which is more evil?
HRC = hillary rodham clintion?
HRC = human rights campaign?
which is more evil?
HRC = hillary rodham clintion?
HRC = human rights campaign?
>Anon wonders what the rate [of autism] was in 1960?
IIRC, i was about 1 in 3000. go to mercola.com and check the documentary, "The Greater Good."
there's a GP in there who give the comparison you're looking for
you can put lipstick on a pigโฆ
but ultimately, it's still a pig.
one that wears lipstick.
>"their vote was racist,"
riddle me this, dinduโฆ did they vote to expel ALL black lawmakers? or just the ones that violated house rules and broke the law?
IMHO, you shoulda been beaten to a pulp, tarred and feathered, and run outta town on a rail (in minecraft).
>"esophageal cancer"
>anyone else seeing a lot of this? my county has just over 5000 people in it
>there have been 6 people with this in the last year or year and a half. 2 dead already
>i have known people before who had it, but never so many at one time
>unknown if any had the vax
>one probably from where they worked
that is a relatively uncommon cancer. so clusters need to be investigated for triggers.
there was a massive cluster of esophageal cancer in a northern chinese province (IIRC), and they discovered the trigger for that cluster.
a main staple of the diet was a fermented vegetable dish, and the fermentation produced a lot of primary amines in the finished food.
so far, no problem.
but unfortunately for the villiagers, their primary water supply were wells, and the groundwater in that region contained lots of nitrites.
this is a deadly combination, because primary amines react rapidly with nitrite anion to form compounds called nitrosamines, which are extremely carcinogenic.
i've often wondered if people taking Rx meds that happen to be amines, and who eat a lot of preserved meats that contain nitrites, would also be exposing themselves to nitrosamines.
by preserved meats, i mean things like deli lunchmeats, hot dogs, bacon, and the like.
you might want to look into possible sources of primary amines and nitrites in their diets, or from workplace exposures, etc.
tranime baker is being on it's best behavior. the "haters" are now being more disruptive to the bread than TB.
is this the newest tactic from the tranime team? 'cause if it's organic, then STFU. leave sleeping dogs lie.
Because they're not shills. They're regulars.
i doubt thatโฆ
they are most likely part of team tranime.
tranny stops posting anime, but they go on reeeeeee-ing.
end result, board drama continues, but no one can blame tranime.
connect the dots yet?
>(Cite your sources)
do whatever the fuck you want. i couldn't care less. get quadruple boosted for all i care. my warning was for OP, and they can take it or leave it.
>Fenbendazole is so non-toxic, to up it to 1,000, even 2,000 mgs per day.
The LD50 in laboratory animals exceeds 10 g/kg when administered orally
that means for a 60kg person, a dose of 600 GRAMS (600,000 milligrams) would have a 50/50 chance of being fatal.
20,000 mg/day should be perfectly safe (as long as you don't add the DMSO).