investment opportunities – runs through the Arabian Sea, the Sea of Oman, and the Persian Gulf, part of the Maritime Silk Road.


Beijing wants to develop BRI projects in both corridors: call it “peaceful modernization” applied to sustainable development. The Chinese always remember how the Ancient Silk Roads plied Persia and parts of Arabia: in this case, we have History Repeating Itself.


A geopolitical revolution



Anonymous ID: e37e85 April 9, 2023, 1:36 p.m. No.18667579   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7622 >>7820 >>7911





''A geopolitical revolution''

And then comes the Holy Grail: energy. Iran is a prime gas supplier to China, a matter of national security, inextricably linked to their $400 billion-plus strategic partnership deal. And Saudi Arabia is a prime oil supplier. Closer Sino-Saudi relations and interaction in key multipolar organizations such as the SCO and BRICS+ advance the fateful day when the petroyuan will be definitely enshrined.


China and the UAE have already clinched their first gas deal in yuan. The high-speed de-dollarization train has already left the station. ASEAN is already actively discussing how to bypass the dollar to privilege settlements in local currencies – something unthinkable even a few months ago. The US dollar has already been thrown into a death-by-a-thousand-cuts spiral.


And that will be the day when the game reaches a whole new unpredictable level.


The destructive agenda of the neocon leaders in charge of US foreign policy should never be underestimated. They exploited the 9/11 “new Pearl Harbor” pretext to launch a crusade against the lands of Islam in 2001, followed by a NATO proxy war against Russia in 2014. Their ultimate ambition is to wage war against China before 2025.


However, they are now facing a swift geopolitical and geoeconomic revolt of the World’s Heartland – from Russia and China to West Asia, and extrapolating to South Asia, Southeast Asia, Africa, and selected latitudes in Latin America.


The turning point came on 26 February 2022, when Washington’s neocons – in a glaring display of their shallow intellects – decided to freeze and/or steal the reserves of the only nation on the planet equipped with all the commodities that really matter, and with the necessary nous to unleash a momentous shift to a monetary system not anchored in fiat money.


That was the fateful day when the cabal, identified by journalist Seymour Hersh as responsible for blowing up the Nord Stream pipelines, actually blew the whistle for the high-speed de-dollarization train to leave the station, led by Russia, China, and now – welcome on board – Iran and Saudi Arabia.



Anonymous ID: e37e85 April 9, 2023, 1:40 p.m. No.18667594   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7598 >>7622 >>7768 >>7820 >>7911

''Scaros: Groupthink Media Tries to Sabotage RFK Jr. Presidential Bid''

April 9, 2023

Donald Trump’s flaws aside (he has them, just like any other human being who ever walked the earth), I voted for him in 2016 and 2020, and if he’s the Republican nominee, I’m going to vote for him again in 2024.


When Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) sufferers wonder how I can vote for someone who wants to “destroy democracy,” I realize that if I try to deprogram their brainwashed minds issue by issue, we could be there for hours.


Instead, I simply begin by saying, “Because the alternative is worse.”


By alternative, I mean any person with a realistic chance to grab the Democratic nomination and face Trump in the general election

— whether it be Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Pete Buttigieg, Gavin Newsom, Gretchen Whitmer, etc.


And if Trump is not the GOP nominee, just about any other Republican with a realistic chance of winning

— whether it be Ron DeSantis, Mike Pompeo, Chris Christie, etc.

— would get my vote.


“What about Robert Kennedy Jr.?” I’m often asked. “What if he’s the Democratic nominee?”


My answer is still no, but importantly, it’s a no after a long pause. Here’s why: Whether or not I agree with Kennedy’s political ideology, I think he believes in what he says. He doesn’t need a gimmick to gain attention; he’s a Kennedy, for goodness’ sake! And not just a Kennedy, but the son and namesake of the second-most influential member of the vast Kennedy family over the past 60 years.


I think his activism is commendable if at times misplaced. If forced to replace our current president with another Democrat, Kennedy’s most likely the one I’d choose.


Yet I can’t see myself voting for him. Not because of him personally, but because of the company he keeps: other Democrats.


A President Robert Kennedy would far more often side with Chuck Schumer than with Ted Cruz, with Elizabeth Warren than with Marsha Blackburn. I’ve made that mistake in my life

— not realizing that if you support one Democrat, you wind up with the whole kit and caboodle.


Now that we’ve got that settled, let’s examine why Kennedy’s candidacy is great for America.



Anonymous ID: e37e85 April 9, 2023, 1:40 p.m. No.18667598   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7600 >>7622 >>7820 >>7911



Now that we’ve got that settled, let’s examine why Kennedy’s candidacy is great for America.


Much like Trump, Kennedy isn’t afraid to criticize his own party, and Lord knows Democrats need a whole lot of criticism! While he won’t mince words attacking Republicans, Kennedy also won’t hold back against his fellow Democrats.


Not only that but if Kennedy’s competitive in the primaries and the Democrats use dirty tricks to force him out, there’s a better-than-decent chance he’d run as an independent or on a third-party ticket and siphon enough votes away from the Democratic candidate in the general election to ensure a Republican victory. How’s that for an early Christmas gift?


But many in the establishment media are already aware of this, and they started attacking him as soon as he filed papers to run.


The Hill led with the headline: “Anti-vaxxer RFK Jr. files to run for president as Democrat.” The media’s main feeding line, The Associated Press, wrote, “Anti-vaccine activist RFK Jr. challenging Biden in 2024.” Surprisingly, The New York Times was less unprofessional, more accurately referring to Kennedy as a “vaccine skeptic.”


The Wall Street Journal’s headline, “Robert Kennedy Jr. Files to Run for President as a Democrat,” was the best of the lot, but, alas, the article itself was tainted from the first two words: “Antivaccine activist Robert F. Kennedy Jr. filed paperwork Wednesday to run for president.”


I could go on endlessly, but you get the point.


Kennedy was an assistant district attorney in New York, is the author of 10 books, and his environmental activism has extended throughout the world. I don’t necessarily share his perspective on what he calls “environmental justice,” but it’s fair to say that if there’s one big issue with which to associate him, it’s the environment.


Instead, most if not all of the big media outlets are labeling him an “anti-vaxxer” to simultaneously discredit his candidacy as well as the notion of questioning the safety of vaccines in general and the ones developed to combat COVID in particular.


This is not about whether Kennedy is right or wrong about vaccines. Rather, it is an egregious example of journalistic malpractice insofar as the media decides the issue with which to identify Kennedy, and then proceeds to mischaracterize his view.


He’s not against vaccines; he simply doesn’t buy that they’re all completely safe.


The modern-day establishment media knows no bounds. We see how they attack conservatives on a daily basis, and Trump on an hourly basis. But now they’re going after the quintessential liberal Democrat, the champion of fighting large corporations in the name of clean air and clean water. But, wait, he disagrees with them about vaccines. It doesn’t matter that they agree the other 99 percent of the time.


Canceled. That’s wokeness for you.


The views expressed in this opinion article are those of their author and are not necessarily either shared or endorsed by the owners of this website. If you are interested in contributing an Op-Ed to The Western Journal, you can learn about our submission guidelines and process here.


Constantinos E. Scaros

Constantinos E. (“Dino”) Scaros, JD, Ph.D., is a presidential historian, educator, attorney, newspaper editor and columnist, and political analyst. He is also the author of several books covering many contemporary issues, most recently "How to Talk Politics Without Arguing," "Trumped-Up Charges!" and "Stop Calling Them 'Immigrants.'" Follow him at



Anonymous ID: e37e85 April 9, 2023, 2 p.m. No.18667697   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7705 >>7820 >>7911

''Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Makes a Run''

April 9, 2023


The enviro-mental lawyer and vaccine safety activist is skeptical of today’s Democraps and promises to focus on the

“values we have in common.”


By Debra Heine

April 8, 2023


Environmental lawyer and vaccine safety activist Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., filed paperwork with the Federal Election Commission on Wednesday to run for president in 2024 as a Democrat. RFK Jr. is the son of former U.S. attorney general and assassinated 1968 presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, and the nephew of the late President John F. Kennedy.


The 69-year-old reportedly plans to make a formal announcement of his candidacy on April 19 in Boston, with a campaign slogan of “freedom first.” He is the second candidate to declare a run for the Democratic nomination, joining the eclectic spiritualist Marianne Williamson, who announced her candidacy on March 4.


As a member of the Kennedy political dynasty, RFK Jr. was once highly revered in Democratic political circles. But now, as his Wikipedia page tells us, he is known primarily for “promoting anti-vaccine propaganda and conspiracy theories.”


CNN faker Jake Krapper dismissively refers to Kennedy as an “anti-vaccine quack.”


Kennedy, in turn, argues that his critics can’t point to a single erroneous statement he’s made.


“Everything we post is vetted, it is sourced and cited to government databases or peer-reviewed publications,” he said after he was suspended from Instagram.


“When they use the term ‘vaccine misinformation,’ they are using it as a euphemism for any statement that departs from official government policies and pharmaceutical industry profit-making,” RFK Jr. added. “It has nothing to do with whether it’s true or false, it only has to do with what the political implications are.”


It’s true that Kennedy has been vocal about the harms associated with vaccines, and most recently, the COVID-19 gene therapy “vaccines,” but what most people don’t realize is that he had to be dragged kicking and screaming into the anti-vax world.


As he explained in his speech last October at the first Children’s Health Defense conference in Knoxville, Tennessee, Kennedy had all of his kids duly vaccinated and always got the flu vaccine himself every year. The Kennedy family, he noted, had been “immersed in public health” for decades. His deceased uncle, Senator Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.), for example, sat on the Senate Health Committee for 50 years and wrote appropriations for NIAID Director Anthony Fauci and NIH Director Francis Collins.



Anonymous ID: e37e85 April 9, 2023, 2:02 p.m. No.18667705   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7709 >>7820 >>7911



His worldview changed about 20 years ago after he kept encountering the parents of severely vaccine-injured children, who at the time, were the only people standing up to Big Pharma and the regulatory agencies.


As the founder of Waterkeeper Alliance, the world’s largest clean water advocacy organization, Kennedy was traveling the country in 2004 giving lectures about the dangers of mercury emissions in the water, which, he noted, “had contaminated virtually every freshwater fish in America.”


Following many of these appearances, mothers would approach him, Kennedy said, and they would tell him in “a polite, respectful, scolding way” that if he was serious about eliminating the perils of mercury, he would need to look at the toxic mercury-based preservative thimerosal, which is used in vaccines.Thimerosal contains 49.6 percent mercury by weight.


“At every speech I gave, these women started showing up and occupying the front row,” Kennedy explained, noting that they tended to be “well-to-do” doctors, pharmacists, and scientists with enough time on their hands to attend his speeches.


He said they told him that the mercury in vaccines was more harmful than the mercury in fish, but as someone who had always trusted vaccines, he was skeptical.


“I didn’t know enough about it, and didn’t want to learn it,” he admitted.


It wasn’t until the summer of 2005, when psychologist Sarah Bridges, the mother of a severely vaccine injured little boy, paid him a visit at his house on Cape Cod, that the tide turned.


''After an eight-year legal battle, Bridges had received a $20 million judgment from the vaccine court, with an acknowledgment that her son Porter had gotten his autism, seizures, and brain damage from the thimerosal in the pertussis vaccines.''


“The vaccine court at that time was still admitting it,” Kennedy explained. “She brought me a big pile—about an 18-inch stack of scientific studies—and she said ‘I’m not leaving here until you read these.'”


Kennedy said that he sat down and started reading through the abstracts, and he was able to quickly determine that “we were being lied to.”


''At that point, he added, he realized that what the public health agencies and the pharmaceutical companies were telling people about vaccine safety contradicted what the actual science was saying. Kennedy said he started making phone calls to the regulators and found that they couldn’t answer his questions.''


In 2011, Kennedy founded the nonprofit Children’s Health Defense, which is dedicated to solving “chronic health conditions caused by environmental exposures.” Wikipedia, of course, describes CHD as “a group mainly known for anti-vaccine propaganda and has been identified as one of the main sources of misinformation on vaccines.”



Anonymous ID: e37e85 April 9, 2023, 2:02 p.m. No.18667709   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7820 >>7826 >>7911



RFK Jr. told the audience in Knoxville that the American people need to resist the fascist merger of state and corporate power, calling it “one of the great battles in American history.”


“What we have to understand as a people is that fascism is the domination of government by business. Communism is the domination of business by government, and it’s not on a linear surface,” he explained. “It’s on a circle. If you push either of those philosophies, by logical conclusion, you end up in the same place, and that’s exactly what’s happened in China today, where there is no distinction between a Chinese corporation and the Chinese government.”


Kennedy said that outcome “is the most scary thing of all” because the people become commoditized, the landscape becomes commoditized . . . and that’s what’s happening to us today.” He said the American people need to walk that narrow trail of free-market capitalism and democracy where “big business is kept at bay with our left hand, and government is kept at bay with our right hand.”


The only way to accomplish this, Kennedy argued, is “with an educated public that is capable of critical thinking,” but “equally important, we need an independent, fiercely skeptical, robust press that is always speaking truth to power!”


“We’ve lost that completely,” he lamented. “We have a press that has become vessels for corporate and government propaganda and that is crushing the powerless.”


Kennedy has fought against many of the Biden regime policies, especially those related to the COVID-19 shots, but has also been critical of former president Donald Trump for failing to drain the swamp, as promised. He recounted in an interview with podcast host Jimmy Dore how after the 2016 election, Trump had tapped him to be on a vaccine safety commission.


“When that news got out, Pfizer gave him $1 million for his Inaugural party, and then he appointed two of Pfizer’s lobbyists, Scott Gottlieb and Alex Azar to run HHS and they killed the vaccine safety commission, and then Gottlieb went on to serve on Pfizer’s board,” he told podcast host Jimmy Dore. “That is the swamp.”


Kennedy suffers from a condition called spasmodic dysphonia, which causes his voice to quaver and makes speech difficult.


In a recent interview with Epoch Times’ “American Thought Leaders,” Kennedy lamented America is no longer a democracy and that its elections are controlled by wealthy donors.


“It’s more of an oligarchy or a plutocracy that only is responding to the needs of the rich and to the needs of corporations, who are paying the lobbying election costs of the politicians, who then become their indentured servants on Capitol Hill,” Kennedy told host Jan Jekielek.


Perhaps more than any other 2024 hopeful, RFK Jr. has decried the corrupt “capture” of American regulatory agencies that become beholden to the industries they’re supposed to regulate, particularly the pharmaceutical industry.


“When I began litigating and advocating on the vaccine issue in 2005, I was immediately dumbstruck by not only the level of agency capture within the public health agencies, but the financial entanglements, which were unprecedented in other agencies that basically put agency capture on steroids,” he said in the EpochTV interview.


Kennedy noted that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration receives 75 percent of its drug approval budget and 45 percent of its total budget from the pharmaceutical industry.


“Not only NIH [National Institutes of Health] as an agency, but individual scientists within NIH are allowed to patent drugs that they work on and then turn over to the pharmaceutical industry and collect royalties on them. Those scientists over the past decade or so have collected some $300 million in royalties,” he said.


Kennedy also warned against the Fed’s “FedNow” Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) which is slated to launch in July.


“CBDCs grease the slippery slope to financial slavery and political tyranny,” RFK Jr. tweeted on Wednesday.


“America is enduring an apocalyptic tribal polarization more toxic and dangerous than any time since the Civil War, and while Democrats battle Republicans, elites are strip-mining our middle class, poisoning our children, and commoditizing our landscapes,” Kennedy told the Epoch Times after filing the election paperwork. “I will focus my campaign, not on the issues that divide us but on the values we have in common.”

